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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Evidently it's an unreal live experience, but it certainly doesn't translate well to video as far as I am concerned! 😆
  2. After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF!
  3. TBF, they're from the South on that last one and have been going to that bar for three years now! 😆
  4. I wonder just how much time it took this guy to come up with this??! 😵 NAME DOMINOES
  5. But are the Korean Beatles better than the Japanese Murder Hornets? 🤔 😬
  6. 'Twas what I did... Except the egg cartons had to be painted in fluorescent colors so the black light made them glow! Oh, and I used moving blankets...
  7. Ok, just watched after having to post my required response above! I have to say it made me smile to see ANYONE (let alone someone like Jon) doing the right thing and, most likely, saving a life! Good job Jon!
  8. Ha! I was going to post this one but work called... Tony's my favorite bass player (who's not a member here! 😜)!
  9. So, we're all prisoners of our own devices then?
  10. It was inevitable! Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
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