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Everything posted by msmcleod
@Misha FWIW, when I read his post it didn't read to me like you were the person he was accusing of being dishonest, but rather the DAW vendor.
In the new Sonar, dragging an instrument plugin to the top half of the clips area of a MIDI track will convert a standard MIDI track into an instrument track. So:1. Use a CAL script to split the drums out into separate MIDI tracks 2. Drag SI Drums on to each MIDI track and you're done. The CAL script I use is as follows (note this was written for Sonar 8.5, so it doesn't work 100% as intended - e.g. track names aren't working for some reason., and the track number is quirky... best to use a source MIDI only track right at the top of the project .. ) ; clean up errors in sequence ; remove repeated notes (do (int noteTime 0) (int noteKey 0) (forEachEvent (do (if (== Event.Kind NOTE) (do (if (&& (== Event.Time noteTime) (== Note.Key noteKey)) (do (delete) (= noteTime 0) (= noteKey 0) ) (do (= noteTime Event.Time) (= noteKey Note.Key) ) ) ) ; do ) ; if ) ; do ) ; forEachEvent ; split drums into tracks (int bassDrum1 36) (int bassDrum2 35) (int rimShot 37) (int snare1 38) (int snare2 40) (int lowTom2 41) (int lowTom1 43) (int midTom2 45) (int midTom1 47) (int hiTom2 48) (int hiTom1 50) (int closedHat 42) (int pedalHat 44) (int openHat 46) (int crash1 49) (int ride1 51) (int china 52) (int ride2 53) (int splash 55) (int crash2 57) (int ride3 59) (int sourceTrack 0) (int destTrack 0) (getInt sourceTrack "Source Drum Track: " 1 255) (-- sourceTrack) (getInt destTrack "First Destination Drum Track: " 1 255) (-- destTrack) (int bassDrumTrack (+ destTrack 0)) (int snareTrack (+ destTrack 1)) (int tomsTrack (+ destTrack 2)) (int hatTrack (+ destTrack 3)) (int cymbalTrack (+ destTrack 4)) (int otherTrack (+ destTrack 5)) ; =============================== ; Clear Other Tracks ; =============================== (int curTrack bassDrumTrack) (while (<= curTrack otherTrack) (do (TrackSelect 0 -1) (TrackSelect 1 curTrack) (forEachEvent (delete)) (++ curTrack) ) ) ; =============================== ; Name tracks ; =============================== (TrackName "Bass Drum" bassDrumTrack) (TrackName "Snare Drum" snareTrack) (TrackName "Toms" tomsTrack) (TrackName "HiHats" hatTrack) (TrackName "Cymbals" cymbalTrack) (TrackName "MiscDrums" otherTrack) ; =============================== ; Copy events to tracks ; =============================== ; bassDrum (TrackSelect 0 -1) (TrackSelect 1 sourceTrack) (ResetFilter 0 TRUE) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE bassDrum2 bassDrum1) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE bassDrumTrack) ; snare drum (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE rimShot snare1) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE snareTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE snare2 snare2) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE snareTrack) ; Toms track (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE lowTom1 lowTom1) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE tomsTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE lowTom2 lowTom2) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE tomsTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE midTom1 midTom1) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE tomsTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE midTom2 midTom2) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE tomsTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE hiTom1 hiTom1) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE tomsTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE hiTom2 hiTom2) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE tomsTrack) ; Hats track (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE closedHat closedHat) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE hatTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE pedalHat pedalHat) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE hatTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE openHat openHat) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE hatTrack) ; Cymbals track (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE crash1 crash1) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE cymbalTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE crash2 crash2) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE cymbalTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE ride1 ride1) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE cymbalTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE ride2 ride2) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE cymbalTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE ride3 ride3) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE cymbalTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE splash splash) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE cymbalTrack) (SetFilterRange 0 0 TRUE china china) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE cymbalTrack) ; Other Track (ResetFilter 0 TRUE) (EditCopy From Thru TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE) (EditPasteToTrack From 1 1 TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE otherTrack) ; delete notes that are present in other tracks (TrackSelect 0 -1) (TrackSelect 1 otherTrack) (forEachEvent (do (if (== Event.Kind NOTE) (do (if (== Note.Key bassDrum1) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key bassDrum2) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key rimShot) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key snare1) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key snare2) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key lowTom1) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key lowTom2) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key midTom1) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key midTom2) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key hiTom1) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key hiTom2) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key crash1) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key crash2) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key ride1) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key ride2) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key ride3) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key splash) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key china) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key closedHat) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key pedalHat) (delete)) (if (== Note.Key openHat) (delete)) ) ;do ) ; if ) ; do ) ; forEachEvent ) ; do cleanAndSplitDrumTracks.cal
As long as its enabled in your MIDI outputs, it should be able to use it - the only exception being the Microsoft GM player, which has some issue with Windows 11. Check that you're using MME as your MIDI device format (in Prefs->MIDI->Playback and Recording). The only reason to use UWP is for Bluetooth MIDI support. From best to worse performer: ASIO, WASAPI Exclusive, WASAPI Shared, WDM, MME. ASIO4ALL is a wrapper around WDM. MME is the worst possible choice for audio. As @Starship Krupa says, use WASAPI Exclusive for best performance or WASAPI Shared if you need to use your audio device with other apps while Cakewalk/Sonar is running. I wouldn't expect them to be any different in quality - one is written for a 64bit operating system, the other for a 32 bit operating system. The DSP code should be identical. BitBridge was primarily used as a stop-gap when operating systems moved to 64 bit, to give plugin developers time to migrate their plugins to 64 bit. It's a very simple bridge between 32bit & 64bit and last worked properly around Windows XP - over a decade ago. CbB/Sonar has native integrtion forJBridge if you have it installed - there's no reason to "bridge" your plugins using the JBridger app, you just tell it to use JBridge and it will use it instead of BitBridge. FWIW I use JBridge for the handful of 32 bit plugins that never got released as 64 bit. I even use it as a 64 bit to 64 bit bridge for some problem VST's (e.g. Arturia, UJAM). You will find however, nowadays that there are far more plugins that are only being released as 64 bit.
SOLVED: How to Split Keyboard to Play 2 or More Instruments?
msmcleod replied to Stephen Power's question in Q&A
Not easily... and you'll need a pretty good understanding of MIDI to do it. You could use Drum Maps to route notes lower than a particular note to one instrument, and the rest to another. Alternatively, if you want it to go to the same instrument on different channels you could use articulation map transforms. -
So it sounds like at least data is getting from Cakewalk to the R24. Double check the MIDI input device settings in Preferences->Control Surfaces. Also make sure all the MIDI event types are checked in the Record section of Preferences->MIDI ->Playback and Recording. Finally, in the Mackie Control Surface dialog, try setting it to Cubase emulation. To be honest, it shouldn't really matter as the transport/fader controls are standard across all DAWs, but the R24 manual only shows examples for Cubase LE (which I assume was shipped with it), so it was obviously designed to work with Cubase.
Honestly, I think the best solution is a CAL script. I used to record MIDI drums on my external Alesis DM5, then use a CAL script to split the drums to separate tracks, solo and record the audio for each one, then mix as if they were live drums.
Is there a way to import a tempo map into Bandlab?
msmcleod replied to GTsongwriter's topic in General Music Discussion
Depending on how the guitar is played, for a simple guitar / vocal recording, it's unlikely that tempo detection will give accurate results. So... BandLab only supports a single tempo. If you absolutely have to fit stuff to a grid, then you'll need to provide the tempos manually. 1. "Set Beat At Now" is probably the easiest way to do this. Essentially, you're going through the song and telling Cakewalk "This is measure 1, beat 1", "This measure 2, beat 1" etc. As you go through the process, a tempo map will be built up. ..as alternative to this, you can record a single MIDI track where you play a single note every 1/4 note, select that clip, then use "Fit to Improvisation". 2. Next, you want to set the audio files to stretch to tempo. 3. Finally, open the tempo inspector, delete all the tempos and set a single project tempo. At this point the audio files should be playing in time with the single tempo, and on grid. If the audio quality suffers from the stretching, it may be worth looking at using the Loop Construction View. This allows you to specify the individual measures/beats within the audio clip itself, and can help to inform the stretching algorithm as to what bits to stretch/leave alone. In other words, if it can achieve the desired tempo by reducing/increasing the gaps between audio it will do, instead of stretching the actual audio. It's also worth reading up about online vs offline stretch render algorithms. TDLR - online algorithms don't sound as good quality wise as they're designed to give you quick results while you focus on timing. -
If you like the layout of the Basic workspace, make a copy of it then edit your custom workspace it to show the extra functions.
Switch your workspace either to Advanced or None. The Basic workspace hides a number of options, including Sysex.
Not that I know of... but you could try using this DXi to VST wrapper then use it with SaviHost: https://craiganderton.org/how-to-use-dx-plug-ins-with-vst-only-daws/
First of all, are you sure Sonar has fully shut down before starting it up again? Restart your PC if you're unsure. Also what MIDI driver mode are you using?
Is there a way to import a tempo map into Bandlab?
msmcleod replied to GTsongwriter's topic in General Music Discussion
As far as I know, the BandLab app only supports a single project tempo. -
send an email to support@cakewalk.com
How to turn off / on ALL FX plugins applied to all tracks at once.
msmcleod replied to Edward Allen's question in Q&A
Either use the global bypass FX button, or alternatively the track FX bin bypass switch supports quick grouping - i.e. select your tracks, then while holding CTRL click one of the track's FX Bin's bypass button. -
SOLVED...Cake and MODO Drums 1.5 from IK...Still not working
msmcleod replied to Steve Patrick's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Have you updated VSTScan ? -
I suspect Concrete Limiter is tied to a particular release of SONAR Platinum/Professional. So the "re-install right version" is probably referring to SONAR Platinum/Professional. I'd recommend re-installing SONAR Platinum/Professional, installing Concrete Limiter, then re-installing CbB.
It looks like you had 32 bit plugins running under bit-bridge, Cakewalk didn't shut down properly leaving bit-bridge running, then you restarted Cakewalk and tried to load a project that uses 32 bit plugins running under bit-bridge. BitBridge was only really meant as a stop-gap while people were migrating from 32 bit to 64 bit operating systems. IIRC it was targeted mainly at Windows XP, but there have been several Windows versions since then. I'd recommend either ditching the 32 bit plugins for 64 bit replacements, or investing in JBridge. JBridge plays far more nicely with modern operating systems, and gives you a bunch of options to mitigate problems with older plugins.
Imported audio also inserting silence in all the other tracks
msmcleod replied to Carll's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I'm guessing "Always Import Broadcast Waves at Their Timestamp" was checked? -
Not that it's a bad idea to export all your projects to a common format, but we've no immediate plans to discontinue Cakewalk. In any case, the new Sonar is 100% compatible with all Cakewalk by BandLab projects.
New computer - Melodyne Assistant badly crashing
msmcleod replied to gmp's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
^^^This. Melodyne 4 doesn't work with Windows 11. FYI: Windows 7: works with Melodyne 4 only. Windows 10: works with Melodyne 4 or Melodyne 5. Windows 11: works with Melodyne 5 only. -
Send an email to support@cakewalk.com
Have you tried re-installing the Visual C++ redists? https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe (link taken from this page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 )
- 10 replies
1. Record your notes in a single audio clip. 2. Process->Apply Effect->Remove Silence Be mindful of the settings here.. in particular, your hold time HAS to be less than the gap in time between the notes. If in doubt, make it zero and increase as necessary. 3. Select all the clips in that track 4. File -> Export -> Audio and choose a source category of "Clips". Set something like {trackname}{clipindex} as your filename