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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. They would be good additions. I'd love to see a 70's version of Phil Collins and a Nick D'Virgilio.
  2. If you really want to control Cakewalk from the V49, you can use either the ACT MIDI Controller, or the Cakewalk Generic Surface types. There's not an Alesis V49 preset, so try the Alesis MPK49 and adjust the parameters as necessary. AFAIK you won't be able to control Cakewalk and a plugin at the same time, so you may have to disable the control surface in Cakewalk (DONT uncheck the MIDI device - just uncheck the controller), for it to be usable with a plugin. To be honest though, I can't see the V49 controls being much use for controlling Cakewalk itself. It has no transport controls or anything. IMHO you'd be best not setting it up as a Cakewalk control surface, and just using the ACT Learn function to control what you need as and when you need it.
  3. Ok, this sounds like you're computer's power scheme is set to put USB devices to sleep after periods of inactivity. Try turning off USB power suspending in your power options.
  4. The location of the driver has no relation to VST plugins - they are completely different things. You need to have the V49 MIDI input checked under Cakewalk's MIDI devices. When you install a control surfaces it will 'steal' the MIDI device for the control surface, which means you can't use that device for anything else like playing notes. Which is why the V49 should appear as two separate MIDI devices: one for the keyboard, and one for the controller part. Try checking both devices under MIDI devices but don't install a control surface. Make sure your MIDI tracks / instrument tracks have their MIDI source set to Omni->All. Your keyboard should now work. Only then try to install the control surface. If they keyboard stops working, then it's likely you've picked the wrong MIDI device for the control surface - so switch it to the other one.
  5. If you delete the controller surface from preferences, does it start working again?
  6. There's really no "one" answer to this, as it largely depends on your plugins, the number of tracks etc. When using one core, all your plugin processing is done by the CPU quickly swapping between each plugin. So it does a little bit on one plugin, then swaps to the next etc. This gives the effect (no pun intended!) of things happening at the same time. However, when a particular plugin is very CPU intensive, this impairs the CPU's ability to switch quickly as it can be stuck on one plugin for longer than usual. A faster processor means the CPU can do this intensive task quicker, so it can switch to the next more quickly. Multi core CPU's allow the CPU to do things at the same time, so on a dual core CPU there's half as much task switching (this not strictly true, but you get my meaning). While one core is busy doing it's heavy DSP processing on a plugin, the other cores can be used for other things. So I guess the short answer is that both are important for VST handling, although more CPU intensive plugins might benefit more from more cores with load balancing enabled. Its worth mentioning though for tracking, I/O speed is also a factor. When you're tracking you're writing as well as reading from disk. There's also a lot of memory swapping going on too. Bear in mind also, that I/O and memory access can also be a bottleneck with multi cores as not everything can be accessed at the same time, so they may be waiting in a queue for the resource for a few microseconds or so. So faster memory, faster I/O, CPU cores, CPU speed all play a part. Some plugins need more CPU than others, some need more memory (or faster memory due to lots of copying of memory around) than others. This link may explain things better than me... https://create.pro/blog/cores-faster-cpu-clock-speed-explained/
  7. You need to uncheck "Recycle Plugin Windows" in Preferences->VST Settings
  8. It was a real shame Enterprise didn't run for longer. I enjoyed most of Voyager, but I got a bit tired of "yet another holodeck based episode".
  9. I actually prefer the older version of Nectar Elements. It's a pity they discontinued it for a while before releasing the new Nectar Elements - there's no upgrade path between them. The newer Nectar Elements does has a wizard and automatically guesses what your vocals need, which I guess is great for quick results, but it looks like there's much less control than with the original elements.
  10. The AIR Complete bundle, although dated is still an excellent set of instruments. Plugin boutique is offering an upgrade from any of the AIR products for only £60 / $78. You can currently get Xpand!2 for £13.99 / $18.42 and then use this to upgrade to complete: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/64-Virtual-Instrument/1560-Xpand-2 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/58-Inst-Bundle/2294-AIR-Instrument-Expansion-Pack-3-COMPLETE-UPGRADE-
  11. All of your methods of reducing CPU that you've mentioned above are good ones, and are the ones I'd recommend. One other, which is pretty quick would be to increase your ASIO buffer. This would be less suitable for tracking however. For tracking, freezing tracks would be my first option.
  12. Monitising more advanced stuff like LP-EQ makes sense, but channel tools to my mind is bread & butter functionality. It always slightly bugs me that I have to insert it as an "effect" into a track to do stuff like flip L&R / individually pan L&R channels. I feel this would be much better either as a stock ProChannel model, or built into the track inspector itself.
  13. From what I can gather from the video it works like this: You put one instance on every track, this "registers" this track with the plugin You then go to the assign tab (from any instance of the plugin), which lists the registered tracks. You then assign the registered tracks to buckets So the display CLA has of 4 instances showing each tab, is 4 separate instances (from any 4 random tracks) with the appropriate tab and bucket selected. So in essence, you can control all tracks from any instance.
  14. FYI there was a link to a list on the old forum, of what plugins were bundled with Sonar from version 8 onward. I found that installing X1 Producer, X3 Producer and Sonar Platinum gave me 99% of the plugins bundled over the years since Sonar 8, less the 32 bit DX plugins of course. The only thing missing from X1 / Splat combo is R-Mix, which only came with X2 Producer, but I couldn't be bothered to install X2 as well just for R-Mix. Anyhow the link is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4k4trs6qj1740d6/Cakewalk Addons.xlsx?dl=0
  15. This is a known issue with the last two updates of Melodyne. Basically what is happening is that Melodyne is "forgetting" its default detection algorithm, and hangs Cakewalk. The workaround is to create a Region FX first, and if necessary, re-select the appropriate algorithm. But once the Region FX is there, you can drag your audio on to a MIDI track.
  16. Yeah, Melda are cool. I hate the fact I have to buy 2 of everything with Waves.
  17. Yes, that's what is bundled with CbB. It's locked to Cakewalk, but there's no limitations in time or functionality to what is there. I upgraded to the full TH3 just before Cakewalk Inc's demise. Apart from extra amp, effect & cabinet models there's no difference between that and the Cakewalk edition.
  18. FWIW, the reason I quoted is because the original post was about the scroll bar, which has nothing to do with CW going into demo mode.... and there's no way I can tell if someone is editing a post. I'm no mind reader.
  19. Babylon 5 and DS9 were aired at more or less the same time, and as they were both based on space station were easy comparisons. I much preferred B5 at the time. The first few episodes were not that easy to get to grips with, but once I'd got into it, it just got better. There were always multiple plots at various levels going on. I don't know if you noticed, but all the station commanders had the same initials (JMS) as the show's creator.
  20. The MEqualizer in the MeldaProduction free bundle that @scook suggested has mid/side capability. It really is worth a look, as it has loads of features most paid for EQ's don't have.
  21. I don't think you need to update to stop the DEMO thing happening - as long as you periodically run BandLab Assistant you should be ok.
  22. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but the custom template you have to fill in on the taktility site, is the actual an adobe illustrator template the owner uses to print out: http://taktility.com/data/documents/X-Touch_Compact_Overlay_Template.zip You should be able to fill it in and print it out yourself (assuming you have adobe illustrator - although I believe you can install a trial version).
  23. I'm not aware of anywhere you can download them, but there's a couple of places that will print/cut high quality overlays to your spec: https://store.birchwoodstudioandevents.com/Behringer_xtouch http://www.taktility.com/overlays/xtouch-compact/
  24. I've no issues with quantising, depending on the part being played. If the track is not prominent (e.g. a simple synth pad), then I find no issues with it and IMO it can benefit the song. Some drum tracks sound better quantised, however I tend to focus on the kick, sometimes the snare, but leave the hats & cymbals alone (with the exception of crashes on the 1st beat). Bass parts, as long as they're in time with the kick on the 1st beat tend to be fine when quantised, but only if the part is simple. More complex bass lines sound better left alone. For instruments like piano, I find the variations in velocity to be far more important than whether it's been quantised or not, but again if it's a prominent part then it's best left alone.
  25. I'm not seeing this behaviour, it's working fine for me. Do you have any lenses defined, or screensets or mix snapshots on that project? There was a recent post regarding a similar issue: It turned out to be a lense issue. Setting Lenses to None fixed it for him.
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