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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. i've never heard the original but from that point of view i can say that the song is catchy and i liked it right off the bat....you guys did a very good job....(note: ends too abruptly....).... ????
  2. Larry T.

    Sand Piper

    at around 1:28 i'd take the cello volume down a decibel or two as its entrance is slightly abrubt....other than that really well crafted piece ????
  3. flows along smoothly....rhythmically sound....Vangelis is smiling for sure ????
  4. one of the 10 best songs I've ever heard here on the Songs forum....extremely well done ????
  5. agree with Tom....excellent music as always ????
  6. Larry T.

    Rain - video

    The Music: I think it sounds plenty spacey if that's what you wanted....though it fits fine with the rain motif as well....well crafted, recorded, mixed....great work as usual ???? The Video: works fine for me....compliments and has good synergy with the music
  7. very nicely put together...agree the sounds are reminiscent of Wind and Wuthering but that's a true compliment....I would add some tambourine, flute (i know, more Genesis ?) and backing vox to add a bit more depth and feel....enjoyed listening ????
  8. your reputation precedes you....I listened to a bit of a few and immediately liked the sounds....at work now but wishing i had more time for music....keep up the great work ????
  9. nicely realized soundscape/capture of moments piece....everything you have in the song fits perfectly and compliments the other parts well....enjoyed listening ????
  10. Quite good Eurythmics/Eighties inspired tune you guys have there....love the chorus....keep going, you're very good now and will only get better as you gain experience ????
  11. Exceptionally well recorded and mixed....very nicely arranged and played....i really enjoyed listening ? ???
  12. Thanks David....the acoustic was mic'ed, electric rhythm was direct, all lead guitars were mic on amp with Overdrive Preamp pedal which is the first time I tried that, as i always went direct ????
  13. Thank You pwalpwal....there's more reggae than ambient but the whole thing is some combination of what I thought would make a good tune starting with the idea of "ambient reggae" as a starting point....cheers!!!! ? ⛱️??
  14. drums and percussion: done (i hope): lemme know, please ???? attention to rhythm: done ???? more bass: done (i hope) please let me know if the bass is still lacking ?? third not punched enough: done (i hope): lemme know, please ?? Thanks you guys for your helpful observations, i really did slack off on this one at first ????
  15. Hi Andy....Thanks for listening and comments....it's most definitely not pure reggae but a hybrid with electronic and rock elements....I've only been on here about 9 months but haven't heard any reggae music at all so, just thought I'd try this tune out i wrote back in 1977 or so and see what I could do with it....cheers ??⛱️?
  16. greetings....here is a reworked version of Reggae Music....all observations, suggestions, critiques and comment are appreciated.... a' Reggae Music (ambient reggae music): https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/a-reggae-music-ambient-reggae-music
  17. Larry T.

    a kiss

    hi jack, what I meant by "could be tightened up a bit to change it to a more accessible overall level" was my own personal taste would have done a different arrangement....I would shorten the verses, add the harp which comes in at 3:20 to more of the song and put an instrument solo section in....this is all my subjective taste ????
  18. Larry T.

    a kiss

    this one is probably the best sounding mix you've ever done....great, great intro....the various sonic excursions that follow are impressive....i like it....but do feel it could be tightened up a bit to change it to a more accessible overall level....very, very well done jack ????
  19. Larry T.


    good vibes....pleasant listen.....mix is very, very good (clarity, volumes in relationships, stereo, recorded quality) ????
  20. Larry T.

    Sun and the Sand

    nice work....enjoy listening to it very much ????
  21. Larry T.

    I Got Da Blues

    the lyrics are great in their truth and honesty....i'd put some acoustic slide guitar on it to give it a bit more flavor....a horn section now and then would help a lot....the song itself is good but needs more work to reach its full potential imho ????
  22. hi John, nice tune, playing, riffs, production, mix....agree with Tom that it does need some editing....i'm in the process of writing something new and have to adjust my thinking from creating something i think is worth pursuing to listening to the whole piece and then deciding what sounded good before is not fitting into where the song is at now....basically totally opposite ways of thinking that really tires me out ????
  23. great job David....delicious ?? to listen to....compositionally it does things unexpectedly yet fits together perfectly ????
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