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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. Gotcha, fair enough. If I had a concise and clear way of describing what users need as a feature request, I'd submit one in the feedback forum... I'd like to see a comment from the Bakers but I'm not holding my breath.
  2. Actually the more I think about it, the more I feel that you probably don't need track templates at all - just a Drum Map preset that you can apply after adding the second AD2 instance via the Add Track Flyout, as per normal. Unless you have other settings in the track template other than those used by our simplistic bug-repro examples...
  3. Only for that project. The DM preset would remain as it was when it was saved, I think, ready for other projects (and any project that didn't already have an AD2 instance, would be totally OK without mods)
  4. Feel free to post/upload/attach a section of the WAV file for us to forensic, if you like, @Helos Bonos
  5. Yeah, now that I've gone through the whole process, I can understand why this still doesn't help. It was an off-the-cuff suggestion, and your detailed situation really warranted more attention. Sorry for the red herring. I think I have to stay with my opinion that this is an unfortunate, non-intuitive edge case, but does not represent erroneous behavior. Once you know what information is being saved, and where, I think it has an acceptable work-around.
  6. So, having the custom template's DM saved as a preset means (theoretically) that it is then picked up during the insert template process. Hmm. I understand. Let me retry and I will update my post above. @Robert Bone, okay, I've edited my post with complete steps, repro, and comments and observations. See above.
  7. @Robert Bone, Here are the steps I followed; and the observations. Let me know if this is helpful. 1.0. New project; saved as "Template_Source_Project". 1.1. Added an instance of AD2 ("Addictive Drums 2 1") with 1 MIDI track and 16 mono outputs (from the AD2 mixer) 1.2. Created a new drum map, using one of my presets for AD2; ensured that the drum map note outputs were assigned to "Addictive Drums 2 1" 1.2.1. Saved DM as new preset "DM_AD_RBONE" prior to closing the Drum Map Manager 1.3. Assigned the output of the MIDI track to the new drum map. 1.4. Selected all 17 tracks as saved as Track Template "AD2_RBONE". 2.0. New Project; 2.1. Added an instance of AD2 ("Addictive Drums 2 1") with 1 MIDI track and 1 Audio output (Master Stereo). Left as default (no drum map involved) 2.2. Saved project as "Destination_Project_Pre_Insert". 2.3. Right-click, insert from Track Template, selected AD2_RBONE 2.4. Saved project as "Destination_Project_Post_Insert" Observed: 17 tracks added to project. Synth Rack contains "Addictive Drums 2 1" and "Addictive Drums 2 2" The new 17 tracks are named "Addictive Drums 2 1" as they were in the source project when I saved/created the track template. (EXPECTED) Track 19, the MIDI driver track inserted from the template, has output assigned to "5-DM1-DM_AD_RBONE" In Drum Map Manager, we can see that the map note outputs are assigned to "Addictive Drums 2 1" Expected: Well.... some might say that the drum map in the new project should be automatically altered to point to the second instance of AD2. My thoughts: Conjecture: The Drum Map itself is not saved with the Track Template; only the NAME of the Drum Map preset is saved with the template. Therefore, when the track template is inserted into the new project, CbB looks around and finds a matching DM preset, and assigns it. CbB does not alter the DM preset as originally saved . CbB does not alter the DM entries in the new project. Once the user has noticed this "error", it is trivial to go into the DM Manager and hold down Ctrl-Shift and set all entries to point to "Addictive Drums 2 2" I think this falls into the category of a "Feature Request" and the feasibility might be dodgy. Up to the Bakers, I guess.
  8. It sounds like a bug to me... but we'd need to work up a precise set of steps to reproduce I think. Or possibly just a post-insert project that exhibits the problem, to be attached to the bug report. I may give this a try today, if I understand your use case correctly.
  9. Okay, I haven't tried to reproduce the entirety of your example, but, prior to saving the Track Template, try renaming the instance of Addictive Drums in the Synth Rack so that it is not anything like the default, for example, "AD2-T" for the template. Then, ensure that all the ports and In/Out selections reflect this naming, before saving as a template. Maybe that will be enough to allow CbB to differentiate between the existing or new instances of AD in the project, when loading in the template.
  10. Huh. I learn something new every day. I've never realized I could do that. Just for kicks I added a [AD2 Drums] note names section to Master.ins and tried it out. Handy. I could definitely use this in the future as a quick check on drum tracks without using a drum map. Thanks, @chuckebaby
  11. Pretty much one of the functions of Drum Maps
  12. I'm encouraged to hear that @Pathfinder is on the latests W10 build, because his hardware setup is, I believe, almost identical to mine. (Not that we've compared motherboards :-)) If I was brave enough, and had a clean way to drop back to 1803, I'd update and see what happened. But I'm not.
  13. Hi @razor7music, I use an ECHO Layla 3G with Windows 10. The drivers work fine. It is my current DAW workhorse. Here's the caveat: I froze my DAW at Windows 10 1803. It was the version that came with my PC when I bought it. The 1809 update worked fine, but the 1903 update resulted in problems. (Example: Input Echo, Dropouts) There was an option to "clean factory restore" back to the 1803 version, and I took it, and decided to stay at that point for as long as possible. So far, so good. However I don't claim that later versions of Windows 10 are incompatible with the ECHO drivers, just that, on my DAW, with my update history, I seemed to hit a problem that was resolved by rolling back. I'd certainly give the ECHO drivers a shot if I were setting up a new machine.
  14. The current version is 2020.04. If you're running that, you're good. I see no reason not to use it as your "daily driver".
  15. @emeraldsoul, multi-scale (or "fanned-fret") basses are totally a thing, to balance string tension across the string courses. The patent on them was protected for a while but that ceased to be a problem at some point. Dingwall are probably the most well-known manufacturer these days, but other companies are catching up.
  16. @David Sprouse, I'm singing on my tracks. I'm not singing on any of the other math teacher's tracks.
  17. I'm not aware of any bulk-import feature.
  18. @sjoens, I'm not seeing that, at least, not in my test scheme based on Mercury:
  19. @Daniel Boyce, I believe that these colors (drum map note names) can not be changed via themes. I definitely searched for them but was unable to find them. There are a few places where we just don't have that option, and I think this is one of them.
  20. Ha, you guys are very insightful... or perhaps I'm just obvious. Correct about the influences and the intentional beat slippage in the choruses. Seeing as you asked, @AndyB01, here are some links: Official Album page on my site: http://www.prodigalsounds.com/inevitable Album on BandCamp: https://theprodigalsounds.bandcamp.com/releases Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5UeGPiHS74KYKNuRddze0s Review of previous album Official YouTube channel
  21. Hi folks. My band's new album was released today, and to celebrate I uploaded a studio "play through" video of one of the tracks: YouTube: Working the Paradigm Shift (single edit) The track was created using Cakewalk By Bandlab. Enjoy!
  22. Make the clip to groove a whole multiple of 1/4. For example, when I create a 7/8 groove clip, I make the clip two bars long. I have also had to remove notes from the clip *after* enabling groove-clipping and before stretching it out, in cases where I have a 1/8 rest at the end of the 7/8 bar... that probably doesn't make any sense but if you experiment with a sequence of 7 1/8 notes, in two bars, then groove-clip it, then remove notes, then stretch-fill, you'll see what I mean.
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