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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. I do not need this I do not need this I do not need this I do . need this Every time!
  2. Does UVI Falcon ever go on sale? I searched the forum and found some libraries on sale but not for Falcon itself.
  3. Freddy, Love the wup wup BG vocals and the story behind the lyrics. The voc seemed a little out of sync at the beginning but was adequate (ha ha) after that. I used to answer with "Mediocre" but then I had to explain myself all the time so I stopped. I always enjoy listening to your music. -Bjorn
  4. David, I really like the big band sound of this. Nicely orchestrated too. -Bjorn
  5. Hey Jack you have a really nice melody going on in there so I don't think you need the beeps and boops. There were a couple of spots where a big delay on the voc would be cool, for example around 1:50. -Bjorn
  6. Oooo I really like this one Wookie. That bit around 1:40 kinda gave me the shivers. The unexpected chord changes work very well too. Beautiful. -Bjorn
  7. So a cue or bumper is like an intro? Sounds really good Tom and seems to me it could inspire you to come up with the rest of the song and get yourself out of that creative funk. I should make a list of stuff I've bought on the Deals forum and NOT used. Like EZBass which you used here and sounds great and perhaps I'll now learn how to use it. -Bjorn
  8. Mmmm lovely sounds that takes you away from the madness. I still have a collection of meditative music I listen to now and then, artists like Eno and Budd, Constance Demby, Jonn Serrie, Keven Braheny. I think your music is on a par with them if not better. -Bjorn
  9. bjornpdx


    Nice and bluesy, especially that guitar! Great job Makke. -Bjorn
  10. Love your stuff Doug. You know how to fit all the accompanying bits together to make one great sound. -Bjorn
  11. Very nice Larry. I think the guitar could benefit with (more?) reverb and maybe a touch of delay. -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx

    Major Z

    Mark, I always think I'm listening to something on the radio when I hear your music. It's all so well performed and produced, just professional level. -Bjorn
  13. Very good song. I especially appreciate the lyrics that come thru clear and understandable. -Bjorn
  14. Dreamy. I like the combination of traditional instruments and synth sounds. I think you said once you do everything in the piano roll view? Which is amazing to me. -Bjorn
  15. Well I'd have to pass my floor a couple of times so I could hear the whole thing while on the elevator. Synths sound really good and I like the chord changes especially. Sorry to hear about the tremors. I can only imagine how difficult that can be. -Bjorn
  16. The melodic accompaniment really makes the song. Nice chord changes You had another song couple of weeks ago where the Voc level was too low. This one blends in well with the instruments and seems just right to me. -Bjorn
  17. bjornpdx

    Half moon

    This is one of those songs that stick with you for a while, mainly because of the catchy melodic bits. Really liking the phrase around 1:35 - in fact I can't get it out of my head. Probably gonna have to steal it from you Makke. ? -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx

    Sandra Nye

    Sounds good to me. I have some old songs that I've redone, but since I wasn't very diligent about saving the tracks or noting which vst/fx settings were used, the songs came out very different from the original. Which is okay but you always think it's supposed to sound like the original. -Bjorn
  19. Paul, I never heard the expression "factory fodder schooling" before, but that's a great way to describe it. I like the song (great voice!) but I kept waiting for a definite chorus to break out. Just a personal expectation maybe, but there it is. -Bjorn
  20. bjornpdx

    Sunny Sky

    Doug, this one's my new favorite of yours. The kinda Kinks baseline really makes this work and the chord changes are right on perfect. The lyrics are a bit generic maybe but doesn't take anything away. -Bjorn
  21. bjornpdx

    Flute and Harp

    Doug, steve@baselines and antler - thanks for the listen and commenting. Philip - I used to do field recordings - water, rain, birds, things like that. Don't remember if I used my own recording on this one. Thanks for the offer. Might take you up on it some time. Steve P - always surprises me when I realize I've been listening to and commenting on people's songs here for YEARS. And believe me - an encouraging comment goes a long way to help someone keep on keeping on, be it music or just enduring a bad day/week/month.
  22. bjornpdx


    Freddy this is the best song I've heard from you. Great lyrics, music and playing. How did you do the vocal treatment? Sounds like a second track was transposed a little bit? -Bjorn
  23. bjornpdx

    Flute and Harp

    Gary I actually laughed out loud when I read your comment. Yep, babbling brooks can do that to you. Jack, Hidden, Wookster Thanks for the comments. Appreciate it. David Nope I don't play the harp. There is something magical about its sound, can't explain it but there it is. Kurt My doctor's office has a continuous video of tropical fish in the waiting room. Kinda nice actually. Lowers the stress. Larry T Thanks! I do appreciate the comment. freddy Thank you. I have a bit of a writer's block right now so I posted one of my older songs. -Bjorn
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