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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. I think the word you're looking for is "timeless". They work great; they sound great; they look great; stable coding, not frequently updated with buggy fixes. To me, that's the opposite of "dated". But each to his own.
  2. Thanks for the additional information, guys. I've never used FX chain presets; just haven't had the need before. I will research further as my curiosity leads me.
  3. Is this a known issue? I was opening an older project and saving my Sonitus FX settings into new presets, in new banks. When I opened a new project and inserted the FX to select the new presets, they weren't there! Workaround: In order to truly create a persistent new preset, I had to run Cakewalk "as administrator". After creating the presets (again) following the same process, I then exited Cakewalk and then re-ran it, normally. This time, I could see the new presets in the Sonitus Preset manager This is probably due to Sonitus storing the presets in an INI file somewhere where a normal user doesn't have permission? Maybe? But then, I'd expect an error when I tried to save the preset in the first place, I think. Anyone have any insight to share on this? Update: I have confirmed that the new preset data was written to: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins\FxEqualizerDX.ini C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins\FxDelayDX.ini So, yeah, I guess it makes sense this would require elevated Admin privileges.
  4. @mfanning , you might find this relevant: Last year i upgraded my DAW and compared performance of both a PCI and USB interface (Echo Layla 3G and Scarlett 6i6 USB) on both computers. My findings are described here: VIVALDI is the new ROSSINI, part 1 VIVALDI is the new ROSSINI, part 2 Buried amongst the rambling on computer specs, you will find some comparable Audio IO performance values.
  5. I figured it out. It's not a "border". The icon is sitting on top of a button. If you hover the mouse over the icon, it lights up, indicating that you can click it in order to display the UI for the VSTi. This works for MIDI tracks that are driving the VSTi, so the button is available under the MIDI track header icon as well. This behavior is described - with an accurate screen shot of the header icons - on page 754 of the documentation. The fact that the icon is rendered as a BUTTON and not as a simple ICON is not highlighted in the text, but is consistent. And of course, I'd rather that clickable items are obviously clickable (i.e. they look like buttons and hover-highlight) than be un-discoverable, plain vanilla flat graphic. Of course I knew that you can click on the header icon to bring up the UI, but I had partitioned this knowledge away from considering the visual appearance of the icon, in "theme design mode". Duh! Bakers: 1, Colin: 0
  6. At the risk of getting tedious, OK, so I don't usually have "Show Icons" ticked for Track Strips but I can see that when I do enable them, I don't see the border effect on the icons themselves, just the header icons. However, as shown in the screenshot from page 751 in the PDF documentation (see below), the header icons don't appear to have the border in the version that the doc screenshot was taken from:
  7. This has always bothered me somewhat, but I've been tweaking my theme and I finally decided to ask this question here: Why do some track types overlay (underlay?) a grey box on the track header icon? It seems that "Instrument", "Synth" , and "MIDI" tracks that are directed to a VSTi are affected: It seems sad that the beautiful, clean "Instrument" and "Synth" track icons will never be displayed in the Track View as cleanly as the "Audio" and un-bound "MIDI" track icons. Just for kicks I changed the instrument header icon to a blue rectangle with a completely transparent background, and re-loaded: What is the benefit of having this extra grey border or background? Concerning MIDI tracks: Interestingly, if I switch the output on Track 5 to direct to a hardware MIDI output, the border vanishes, looking just like the icon on Track 2: So, there is clearly some logic controlling the border display, to do with output destination. Is there anywhere that this is documented? Personally, I'm not a fan of the border, and especially when tweaking the icons to look their best in a custom theme.
  8. Perfect for that Prince remix! Kudos for all the work that goes into this.
  9. It's white (on charcoal) on mine, when using my current version of Polar Blue 2019. I then switched between Blue Aston, Mercury, and Tungsten and the text color was unchanged. For what it's worth, I'm using the Pref>Color>Preset of "Normal" but as soon as I save and close the Pref dialog, and then go back in, the preset name is "Normal*" (note the addition of the asterisk) so I suspect that there is an attempt to show that some colors are overridden by the theme? The priority of colors between a "theme" and a "color pref preset" is murky...
  10. Martins, are you creating a theme with no way to test it out? You can't load it in Cakewalk yourself and play back and observe?
  11. Perhaps you'd like to answer Noel's questions on the other thread you posted first.
  12. Oh for goodness' sake. I seem to be striking 0/2 recently. This is going to seriously damage my reputation. You are correct, Steve, it seems that somehow my environment changed such that, when I explicitly reselect the "Normal" preset under the Colors preference, the problem goes away. Arghh. I'll update my post above to reflect this.
  13. SOLUTION: Re-selecting the present under to Preferences -> Colors page to "Normal" resolved this issue. Cakewalk is now respecting the Clip Background colors of the selected theme. Leaving this here in case it helps others in the future. Sorry for the confusion. ORIGINAL POST: Theme Polar Blue (SteveC) in SONAR Platinum: Theme Polar Blue (SteveC) in Cakewalk 2019.07: In case it is not obvious, in 2019.07 the clip background color is not being respected from the theme, but is retaining the default dark colors from the underlying Mercury/Tungsten themes. I think this reverted with 2019.07. I am going to try and revert to an earlier release of Cakewalk to see if I can isolate this change. Themers, please let me know if I am being crazy here... Additional Info: I do believe that the base themes Mercury and Tungsten are also not respecting their previous colors. If you switch between Mercury and Tungsten in SONAR Platinum, you can see the Clip Background colors do change slightly. In 2019.07, however, this is not happening - the colors are the same in both themes. UPDATE: I reverted to 2019.01, then 2018.08, and they are behaving the same way. I could swear this is a relatively recent change but perhaps I'm crazy. Or, perhaps during the re-install, a later component (with the bug) is not changed but stays at the 2019.07 version?
  14. Here's a tutorial/walkthrough on controlling a VST parameter using external MIDI controller: http://www.prodigalsounds.com/blog/post/2019/08/05/Using-a-MIDI-controller-with-Guitar-Rig-VST-in-Cakewalk
  15. @Canopus, yup I think you're right. This is the first time I've seen such an artifact. I'll be sure to thoroughly test a theme switch before claiming such a defect again. Lesson learned!
  16. [2019.07] The latest update(*) appears to ignore any theme override of the Control Bar Performance Modules "Meter color": (image removed) [UPDATED] It's more complicated than that. I switched between several themes and ended up back with the Performance Module respecting the color override. So this must have been some kind of theme-loading glitch. I withdraw my bug report. Sorry about that. (*) Note that I have not applied the 2019.07 hotfix at this time
  17. Yeah, I replaced the image with the one that you supplied. So you should probably update your theme and ensure that the correct image is included with it. Glad to help...
  18. They are pink in both locations. I think they are shared FX Bin attributes so I don't know why they would be different from each other.
  19. This discussion (which includes a tip from Craig Anderton re: disabling HD Audio drivers) might help you. Also this would be the definitive Cakewalk Win 10 optimization reference...
  20. Resolution: I think this is more a case of the color attribute being mis-named. (The color I wanted to change is located elsewhere in three or four separate attributes for MIDI, Synth, Audio, Bus, Folder tracks). Rather than "Unfocused Track Text", this attribute should be named differently - and perhaps "Global Color #10" is appropriate ? Original Post: [2019.07] The "Unfocused Track Text" color (IDR_CLR_GLOBAL_10) does not change the actual unfocused track text. Instead, it changes the Help Module Text, Track View Time display, and others: I've reported this as a bug.
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