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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. I'll update the theming guide with these changes once the final .04 release is out. Thanks, Morten, for the item list.
  2. If the MIDI track is muted, it won't play. If another track is solo'd and the MIDI track is not solo'd as well, it won't play. Otherwise, it should work.
  3. When you want acoustic instruments to sound "acoustic", nothing beats a microphone in an acoustic space. The difference between using my piezo equiped nylon string guitar wired vs recorded via a mic was so different, I stopped trying, and used mics. Of course, if you want that piezo sound (it is useful for some use-cases) then you're good.
  4. The same thing happened to me just now - I guess my browser cached it - pressing F5/Refresh manually in the browser brought up the latest version 0.9.5.
  5. Uh... there wasn't a deadline :-). Your post about the Transport Background was the trigger for me to update the doc earlier today, so yeah, it's included. I didn't use your images, though, I generated some new ones. Oh, and I see a spelling mistake. Oh well.
  6. FYI, the document at the URL in the first post has been updated to 0.9.5 which includes changes posted here by users since the last update in December.
  7. I think you've misunderstood the purpose of the menu option - you're changing the current setting of one of the two rulers. If you want to remove the rule entirely, use the [-] button on the far right of the ruler.
  8. This should work unless it is a mono bus, or an FX plugin on the bus is in mono. Have you reproduced with a simple project? One track, one stereo bus, no FX plugins? Then add the plugin to the bus, see if it changes?
  9. Um, not sure if this is helpful or not but here: http://www.prodigalsounds.com/blog/post/2019/08/05/Using-a-MIDI-controller-with-Guitar-Rig-VST-in-Cakewalk
  10. For what it's worth, I am using Windows 10 1803, Echo Layla3G, latest Cakewalk 2020.01, flawless performance. So it might not be that clear-cut. I've seen more reported issues with "up-to-date" Focusrite drivers than I have with the W7 Echo drivers.
  11. Interesting... I did not notice that. I assumed that the "Thumb" color was also drawing the arrows. I will update my document with this information.
  12. I'm getting an update notification as of yesterday. Is this intentional? Usually I check in here to set my expectations before blindly applying an update...
  13. Make sure you use a pop filter to remove plosives, they could cause distortion. (I still use nylons over a bend wire coat hanger, because it just works.) Other than that, creating a little vocal both can end up with a flat sounding take, but that is kind of the point. You should be able to improve a vocal take with emphasized mids using an EQ plugin - it might just take some finesse. Check out a few videos for ideas.
  14. Doh! Yes, that works. Thanks scook for being a timely and bottomless resource of knowledge. The bigger problem is why Cakewalk isn't recording these events in my performance. Update: It doesn't seem to transmit them, either. Well, bollocks. I need to test this in another DAW. Update 2: Or, I could just test it again in Cakewalk with the correct MIDI cables plugged in. And the patchbay set appropriately. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
  15. Folks - Q1. Why does Cakewalk not record cc 114 and 115? Answer: It will if you plug the OUT cable into your MIDI interface. Q2. Is there a way to customize the list of controllers in the PRV controller drop-down list? No, but @scook points out that you can just type the number of the controller you want, even if it is not in the list.
  16. I recommend reading this post from yesterday
  17. >> You can't use 32 bit plugins in a 64 bit DAW By all means adopt this as a personal tenet, but it does not happen to be true for Cakewalk, in general. I recommend reading from page 1470 in the Reference Guide and exploring the bitbridge server settings if you're having issues with 32-bit plug-ins.
  18. Must have Melodyne installed; must be standard .wav file; other than that it sound magic.
  19. Cakewalk By Bandlab will use 32-bit VST plugins (via built-in bitbridge) if they are found in the appropriate location on the file system. You can only get legacy plugins by running the installers of the software with which they originally came. I think Cakewalk will still open projects even if the plugins can not be found. You can then replace them with current plugins one by one, if you are willing to recreate the patches or presets used originally which obviously won't be available.
  20. @GAV, >> Como puedo retroceder a la versión 2019.12...? Mantengo copias de seguridad de la carpeta Archivos de programa / Cakewalk / Cakewalk Core
  21. I've gone back to 2019.12 for a bit. My experience with 2020.01 included momentary buzzes during playback; at least one Dropout Code 13 when attempting to start recording; and a very odd incident of recording drums where my MIDI track suddenly sent notes to a piano VST instead of the drum VST. Never happened again but boy was that disturbing. 2019.12 has been the most stable EVER so to experience these odd quirks immediately after upgrading to 2020.01 is a bit unfortunate. I'll retry the update after I'm satisfied that 2019.12 is continuing to be as stable as it appeared to be. Obviously if I can get a repro situation I'll log a bug report. update Feb 4: I've re-installed the 2020.01 update this morning. So far, so good. Obvs. I'll report back here if I encounter any problems again.
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