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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Accordion to a recent survey, inserting musical instruments into sentences largely goes unnoticed.
  2. bjornpdx

    The Pleiades

    Kevin, I used my favorite synth Arturia CS-80V and my favorite patch HVFemale (edited). -Bjorn
  3. Yeah, I remember the 60s and songs like this one was a huge part of it. Great job on the cover! -Bjorn
  4. bjornpdx

    The Pleiades

    hockyjx and jack - Thanks for taking the time to comment
  5. Love the cascading chords. There's just something heartening about the sound of kids playing, the innocence and joy of that. -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx

    Dream Layers

    Wow I do like that digiridoo sound! Nicely done transitions from one theme to another too. Really enjoyed this one Wookie. Sorry to hear of your health issues. My wife has some misalignment of vertebra which causes her a lot of pain. And speaking of sleep, I have severe Restless Leg Syndrome (which doesn't sound like a serious disease but it definitely is). I'm totally dependent on medication for sleep. -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx


    Never know what to expect from you Jack. The voc track stands out here IMO. Whatever voc treatment you're using works really well. -Bjorn
  8. I agree with tom above. The song does have a hint of reggae, and maybe that's all you need if it's ambient reggae, but it could do with more attention to the rhythm as you stated. It does sound very good though it might be a bit repetitive. -Bjorn
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  10. bjornpdx

    The Pleiades

    The Pleiades Space music. I've worked on this project, gave up and came back to it over and over again. I declare it finished. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  11. Lee, it's interesting to hear people's takes on getting older. You have to have a good sense of humor to deal with it and you have that going for sure. Love the song. -Bjorn
  12. Jesse, I listened to this one and the following four songs, each of them a minute and a half long. I like how you express what you're feeling in the moment and don't dwell on it when it passes. Or something like that. -Bjorn
  13. I skipped ahead to the video segments and was impressed with how well done that was. Music seems kind of tricky to orchestrate not to mention syncing to the video. Very enjoyable! -Bjorn
  14. Paul, that strumming chord progression at the beginning sounds like something from America (the band) I like your pop styling and story telling lyrics. Nice job. -Bjorn
  15. Great cover! I have the 70s music channel on my Sirius radio and they seem to play this one pretty often. If I heard your version I would have guessed this was a live version from the original SD. -Bjorn
  16. Wonderful song, love it. I hope popular music returns to how it was done back in the 60s to 80s, you know, when music was good. This one would be in the top ten for sure. -Bjorn
  17. Love that Indian sound! Very well done! -Bjorn
  18. I like the theme - the unforgiven minute that we can never do over. I think we all have one or two of those. Well done arrangement. -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx

    My Ghost

    Love the sound of that guitar solo. The singing/talking voc track is well done. Very nice overall. -Bjorn
  20. bjornpdx

    Inside Outside

    Wookie - you're right, it's more disturbing (maybe?) than relaxing. This is a work in progress. Gonna make a video from it. jack c - thanks! appreciate it. Nigel - I love Erik Satie too. Might be an influence. Tom - I wasn't sure if the reverb was maybe a bit excessive? Sounds like it met your approval! Thanks steve - thanks! appreciate it
  21. bjornpdx

    Inside Outside

    Inside Outside AKA Sominex Laid back music for relaxation. So don't listen while driving or operating heavy machinery. Thank you. -Bjorn
  22. Yeah, I guess that was OK - kidding! Excellent as always Nigel. Your productions are top notch and I enjoy watching/listening every one you post. -Bjorn
  23. Very very nice Jane. Love the sound of your voice and your guitar playing. I've always wanted to visit Australia and finally (with luck) I'll be there on a nature photo tour in Sept. -Bjorn
  24. Jack, I was wondering where the "Mr Wavesample" came from. The samples were good but the Mirage didn't play them back very well IMO.
  25. Sounds good, Tom. Should make for a great video. Do the lyrics refer to an Ensoniq Mirage keyboard? 'Cause I had one back in the late 80's and even then I thought it sounded kinda bad. -Bjorn
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