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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. i can really hear Peter Gabriel adding vocals to this....the trance music compliments the controlled frenzy of the guitar sustain....i think it needs more parts/music to take it to the next level but a nice foundation to build on ????
  2. Larry T.

    Mourning Lilly

    i like the second version better....nice soundscape and tribute....peace to Lilly ????
  3. Larry T.


    not bad at all....you have the virtual drums sounding good and in perfect time (which is something i'm still trying to master)....the fragmentation of the piece is something i'm not a big fan of as i prefer cohesion and groove but that's just my personal taste....would really like to hear you put together something else like this but with a steady groove and getting the sections to flow forward easily....good work!! ????
  4. really nice work on that....great sounding mix and performances and cool video....good luck!!!! ????
  5. thanks tom....the harmonica was something i wanted to try to see if it would fit....after awhile i figurered out where it would fit right....the squeaking strings i really tried hard to keep them as quiet as possible but the song has some quick changes and this is the best i could come up with....the strings are D'Addario extra light that are labeled "bright"....i will try the "Flat Tops" and "Half Rounds" soon....i thought a good equalizer would be able to take away the squeaks as the CbB one won't....i never thought of a de-eser but i'll give it a try, thanks!!!!....i did use some volume automation to hide some of the isolated squeaks where i could but some places they were all happening within seconds and it would not work....thanks again!!!! ????
  6. thanks Bjorn....yes, i really tried to keep this as minimal/organic as i could ????
  7. thanks and glad you liked it....no 12 string on the song, i do have an acoustic 6 string on both left and right sides panned completely 100% left and 100% right....yeah, without Mike's tutorials none of my stuff would sound half as good as it does as i would still be looking through the manual for instructions ????
  8. greetings!!!! here's the latest called Ocean (ambient pop music)....have at it ? ???? link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/ocean-ambient-pop-music DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, CbB effects, harmonica reference speakers: M-Audio BX3 Special Thanks to Mike Enjo at #creativesauce on You Tube whose incredible videos on how to use CbB made this possible
  9. the link is to the album ""Penelope" which combines classical and pop ideas into a kind of unique sound....i enjoy parts of the album very much as it's pretty rare to find a whole album i enjoy from beginning to end....cheers!!!! ????
  10. very nice....if you haven't already you may want to hear some of Sarah Kirkland Snider's work with Ensemble Signal and Shara Worden on vocals: https://www.allmusic.com/album/sarah-kirkland-snider-penelope-mw0002045465
  11. beautiful....to bring down any transient on my stuff i just use the CbB volume control on each individual track and manually adjust each violator down to an acceptable level ????
  12. Larry T.

    Prisha - Video

    yes....this sounds much calmer and accessible to a western listener....beautiful ????
  13. condolances........you did great work in creating a respectful combination of music and images for your brother and your family....you guys sounded pretty good as everyone didn't showboat....that jam has a magic all its own ????
  14. cool music.... subtle and melodic yet strong and consistant....keep up the really, really good work and good luck locating the right fit singer....check the ending though, seems to end too quickly?? ???? https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/
  15. yes, very nice soundscape piece with an intergalactic feel....the panning was done very well....some of the sounds were like guitar feedback that was really well controlled ???? https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/
  16. Larry T.

    Funky Shoes

    great work there....your tenor and soprano riffing feel is superb....the whole piece jells really well ???? https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/
  17. Larry T.


    great song, really excellent work there....has a contemporary zeitgeist feel mixed with production elements that remind me of Peter Gabriel's third solo album....keep it up ???? https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/
  18. Larry T.


    outstanding....beautiful and powerful....if i had to site influences i'd say steely dan + return to forever + weather report....excellent composing, arranging, playing, recording....even the mix on those headphones you mentioned sounds pro ???? https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/
  19. thanks Tom....ambient pop is.....the genre name i give to the songs i'm now creating....they are instrumentals, can be quirky, no words (although choirs are cool), generally have little to no drums/percussion (because to get the drum sounds i used to have in them by playing a real kit is now a task that just takes too much time and effort for me now although light percussion is used), usually not more than 74 beats per minute, with the goal of giving the listener a sense of peace, relaxation, enjoyment and, hopefully, happiness and inspiration.... Wavelengths is meant to be a slightly fractured piece as implied by the title with different and perhaps disjointed motifs entering and exiting....it just kind of happened....the next piece i'm working on is traditionally structured and probably more accessible....Cheers and Thanks again!!!! ????
  20. Larry T.


    excellent, interesting and inspiring excepting the vox....i have never been a fan of Indian vocals in that type of style so in my listening it was a hurdle, but the rest was great!!!! ????
  21. Thanks Bjorn....the sections fitting together was one of the biggest problems in this production....the piece is called "Wavelengths" so, i tried to set the stage for a varied, yet cohesive experience....it sure doesn't have the flow of "Like a Rolling Stone" or "California Love"....it's more of "A Passion Play" or "Supper's Ready" type thing....i tried to find a drum VST that has mallets on cymbal to use in a few segues , but all i found was drum sticks on cymbal which wasn't the feel i wanted....cheers!!!! ????
  22. Larry T.

    You Know

    great job on what i was able to listen to....i've had too many experiences with family members in hospices or "retirement homes" so i really couldn't take listening to much more than the first minute but imho you've nailed the feeling of them ????
  23. Thanks daryl....i really wanted to use mallets on cymbals for the segue's between a few sections but i don't have mallets on cymbals (or couldn't find them) on any of the VST's i have....i tried using SI Drums and Analog Lab V Lite VST sticks on cymbals but it wasn't the right feel.... anyone know if the CbB SI Drums have mallets hidden somewhere in them?? ????
  24. excellent song, production, mix....the whole thing....has a beautiful feel to it that reminds me of Everything But the Girl's best songs ????
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