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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. Interesting. Doesn't work in the PRV; or in "blank/unused space" in the track view, but does indeed work on existing tracks/lanes. Good to know. I don't feel that it resolves my irritation at the behavior, though. Thanks.
  2. 8.6 here, solid as a rock up to Windows 10 v.1809. Caveat: The 1903 update caused me some issues with audio recording that eventually led to my reverting to Factory-delivered Windows version on my DAW. It does not necessarily mean that there is an incompatibility with ECHO Layla 3G drivers and Windows 1903 and later, just that I cannot vouch for those configs.
  3. I really REALLY wish the only way to select anything by clicking in the time line ruler is by click+drag. I seem to be forever accidently clicking and selecting a vast chunk of project. Once it is selected, you can't unselect it with a mouse action without moving the Now time. I'm forever searching for Ctrl-Shift-A on the keyboard to un-select.
  4. Updates for subsequent versions are typically 20 MB in size. For new installs or skipped version updates, the installer is about 500 MB. Are you updating from the 2020.02 to 2020.05? That will most likely download the full installer. Download speeds will depend on your environment, but once downloaded the install is usually very fast, less than a minute easily.
  5. Somewhat tangential, but I think relevant: From the documentation of my ECHO Layla 3G PCI Audio Interface, driver version 8.6, from 2011:
  6. Yeah, I think they are experiencing a minor DDOS event right now . Focusrite aren't the only company with a special relationship with Frozenplain today.
  7. What bugs did you encounter? Who recommended a reinstall? If you're thinking about Command Center, you're probably using some version of SONAR. Which version? You've come to this forum so inevitably we'll suggest that you give Cakewalk By Bandlab a try, because in everything but name and bundled plugins it is SONAR 2020.
  8. I think Cakewalk "washes out" the FX bin with a transparent grey overlay when disabling the entire bin: So it is basically a case of choosing colors that are clearest when affected by that transformation. Personally I rarely disable the FX bin individually per track (global FX bypass, on the other hand, is more useful for me) but when developing a theme it is worth checking out the effect of the chosen colors. This could be worth a "case study" in the YLG. I'm interested to see how this discussion goes.
  9. Huh. You are correct, @Starship Krupa. I checked the .PDF on my local drive and it shows the image fine, it is also v.0.9.6. So that is strange. Rather than replace it with the same version number, given that the contents would have changed, I've just regenerated the PDF from my current 0.9.7 source document and re-uploaded it. The link on the first post should reflect the new version. I double-checked that the missing image is now visible. Any other changes I made since 0.9.6 are minor (but include an updated image for PRV "Grid Label Background", I know that!). I'll update my source document to 0.9.8 for future revisions. Thanks, and regards to you and Sister Gluebird.
  10. Let's take it one step at a time: What is your sample rate and bit depth in the Cakewalk Project? Does the exported audio sound as expected, or is it raised or lowered in pitch (sample rate conversion issue?) Are you recording MIDI data into a Cakwalk MIDI track, and driving an instance of MT Power Drum Kit VST as a separate Audio Track? Or did you create an "Instrument" track which is combined VST + MIDI data in one track? It should matter either way but sometimes it is easier to debug if the MIDI and AUDIO are separate tracks. No matter. Can you bounce the MIDI/Instrument to a new audio track, and verify that the audio, when SOLO'd, sounds as you'd expect? (Select the two tracks MIDI+VST or just the instrument track, and chose "Bounce To Track(s)" from the "Tracks" dropdown menu in the Track Pane Having reviewed the audio, you can then chose File->Export -> Audio and select the new audio track as the source. It would help to know what settings you used to perform the Export. The length of the exported WAV could be different depending on what you have selected in the Track view, but that wouldn't explain the sync'ing problem.
  11. Grid lines are non-theme.... check the color options under preferences and tweak to suit.
  12. Hi @Chappel, I realized from your comment that the screen shot of the theme in my post above doesn't actually show a selected track. I've updated the preview image. You might need to refresh your browser (Ctrl-F5) to see the new image. Yeah... a selected track is a lighter shade of grey background in both Console and Track view, and the track name is given an Amber background (whereas un-selected tracks are pale yellow text on black). Originally I thought this was pretty clear, but I see on reflection that after I changed the plugin colors to also be the amber/gold highlight, it is perhaps less obvious than it used to be, because the selected track visually doesn't jump out as obviously if you have many many plugins (or the FX rack visible). One possible solution is to revert either the "selected track background" or the "active FX plugin background" to the blue highlight. Probably the selected track name needs to revert (I really like the way the FX Rack looks.). Thanks for your comment - I'll think about making this change. No guarantees, and as ever you're welcome to customize it for your own use.
  13. I would recommend trying the following: 1. Save a copy of your project without any events (ctrl-A; delete). This is for debugging purposes. 2. Arm for recording the track that has exhibited problems, and record a stretch of audio (I don't even think you need to supply input; dead air or room noise would be fine). 3. If you don't get any audio glitches recorded (and they should stand out given the severity of the ones in your sample) then repeat (2) for a few more times. 4. If you don't get audio glitches, then this may be related to the size of your project and pulling data off the hard drive to play back as you're recording. That's a data point. 5. if you DO experience glitches, then repeat (2) again as well, this time to verify that it occurs in a consistent location, or is random 6. Now try (5) again, this time with the Global ByPass FX button engaged in the control bar.
  14. That sounds unusual. Can you duplicate this in a simplified project (remove things until the problem stops happening)? Sometimes in the process of identifying how to reproduce the problem, you'll discover the root cause.
  15. The Sonitus suite is very capable, and lightweight. The Equalizer has 6 parametric bands; I'd be astounded if you couldn't achieve what you wanted with it.
  16. I couple of years ago I upgraded to an off-the-shelf Dell XPS tower with an high- but not top-end i7-8700 series processor. 6 cores. 32 GB Ram. Plenty of room inside for an upgraded power supply (a MUST for a DAW) and up to four drives (not including the C : drive that is an SSD mounted to the motherboard(!) and room for a PCIe->PCI bridge card, and my I/O card plugged into that. I'm using internal SSD drives exclusively, but back files up to alternate USB 1.5 TB drives (spinning disks). Never had any issues. More cores would be nice but to be honest I'm not pushing this thing to the limit, even with my largest and most complicated projects. I'm not a fan of "gamer" configs. Personally I would not try to record audio directly to a USB drive but I've heard that folks do this without problems. Internal SSD all the way for me.
  17. In a new empty project: Action: Open Preferences -> Drum Map Manager Observe: No drum maps are contained in the project Action: Press New to create a new drum map Observe: Project now contains a drum map (with empty settings) called "DM1-" Action: Press Notes:New to add a new drum map entry Action: Edit the note Name from its default value of "0/C-2" to "Note Test 1" Observe: We now have a custom drum map available to select in a MIDI track Output selector. Action: Click into the Presets: drop-down list and enter "Test 1" Observe: the Save button is now enabled and available Action: Press the Save button Observe: A new preset file has been created under Cakewalk's Drum Map location folder called "Test 1.map" (THIS IS THE PRIMARY EFFECT OF "Save") Observe: The Project's drum map name is now "DM1-Test 1" (THIS IS A SECONDARY EFFECT OF "Save") At this point, you can discard the empty project. Don't save anything. Now, in a NEW empty project: Action: Open Preferences -> Drum Map Manager Observe: No drum maps are contained in the project Action: Press New to create a new drum map Observe: Project now contains a drum map (with empty settings) called "DM1-" Action: Click on the Presets: drop-down list Action: Scroll down until you see "Test 1" (This is the preset you created in the sequence above) and select it Observe: The Project's Drum Map now contains one entry (with a note name of "Note Test 1" as per your saved preset) Observe: The Project's Drum Map name is now "DM1-Test 1" indicating it was initialized from the preset "Test 1" I hope this helps. - Colin
  18. Online Manual Reference: https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf#G20.1097239
  19. Sorry Robert! I didn't mean to overwhelm you. I reviewing the manual on this subject, and frankly I think it is confusing. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf#G17.1089162 I think that bolded last sentence suggests that you are naming the drum map in the project, but what it is really doing is saving a preset with that name so you can use it in other projects. The Project Drum map name change is just a side-effect. I'll stop there. Good luck, Robert.
  20. Well, I can see the glitch in the decoded mp3. I took a look at the frequency spectrum. There's some nice hi-freq noise swiping across the stereo field that I can't even hear (>18kHz) but most of it seems to be on both channels. I can't attach this as an embedded .gif for some reason, but here's a quick scan across the glitch section: http://www.spacefold.com/colin/ps/temp/glitch_freq_view.gif I don't know if anyone will be able to cast insight on that, but there you go...
  21. mp3 encoding might disguise the nature of the glitch (whereas unconverted WAV (whatever bit depth/sample rate you're using) would not , but I'll take a look.
  22. Um, I have to admit to not liking the new zoom behavior either. I didn't realize it was "broken" in all the previous versions of Cakewalk/SONAR. @Noel Borthwick, any chance this can be made a user-configurable option?
  23. I don't understand this statement. I don't think that is how Drum Map persistence works. Drum maps are saved with the project, you don't need to save them as a preset unless you really want to. At the risk of drifting off-scope, what am I missing? Let me explain: I can create a new empty project; and create a new drum map, specific to this project (stored in the .cwp I assume) and any changes I make are persisted with the project when I save it. (It's called "DM-1"). I can close the project, open it again, and make further changes to DM-1, and save the project. Now, at this point, if I want to use this Drum Map (as it is now) in another project, I can save it as a named preset by clicking into the preset name combo box; typing a name (e.g. "Test 1"), and pressing the SAVE button. Now, in addition to the Drum Map safely contained by the project itself, there is a separate "named preset" stored on disk ("Test 1.map") in the specified folder (check Prefs->Folder Locations). Although the project's drum map name has changed from "DM-1" to "DM1-Test 1", it is not the same object as the drum map preset "Test 1". From here, I can: Continue to maintain the Drum Map "DM1-Test 1" in the current project (and the name will get a * to indicate we have modified the project's DM further past the point of preset definition); Create a new empty project, and create a drum map using the previously saved preset "Test 1" to initialize it. Delete the drum map file "Test 1.map" from the preset folder without affecting the project's drum map (it is still called "DM-1 Test 1*") ...and so on.
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