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Everything posted by craigb

  1. LMAO! After staring at that for quite a while and preparing a (hopefully) witty reply, then I noticed the dog...
  2. Hmm... Just thought of this, but I'm betting someone's already done it. There should be a way to hook a foot-switch up to toggle record, no? I'm thinking of those little, round foot-switches that we use to change channels on an amp, but one that connects to your computer using MIDI. Hey, what about using an FCB1010? Hmm...
  3. @Wibbles Is that one for Bob? ?
  4. Wow, soon you'll have enough of these to create a Greatest Hits album Bob! (As in, the hits keep coming...) Stay safe, pull out the candles and the board games I guess!
  5. So, our governments will be racing out to waste millions on testing soon, ya? ?
  6. Been listening to my Metric discography lately. ?
  7. You guys are missing your third! ?
  8. A sexy addition to any home entertainment system girl friend.
  9. I seem to recall inviting her to one of the shroom parties I used to have.
  10. I still haven't figured out why we need to use Reason for an edit in a Cakewalk forum...
  11. Good thing it doesn't show what happens next (regardless of what that is)!!! ?
  12. *Ponders which is worse...* *Then wonders if the two could be epically combined...* ?
  13. Social Distancing version...
  14. Two words: David Gilmour.
  15. Wait... What if he truly hates money? Then these could be considered treatments, ya? ?
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