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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Matthew Sorrels we were able to repro it when you create a region effect from the menu. The shortcut CTRL-M still apparently worked ok. We think we have identified the cause and fixed it. It will be in the hotfix that we release soon.
  2. @Matthew Sorrels are you sure that this is new to the .11 release? No changes in that area that I know of that could have impacted that.
  3. Definitely not for wasapi shared. It's capped at 10 msec always. Wasapi exclusive can both go higher than 10 and lower. Maybe you were using that?
  4. Hi @Krecikdwamiljony thanks for the report. in wasapi shared mode unless you have a win10 driver that supports lower latency the latency is fixed at 10 msec. Since you are running win 7 that would be the expected result here. I think there is a ui issue with the slider being grayed out which we'll look at. Thanks!
  5. @gmp none of this would be specific to 2019.11. No changes in that area. How did you switch between 2019.09 and 2019.11 - did you uninstall and reinstall?
  6. @Jetrel thanks, are you running the newest Focusrite driver? They fixed bluescreen issues in that update. There is still one bluescreen that happens if you turn off or unplug the device while in use. I have reported that to them. Just to clarify bluescreens in drivers are always the responsibility of the vendor to fix. Just like an application can crash, a bluescreen is caused by a crash in the driver code. Regarding the driver switching, Cakewalk does not change the driver unless you ran the onboarding process on start. Did you get prompted to pick a driver on startup? If you had an existing CbB installation that shouldn't have happened by default. My guess is that the FL driver somehow messed up the focusrite settings because Cakewalk doesn't change the ASIO driver latency unless you go through the panel or the new latency slider is changed.
  7. The slider will be grayed out if the driver doesn't provide a range. 32 GB is plenty. I doubt you will have any issues. As far as clicks go there shouldn't be any worse performance in .11. If anything a few people reported improved low latency performance. The code also now handles buffer sizes as low as 16 samples properly. I can play with the focusrite 6i6 even at 16 samples without any clicks in a moderate project.
  8. Hi @Jean I understand that any change takes time getting used to. The problem is that RTZ in any other application means what it says Return To ZERO. The behavior of jumping to a loop start is very unexpected for most new users to the program. We plan to have a new control bar module with better jump points in the future which should allow for easily navigating around various hotspots in the project. In the interim if you prefer using the mouse you can create a new button in the control bar and assign it to the "Rewind to Landmarks" which is equivalent to the W key.
  9. Shouldn't be related to this version. However can you send us the minidump file for the crash please? See this article for more details.
  10. @Skyline_UK There should be no decrease in performance at a lower buffer size. If you change back to 128 do you still get clicking? If this worked in the 09 release I'm interested in troubleshooting this further with you. Also please indicate whether you changed the latency from the ASIO panel or from the latency slider in preferences. The RME devices do not handle the new dynamic ASIO changes. I assume that the latency slider is grayed out for you? Also please enable StopEngineOnASIOPanelOpen for RME devices. I have an RME UFX and changing device settings from the ASIO panel doesn't apply changes properly unless this option is enabled. The driver requires ASIO to be completely stopped before a change is made from the panel. See below from the feature notes. New ini setting StopEngineOnASIOPanelOpen A few ASIO devices require that the host should not use the device while making changes to device settings. Some devices may display an error or gray out the controls in the ASIO panel while others may silently ignore changes. In prior versions of Cakewalk the only solution was to exit the app for such devices. In 2019.11 you can set the variable StopEngineOnPanelOpen in Preferences > Audio - Configuration File (second property in the list). Setting it to True will automatically stop and release the ASIO interface allowing you to change settings in Cakewalk. After making this change please try changing the ASIO latency from the panel back to 128 and see if it works well now. @Jetrel can you let me know whether you had changed the ASIO latency via the new latency slider in preferences or whether the buffer size was changed to 248 without you changing anything on first run? Why did you change to the FL Studio ASIO driver / WASAPI?
  11. Did you explicitly run the getting started option or was this the first time you installed cakewalk? Getting started runs for first time installs.
  12. Which version of Cakewalk are you running? Is it this month's release or earlier. Have you tried raising your audio latency?
  13. Hi is this a MIDI project or are you seeing this on audio tracks as well? Are you running the latest release from this month? Im not sure what you mean by fading out. Are you getting dropouts, missed notes or is it that you hear a gradual fade.
  14. Activation and updates have always been a requirement. Its also mentioned again in this months release notes. If you had been regularly updating you would have got an update that changed the application to warn you well before it required re-activation.The software doesn't "lock up". It will give advance notice when reactivation is required. It can be activated without updating the Cakewalk application itself, by using BandLab assistant's reactivate feature. It's recommended to update as well since there are often important changes and bug fixes. The process is even more streamlined as of this version. The only requirement for this free software is that it is updated periodically. Its a small price to pay for a completely free professional DAW. One of the reasons why we require periodic updates is that we continue to improve the application and cannot support multiple versions of the application in the field. Only the most current version is supported. Independent of Cakewalk itself, the BandLab assistant app also needs to be periodically updated. Its a web based application and its normal for those to require updates whenever the web back end is changed otherwise it would stop working. We live in a connected world today and completely offline use is less prevalent with most modern applications. Despite some of the pessimistic views on this, there are many ways in which this benefits customers. Users get responsive updates and we as a company get important feedback about how the application is being used, allowing us to improve the application for all.
  15. @Carlos Gonzalez thats good. Is ASIO mode also working for you? Which audio device are you using.
  16. There is a hotfix that was posted yesterday for an issue with WASAPI. Please keep comments about the 2019.11 release in the main feedback thread here.
  17. @Carlos Gonzalez can you be more specific? What doesnt work with the asio driver? Without knowing more about what driver you have etc we have no way to assist you. Are you getting an error message? Post some screenshots of your ASIO setup.
  18. @Ondrej HurbanicIt could potentially be Windows 7 specific. Can you check what the MIDI playback buffer size is set to in "preferences | MIDI | Playback and recording | Prepare using ..." Try raising that to 50 or 100 and see if it helps. Is it just the time display that is unsteady or is playback also affected?
  19. @Tim White I don't think your problem had anything to do with the update. The fact that increasing your latency fixed it means that you had set the latency too low at some point or some other app changed the driver latency. When you opened Cakewalk it picked up the change since ASIO latency settings are global. The distortion is because buffers are being skipped. There is a DropoutMsec value in settings that controls this. It's quite high by default so the app doesn't drop it but you can hear noise. If the latency is too low. I plan to add a notification when this happens for better troubleshooting.
  20. @Matt Dunn sent you a PM for some troubleshooting.
  21. @HIBI I'm sorry I quoted the wrong post. I meant this report of yours. The other issue is related to BandLab assistant and it has been reported to the team that manages that product.
  22. You can't select two inputs or outputs from DIFFERENT devices in WASAPI shared mode. Its a limitation of how shared mode works. If you want to use different devices simultaneously use WASAPI exclusive mode which has the ability to pick independent devices simultaneously. Of course this will only work if the two different devices support the common sample rate.
  23. Yes this is expected because the factory supplied workspaces (including Basic) all have the control bar configured a specific way. Please read up on Workspaces to learn what settings are stored in a workspace preset. When you select a workspace it applies the settings stored with that particular workspace preset to the application. The control bar settings are global application settings and are NOT stored as part of the project. If you wish to customize the control bar and retain your settings there are a few things you can do: Do not use a workspace (to do this set the workspace picker on the top right of the screen to "none"). When no workspace is used the app will have only one look as defined by your control bar. Create your own customized workspace (best option). To do this: pick one of the factory workspaces that best suit you Adjust the control bar to your liking open the Manage Workspaces dialog from the workspaces menu. Make sure that "control bar layout" is checked in the Load from workspace box. Click the + button in the dialog next to the workspace name to create a new workspace Name the workspace (eg. "Matt's Workspace") Click the save button next to the workspace name and then click OK This will create and assign a new workspace with the customized control bar settings for future use Now the next time you open or use the app it will always retain your preferred control bar settings.
  24. @Matt Dunn what control bar bug? I don't see any post from you describing this.
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