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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. I added 150 orange slices by taking a survey I found in my account. Look for Survey for Slices (or something like that). Only takes 5 minutes.
  2. bjornpdx


    Wookie, Jack, and Larry T Thanks. I appreciate the comments. -Bjorn
  3. bjornpdx

    Winter Mornings

    Very nice. Really like the bell tone of the lead instrument. -Bjorn
  4. Sounds like a Christmas song. I like it. -Bjorn
  5. Very mellow mood to this. Guitars sound really good. It would work well as a video soundtrack. IDK the tempo might be a tad slow? -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx


    Memorial This is one of the songs I wrote for my mother's memorial service 8 years ago. It accompanied a slide show that I'd put together which turned out very well. I can't watch it now without getting all blubbery. This is the original version except I ran it through Izotope Ozone and FabFilter Limiter. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  7. Steve, great job on bringing out the vocal track! I love this song! Instant mood enhancer that takes me to faraway places. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    Celtic Way

    Tim, you've caught the Celtic mood for sure. I like the instruments which work well together. I think it meanders too much, like it needs a theme to latch on to now and then. Well, just one man's opinion. -Bjorn
  9. I can hear this used in a documentary about ancient Greece, kind of time travel music accompanied by traditional Greek instruments. Very nice composition. -Bjorn
  10. Paul, I like the lyrics (and singing and playing) a bunch. This is a unique take on a lonely aging woman looking for friendship and maybe more. (And suggests to me how the nutty elements of humankind band together to do their thing - not talking about Susan here). I checked out some of your other songs while on SC. Wonderful music! I really liked Moonlight Flint. -Bjorn
  11. Very nice blend of synths. The bell tone of the lead has a spacy signature to it. I noticed the low end synth (MemoryMood?) at the beginning is starting over every 5 sec or so. Not sure if that was your intention? -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx


    Steve, this sounds really good and I think you have a winner here, but I can't get past the vocal track being so low. Can't make out the lyrics much. -Bjorn
  13. I posted this song about 5 years ago, maybe more. Always wanted to make a video from it and here it is. Images are from pixabay, iStock and from my photos and also from a clip art library I've had forever. The clip art images aren't all that great. Thanks for watching/commenting. -Bjorn My ancestors did it all themselves They wandered where impulse led They’d navigate by the sun and stars The cold hard ground their bed They didn’t mind the weather too much They all were a hardy bunch Whenever they got hungry They’d have a mammoth for lunch I've got digital and I go online They had their spears and arrows Feeling pretty smug about my high tech world But I've no idea how any of it works I don’t know where North is Don’t know how to start a fire I take to my bed if the power goes out ‘Cause the situation’s too dire I hunt and gather at the Safeway store My shelter is air conditioned My clothes are more for looks than warmth I love my television Bug spray, sun screen, Eddie Bauer boots, I can now venture out of my car But only if it’s sunny out there And the scenery isn’t too far. My ancestors didn’t live too long, Maybe thirty years tops At least they had their health you know ‘Til squashed by a mastodon stomp Sure I’ll live to be ninety five I’ll have fragile bones and I’ll walk real slow Moving pretty fast is my savings account It’s all going to the nursing home. Fight or flight never happens to me Except with that big dog down the street Survival instincts only come out Fighting all the traffic during rush hour If I get stranded on a desert isle And my cell phone, tablet and laptop die Then it would likely occur to me So how do you make electricity? Everything I have, everything I need Was made by someone smarter than me My ancestors did it all themselves I guess they too were smarter than me My ancestors they had it pretty rough But they made a new generation Life gets better moving up the family tree It's been a long road to you and me
  14. Any way to get around the Spotify paywall? I use Studio One and Cakewalk. Cakewalk for all the old projects I've never finished over the years (and there are lots of them) and S1 for new stuff. -Bjorn
  15. Noynekker - I'm in complete awe of astronomers who come up with theories about black holes and such from observation and high level math which I can't even begin to grasp. Tom - I thought about doing a narration but decided it would interfere with the music. Also my voice would suck. Larry T - Thanks Larry! Wookie - TD came up with highly inventive patterns and sounds using the tech of their time. Wonder if they would even try to do the same today since there are so many presets available all ready for tweaking. Steve - Thanks Steve! Antler - I made the video first. The 1st part mostly needed sound effects so had to find the right sound and sync it. The 2nd part I edited to make it fit a score I had already written. Doug - yeah, you try to be logical to how things came about but then you get into the mind blowing stuff and shrug. This is where religion comes in I guess. tom - Thanks. Appreciate it!
  16. bjornpdx

    Europa - video

    Hidden Sym, Bapu, Kevin Thanks for the comments. Appreciate them. Wookie: I've always liked that line: "..it's full of stars." Michael F Thanks. Actually I did use Omnisphere but also NI Reaktor (weird stuff with that VSt), Diva, Arturia Jupiter 8 and Pigments.
  17. bjornpdx

    November Jam

    Melodic with great tone. I like it! -Bjorn
  18. Conjures up cosmic images late at night. The strat is a bit aggressive when it 1st comes in but after that it sits very nicely. Really like the sound of it. Surprises me how well electric guitar fits in with space music. -Bjorn
  19. Tim, I have the Mimi Page Vst too and used it in a couple of projects. I'm a sucker for female voices and always looking for more. I've looked at Shevannai but undecided. Would you recommend it? Sounds good how you've used them in this project. Enjoyed it! -Bjorn
  20. Very nice Anders. You have a very engaging musical style and voice. I always like your music. -Bjorn
  21. What can I say? Another well produced and performed song by Doug. Have you ever done a cover? Would be interesting to hear you do a classic 60s or 70s song, -Bjorn
  22. Really like that delta blues harmonica sound (at least that's what it sounds like to me). It really fits in with the nostalgic homesick feeling of the lyrics. -Bjorn
  23. Love it! Made my toes start tapping and put a smile on my face. -Bjorn
  24. Thanks Jack. Appreciate the listen and comment. Thanks David. Gonna have to come down to earth more often. I've been out in space too long. ?
  25. A fun song about...hurricanes. I really like how you did this one Treesha. All the little details delivered in short phrases works very well. I guess I would have put in a chorus but that's just me. Enjoyed this one a lot. -Bjorn
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