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Everything posted by craigb

  1. What? You were expecting something like this: Or, even worse, this??? That would be a big nope from me dawg.
  2. This little guy is Newton, the mascot for my personal business.
  3. This thread is Procreationist!!! ? ?
  4. Time's been playing with me...
  5. This is probably as good a place as any to remind everyone to use something to protect your equipment, preferably a UPS so that any brief outage won't cause damage (or annoyances). In every rack I used to have I had a Furman, but both my DAW and modem/router/switch areas had UPS'. Definitely saved my bacon a couple of times! I should also note that, for decades, I always keep my computers on 24/7. Going from no power to full power is when most of the electrical parts tend to fail. I only reboot for maintenance and updates.
  6. Wow, in at least 200 Windows 10 machines, I've never seen that message! Good luck indeed!
  7. *Sheesh!* Bass players will wear ANYTHING!!! ? ?
  8. Another topic that's just full of hot air!
  9. Maybe the remix will be better, ya?
  10. I'm afraid he let the promises of a Mermaid lull him into a trap, never to be seen or heard from again apparently... (Is "Marriage" a word or a sentence??)
  11. When I tried to put my music out there, I found the door was locked. Apparently, my songs were using the wrong key...
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