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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. It's worth noting that it will raise the volume so the peak level hits the target you specify... not the average level. It is useful for raising a very quiet recording to a sensible level though.
  2. Interesting... I was just looking at a similar device today: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403116080111
  3. You can configure Kontakt to receive on different MIDI channels for each instrument library, so you'll need to ensure your drum map is outputting to the same port for each drum, but on the correct MIDI channel for the instrument library you want.
  4. Process->Insert Time/Measures, and only check Markers in the dialog
  5. This is what I used to do when working with HW synths.
  6. Here's a quick demo of creating a new instrument definition from scratch (in this case for a Yamaha P200 piano). I'm pressing the "Ins" key to add each new patch entry:
  7. No way of doing this I'm afraid - at least in Mackie Control mode, the nanoKONTROL 2 is hard-wired to bank up/down.
  8. This has definitely caused issues in the past. These folders should definitely not be compressed: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Plugins Their content isn't very large, so if you do have a compressed drive, uncompressing these two folders shouldn't make much of a difference.
  9. There is likely to be something like this (plus much more) in Sonar at some point though... probably later on in the year.
  10. Actually, if your licenses are on iLok dongle, they're the only ones you DON'T need to worry about deauthorizing. If the license is on the dongle it'll just work. As much hate as iLok gets, this is the one scenario where it's a huge time saver.
  11. When using Input Quantize whilst recording, the original unquantized version is lost, as the quantize happens during the recording process - there's no way of going back. Another way to obtain the same result is not to use input quantize, but instead use the Quantize MIDI FX in the MIDI track's FX bin. This way you can simply bypass the Quantize FX if you need the unquantized version.
  12. I gave this method a try and it worked without issue on my 3rd gen i7 with no TPM. I ended up reversing it however by re-imaging my Windows 10 backup as there were a bunch of plugins / apps that needed re-authorising. So make sure you un-authorise any apps/plugins that need doing so BEFORE you do the upgrade. Many will allow you to do this via their website, however some may require doing it from the application itself, or will require you to contact the vendor to de-activate that license. Also, the latest Windows 11 upgrade required at least 64GB free space. This requirement is likely to only increase in future upgrades, so make sure you have a decent sized C drive and leave plenty of space ( e.g. > 33% free on a 512GB drive) for future upgrades. I've got one Windows 11 PC which came with a 128GB system disk, and I'm unable to upgrade it further unless I wipe it completely.
  13. For #1 you can use "Project" if you define a project end marker.
  14. It has nothing to do with running as Administrator. It simply means that the application tried to access memory it wasn't allowed to access. All applications request memory from Windows as and when they need it. Windows keeps a note of which applications have which bits of memory. If an application tries to access memory that it wasn't given access to by Windows, you get this crash. There are a bunch of scenarios that could cause this, the most common being: 1. Memory was given back to windows, but something still had a note of the original address - think of this as you moving house, but you tried to enter your old house after selling it. 2. Something corrupted some existing memory. Think of this as you having a note of a your friend's address, but you smudged the note and misread it, leading you to try to go to the wrong house.
  15. The only way I know to get a clip into that state is using the Mute tool. There maybe some combination of options that would cause a clip to be blended with a longer one, and therefore a time region has been muted rather than the entire clip. It could be down to your loop region being different to your punch in/out region. To unmute however, use the Mute Tool and drag at the top half of the clip:
  16. This looks normal to me. When you're using Comping Mode, the other takes are muted. You can then use the comping tool to decide which take (or parts of which takes) to use. You can override this by unmuting the clip ( the K key is the clip mute/unmute shortcut).
  17. Thanks for the example projects guys - it's now fixed for the next update.
  18. Ok, a couple of us here have tried to repro this with no joy. We've tried with different display scales, first open of a project / subsequent loads of project, clicking notes, altering velocity, before/after horizontal zoom etc. The PRV notes pane is totally collapsed for all tests. Tried with arranger pane expanded and collapsed. Still can't repro. We're gonna need a more detailed recipe... maybe a full screen video too in case there's anything else on screen that could give us more of a clue. If you could PM me a project, that may help.... also can you repro with a new project made in 2024.12, or is it only older projects?
  19. @Sailor55 / @HOOK can you confirm exactly what version of 2024.12 you're using? I'm not seeing this on build 004 or build 006.
  20. This notification typically appears when a MIDI device is no longer available - reasons include: 1. The interface/device is switched off 2. USB sleep mode has kicked in and turned it off 3. Some other program has the MIDI device open 4. Bad USB cable 5. Dirty USB connections You can check in preferences to see if the device is there or not... if it's not, the best thing to do is close CbB/Sonar, ensure the device is switched on and plugged in, then restart CbB/Sonar. In this scenario, it'll recover. If you go into preferences and change the Control Surfaces config, you'll have lost its previous configuration... in which case it might be easier to remove/add the control surface again. Remember you also need to re-load any preset you'd been using within the control surface's dialog.
  21. By default in both CbB & Sonar, CTRL+Shift+T adds a MIDI Track; CTRL+Shift+B minimises / maximises the tab view My suspicion is you're either using a Workspace that is stopping those functions being available, or something else is stopping the .kbn file from being imported. Before you import the .kbn file, make sure your workspace is set to "None" and you've got a project loaded (use something like the "Basic" template). You mentioned this in another thread. You need to send us your project for us to investigate. Upload it to a file sharing service (e.g. OneDrive, Dropbox etc) and PM me the link. As @David Baay says, uncheck Preferences -> File -> Advanced -> Allow Only One Open Project at a Time.
  22. You don't need to keep every arrangement, and I suspect you're not going to try every single possible combination of sections. What I'm suggesting: 1. Duplicate the existing arrangement 2. Delete the section(s) you want to mute At this point you could Undo to get the section(s) back, and remove another section... or you could delete the arrangement and duplicate your original again. It might be worth you posting a video of what your existing workflow is here...
  23. What display resolution / scaling are you using? IIRC CbB has a minimum screen resolution requirement, so if your resolution is too small on some view the data won't fit into the cells.
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