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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. I would love to be able to bind "Rename Clip..." from the right-click clip context menu to, say, the F2 key. But it does not appear to be available in the list (or I can not recognize it). I suspect that there are a number of recently-added commands that have not been made available for Key Binding or Custom Module assignation. And while we are at it - the scrolling menu list of available commands under the Custom Module context "Commands >" option is almost un-managable given the size of the list and the sometimes cryptic naming of them. I hesitate to say "add new commands to this list" which will just add to the problem. But I'd rather have the new commands available than not at all.
  2. So you're asking for dialog windows that are currently so small that their contents (i.e. lists) are constrained and therefore hard to use because of the scroll bars that that list has to show in order to navigate the contents? And you'd like either the dialogs to be larger by default or at least re-sizeable? I can get behind that request.
  3. I just updated to 1903 this morning. Cakewalk seems to be running fine. LatencyMon doesn't report any worse figures than before (and they were quite acceptable). So far, the only thing I've needed to do is re-register XLN Addictive Drums due to the computer ID change. *sigh*.
  4. Totally agree with everything @Craig Anderton said, but ironically the August 2019 issue just arrived here and doesn't appear to include his regular Cakewalk column. This is not unusual; I think each of the seven (7!) major DAWs take turns missing a "workshop" column each month.
  5. At least, my installation just told me an update was available. Early days, but up and running on 2019.07 here. Thanks, Bakers!
  6. Agreed, I see this as a documentation issue rather than a bug, per se. Rather than a Google Doc, I suggest that we define a tag that we can use against posts in this forum that include color mapping clarifications. Our post should include the version to which the discovery applies. How about "#ThemeColor"?
  7. Release: 2019.05 Steps to reproduce: Open a project with at least one MIDI track Open the PRV Activate "scrub" mode by pressing "J" move the mouse cursor up to the Track View Timeline Ruler and click in the timeline Observe: "The audio engine has stopped unexpectedly" notification toast The mouse cursor is now "boxed in" to a horizontal screen area that overlays the timeline ruler - you can't move the mouse outside this band to click on menu or close or anything Workaround: Alt-TAB to another application (if you can). Now the mouse is "released from its cage" Click back into Cakewalk The mouse is still an "scrub" icon but if you click in the Smart Tool selector you can pop it out of this mode which returns regular mouse icon Click on File-Exit to exit the application safely (continuing to work is not advised; unexpected behavior or return to "scrub lockup" is possible Update Note: This can be reproduced with a brand new empty project: Create empty project Add MIDI track Record some notes (might not be required but seems advisable) Open the PRV Press J to enable scrub mode Click in PRV to audition the MIDI notes (yeah, no sound because no instrument but bear with me) Click in Track View Ruler to move NOW time - may required 2 or 3 clicks but eventually you get the Scrub Mouse Cage effect described above
  8. You should install SONAR Platinum, and then install Cakewalk By Bandlab. This will allow CbB to "see" all the extra plugins and features that come with SONAR but are not bundled with CbB. At this point, you should definitely start using CbB. It's basically the best and latest version of SONAR Platinum in all but name. Edit: I forgot to mention, CbB is 64-bit only, so if that is an issue because you're using SONAR 32-bit for some reason, then you might want to stick with that. If you're running 64-bit Windows OS, there is no reason not to migrate to the 64-bit CbB, at this point.
  9. [2019.05] It appears that changing the Time Ruler background color will also change the background of the Event List column header. Themers, do you think this is a bug (or under-implementation) or am I missing something? (Note that the Mercury and Tungsten themes appear to use the same color for these two items.) FYI, the text of the Event List column header is Global > Menus > View Menu Text.
  10. I've updated the theme for 2019.07; see top post for new zip and details.
  11. No good deed goes unpunished I see. Blogo, how about posting your requests in the Feedback Loop forum?
  12. Sorry for butting in but this clarifies something that's always puzzled me. Now it makes sense. Of course. Thanks, Noel. Looking forward to giving the new version a spin soon.
  13. Cakewalk ain't gonna run on a Mac unless you jump through hoops. Not recommended. Cakewalk is Windows only.
  14. Damn, that Forum auto-complete feature is getting really good.
  15. I don't think such a setting exists. You're better off bouncing the MIDI Bass track to a new audio track and muting the original (just what we used to do before we had FREEZE) if you're going to move audio around.
  16. Not a pro, but I'll give it a shot. 1a) "Supposed" and "creativity" are probably mutually exclusive. You could make interesting music either way! Experiment! 1a) That said, the real answer is, "it depends". Reverb can be an FX to colour a specific instrument track; or it could be used to place the final mix in a 3D space. 1a) That said, Warren speaks the truth when he says we over-use Reverb. A good experiment is to take a "final" mix and click on the "disable FX" button and gasp at how much better the project sounds. 1b) Not always but often, yes. Most likely the project sounds "muddy" and you don't know why because everything sounds good when you solo it. 1b) That said, I have often used individual track reverb instances with tailored settings... but see (1a) above. 1c) Invalid. You're asking about creating a mix , not listening to solo tracks. If you concentrate on "getting the sound you like" on solo'd tracks, by definition you're not creating a mix. But see (1b) above. 2a) Route the tracks to a submix and apply a single Reverb FX instance to that. 2b) Yes.
  17. Forgive me for linking to a blog post, but I've written up a little case study on using an Aux track to handle automating FX level for multiple tracks using a single envelope. I hope someone out there finds it useful. The Prodigal Sounds Blog - Another Way to skin an FX Send
  18. Happy July 4th, folks. I'd been using a theme called "Polar Blue (SteveC)" originally created for SONAR Platinum and posted on the old forums by Steve Cocchi. I liked it very much, apart from one or two minor things that I have altered. It also needed one or two changes to bring it up to date for Cakewalk By Bandlab, mostly logos and performance meters. I reached out to Steve, and with his blessing I am making my updates to "Polar Blue" available to the forum. Please note that everything that is good about this theme was put there by Steve Cocchi. There are quite a few subtle things in the theme that you might not notice at first, but I think are an improvement. Enjoy! Updated 2021-12-18 Changes: No actual image changes, but re-saved to prevent the "Compatibility Warning" message for 2021.12 release. Updated 2021-04-16 Changes: No actual image changes, but re-saved to prevent the "Compatibility Warning" message for 2021.04 release. Updated 2021-01-15 Control Bar Select Module Updated 2020-09-20 Changes: Support for Markers view Lock indicator icon, missing since 2020.04 Updated 2020-04-11 Changes: Support for Inspector Tabs and Arrangement Play for 2020.04 release GET IT HERE: Polar_Blue.zip Earlier versions: Updated 2019-09-08 Changes: Improved contrast in Export control module; subtle color tweaks for clarity; consistent track header icons; tweaked Show Take Lanes icons; simplified "edit" icons in Piano Roll View track list; miscellaneous other minor fixes and adjustments. Updated 2019-07-22 Changes: Now with support for Export control module; New transport buttons; improved icons for zoom; new icons for audio engine and MIDI panic; ruler background color.
  19. @scook to the rescue, as ever! Thanks, much better solution. Glad to help out in a small way.
  20. MIDI tracks have a "channel" attribute (dropdown) that you can set from the default "none" to a specific channel, after which all notes will be output on that channel regardless of the channel they were recorded from. See: Reference Manual Edit: Sorry, I didn't read your question thoroughly enough. This may not help you if you want to direct the MIDI notes to a VST that is already loaded on another track. I'll have to think about this. You can't "bounce" a MIDI track into a new track to get the channel change to be written out along with the data... A CAL script could probably do it but that is getting complicated.
  21. >> Do you know if there is a way to select a group of tracks to use this function with only the selected tracks? I normally select the tracks I want to resize, then grab the border of one of them and Shift-Drag. When I release the mouse button, all of the selected tracks resize to match.
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