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Everything posted by craigb

  1. *Pfft...* You're just early! We're about due for a pole shift anyway. ?
  2. I think the red dress is the problem here. Lose that and she should be fine!
  3. I guess we've got that 'ol North Pole, South Pole stuff backwards, ya? ?
  4. I was considering it until I saw the misspelling starting line two... ?
  5. Actually, I think that might be a hooker wig... (Hmm... I hope he was referring to Wibble's post... ?) ?
  6. We like to call those "FSF Frisbees." ?
  7. Ah, so you missed it??? He left an Easter Egg in his reply! All you had to do was click on it, then open a new browser page, click on the "Images" button, turn off the "family" filter and type in "Hot girls in thongs!" Simples. ?
  8. OJ kills again! LOL! These are the only things I can think of to follow up Yoko... ?
  9. *Fun stretch!* Wander > Wonder (Includes the only piano lead I ever learned - it's just too fun to play!)
  10. Ha! I was just typing "IBS!" (In before S.L.I.P.!) ?
  11. To make it more musical. Bass thongs! ?
  12. Didn't see any mic. Just something to mount... ?
  13. This all becomes rather simple once you start basing everything off of Euler's constant and Pi. ?
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