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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. STEAMPUNK Slate. Bronze. Oiled Leather, amber, and hints of turquoise.... Clarity, consistency, medium-brightness. A smooth mouth-feel. You don't have to be a Victorian Gentleman of Learning to appreciate... SteamPunk. Update April 2020: I've validated that this theme works fine in the new 2020.04 EA release. Feel free to use. Update September 2020: Includes Markers view Lock indicator icon. Update January 2021: Control Bar Select Module Update April 2021: No actual image changes but theme was re-saved to eliminate the erroneous "theme compatibility warning" in release 2021.04. Update July 2021: Very minor change, Browser Media Tab and Track View Menu Bar Background. Hardly worth updating Update December 2021: No actual image changes but theme was re-saved to eliminate the erroneous "theme compatibility warning" in release 2021.12. GET IT HERE: SteamPunk.zip
  2. Scroll down to "The editions compared", review the chart, and decide for yourself. https://www.celemony.com/en/melodyne/editions-and-technical-matters
  3. I'm working on a comprehensive visual reference for color items in the Theme Editor. Would some kind Theme Author like to review it? It's not complete (yet) and I'm not looking for comments on style or content at this stage. - I have a number of entries for which I can only put "Not yet identified in UI" and although I suspect they are obsolete or unused, I would like to make sure I haven't missed anything obvious. Let me know and I'll PM you a work-in-progress copy.
  4. Christian, you can swipe to select them just like any other CC value - then use Shift- to lock the mouse drag the selected values into a horizontal or vertical movement. It takes some practice. Zooming in horizontally may help with this process. Also, for simple On-Off, note that you can get the value anywhere above or below the center line to act as an on or off. < 64 is UP/SUSTAIN OFF, >64 is DOWN/SUSTAIN ON.
  5. Totally can do this. Go into the PRV and add a controller lane for Control: 64-Pedal (sustain). Then you can edit them like any other CC value.
  6. Both. Audio and VSTi's. Fairly big project. Despite my best efforts, I could not reproduce it, today. I'll post back with more info if it happens.
  7. I'm experiencing a problem with playback (and recording). When I start the transport (either playback or record) I hear a sharp transient and then nothing. Stopping and restarting just produces the same transient, followed by no sound. The current song position increments steadily as though it were playing back, but no sound is heard. The only way to recover from this is to go into the ASIO panel and change the buffer size, either up or down. Then it works as expected for a few minutes more. Note that "recycling the audio engine" by clicking on the icons in the transport module in Cakewalk is not sufficient. I need to change buffer size in the ASIO panel. Here's the kicker: This has happened with both my ECHO Layla 3G PCI and also my Focusrite 6i6 (2nd Gen) USB. I realize that I need to repro this behavior with the Focusrite exclusively, and demonstrate that it worked better in 2019.09 than in 2019.11, before I have a legit claim that some change in .11 has been detrimental, but I thought I'd post here. I'll be running more tests today.
  8. I'm an ardent user of V-Vocal, going the extra mile to ensure it is installed in my DAW environments. The version of Melodyne Essential included with SONAR Platinum and CWBB was not usable, in my view. (The opposite of "essential"). However, I took advantage of the recent Black Friday deal to upgrade to Melodyne Assistant (MA), which according to the feature comparison, seems to be a more 1:1 match with V-Vocal. My first impression is that MA is much, much slower that V-Vocal to bring up the editor. I think there may be a bug in that the editor comes up with no content (no "blobs" visible) and I had to exit and re-open the editor to see the clip contents. So I thought I'd start this thread as a place for us V-Vocal fans to share our experiences evaluating Melodyne Assistant. Any tips or tricks that will help us V-Vocal die-hards to enjoy and leverage MA ?
  9. I've been running the hotfix since Friday and haven't noticed any problems. That said, my audio interface runs great until it doesn't, so perhaps this is premature, but add the data point anyway.
  10. In Track View, Shift+LeftArrow or Shift+RightArrow will cycle through the Track Control Visibility presets. I had no idea about this. Cool. I can definitely see setting up some optimized views and switching between them.
  11. Thank you for tracking this one down. I am loving this release so far... Thumbs up on the Workspaces. I don't know why but now it just works for me, unlike Lenses for which there must have been just enough "friction" to make them something I avoided. Now... it's like, this is how it is supposed to work. I've defined my own Workspace and it feels great. I'm definitely noticing ASIO changes. There's been a couple of times today when I experienced a stuttering in mid playback but I'm convinced this would normally have been an Audio Dropout Toast situation. I suspect this is the auto-audio-engine-restart because it has never happened before this EA release. (Yes, it's the Layla, Noel, so I don't count this as something to investigate :-)) Otherwise, smooth as silk. Nice. On the downside, one thing I have noticed is that the Start Screen seems to take much longer to populate with recent projects. Any reason why this might be so?
  12. Sure thing. I've been experimenting with more cases, including my "complex project", and I've come to the conclusion that a) inserting and deleting measures is definitely better. So, that's great! With the EA build, the problem reduces to something that might or might not, be a bug. It could be that my assumptions of how this "should work" are wrong. User education might be the solution, or perhaps a change in functionality to align with expectations. Issue: Deleting bars from beginning of project leaves first bar at time signature of original first measure, and does not retain the time signature of the first un-deleted measure. Consider a project with the following Time Signature changes at bars in the timeline: 1 [7/8] 3 [4/4] 6 [2/4] 16 [5/4] I also created a marker at bar 12 and recorded some MIDI notes just for fun: Note that the time signature at Bar 11 is currently [2/4]. Now, I'd like to delete the first 10 measures: select thru Bar 1 - 10 enable Ripple Edit ALL Delete The new Measure 1 (previously Measure 11) has no explicit time-sig setting of its own, and so depending on user expectations, could have the following possible expected outcomes: (1) [4/4], the default starting time signature of an empty project [4/4], because all prior explicit changes (bar 1 - 6) have been deleted. (2) [2/4], the time signature of the "left-most" or most-recent previous explicit time signature change in the deleted measures (3) [7/8], the time signature of original Bar 1 Now, to perform the deletion: select thru Bar 1 - 10 enable Ripple Edit ALL Delete What actually happens? Outcome (3): Bar 1 is [7/8], the time signature of original Bar 1. I guess this is because that is a special case, or actually lies outside the deletion selection zone, or something? As a "dumb user" I think Outcome (2) is more desirable because that would have put things the way I expected. My clips and markers wouldn't be offset from measure boundaries, as you can see: If I now go in and manually set bar 1 from [7/8] to [2/4], it's still a bit of a mess: My items in the timeline now start halfway through Bar 3 (which is where remaining [5/4] time signature change is now located). I get that I have to clean this up by inserting and adjusting measures until things are back to where I want them... but I feel as though I shouldn't have to. Follow Up: Even if I assign an explicit [2/4] time signature change to Bar 11 prior to the deletion, it is ignored. I still get Bar 1 with a [7/8] time signature.
  13. I have submitted a bug report as announced. After documenting the process I realized that the root cause might be this simple: Deleting bars from beginning of project leaves first bar at time signature of original first measure, and does not retain the time sig of the first undeleted measure.
  14. Excited to see this. I downloaded and installed the EA build. I tested this with my simple-to-reproduce test project, and it now works as expected. This is good! However, my more complicated project still shows problems, specifically with deleting measures. Rather than provide lengthy details here, I will write this up as an official bug report with attached project and documentation of expectations, actions, and observed results. Hopefully the official bug report channel can handle a report from an EA release build.
  15. I back up and swap the contents of C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core to flip between versions. Not ideal but it works
  16. It's not a bug so much as it is the Sonitus Suite not keeping up with "improved" security constraints in later versions of Windows.
  17. I bet if you run Cakewalk as Administrator, you can save the presets you want. Then they are available in later sessions without Admin privileges. There's a hack you can do to lower the privilege level required to write to the specific ini file used by Sonitus, if this is a convenience you want. See scook's post below.
  18. >> Any chance they're being overidden at the Colors level? Hi @malborinatiro, welcome to the forum. If you read your quoted text carefully, you'll see that this, indeed, was the case!
  19. Does Addictive Keys respond to CC:7:-Volume ? I checked the manual and it indicates that : AUTOMATION: The following parameters can be automated in Addicitve Keys: Channel Volume (Instrument Ch 1, 2 and 3, FX1, FX2, Master) FX Sends 1 and 2 for each Instrument Channel Master Channel Filter (Hi/Lo) ... So it might be that it expects you to explicitly assign a CC to a specific instrument channel to automate volume. I'm not a AK user, so I could be off-base.
  20. Choose "custom installation" and de-select the bits you don't want. But to be safe, I recommend installing the whole thing. Then re-install Cakewalk By Bandlab.
  21. I've never ever used controller 7 (MIDI volume) in my projects, so just for kicks I created a new project and dropped in an instance of Pianoteq. I then recorded some notes and opened the PRV, and added the CC : 7-Volume controller and drew some values. What I see is shown here: (animated gif removed to free up space and because it was no longer useful. Sorry!) You can see the notes I've created, and the CC:7 values I added, first with Snap quantizing and then with Snap disabled (smooth curve). Then I scroll to the left outside the borders of the current clip, and add some addditional controller events. Then I use Right-Click-Drag to select the events. Does this help? >> I'm trying to "paint" a line and it won't paint it, the way I'm used to seeing it do this. Instead as I drag my mouse, it generates a green rectangle, which does nothing --- or at least nothing I care about. Check Snap settings, just in case >> Near as I can figure, Velocity controls the volume at the mixing console whereas Volume controls the volume of the instrument itself. That's not how I would describe it. Velocity has nothing to do with Mixing Consoles, and everything to do with a binary value describing the attribute of an individual note - and how it is respected (or interpreted) is up to the module responding to the information stream. (MIDI controlled lights, anyone?)
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