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SteveStrummerUK last won the day on January 30 2022

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About SteveStrummerUK

  • Birthday 05/30/1962

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  1. February 7th 1238: Mongolian forces led by General Batu capture and burn the important Russian city of Vladimir, after an eight-day siege. Coincidence? I think not. Many Happy Returns Eduardo 🎂
  2. I see the newer generations of AI as just another creative tool for video and film makers - available to those without the skills, budget and time to produce convincing CGI. Although no doubt AI-generated movies and videos are already very good, when it strives for realism, most of them still have the 'uncanny valley' giveaways of early and poor quality CGI/motion capture - think Polar Express for example. If used 'innocently', I don't see a problem - much in the same way as no one who watches a Jurassic Park movie thinks thy are looking at real dinosaurs. Mind you, once the technology comes of age, the use of such a technology will undoubtedly be used for more nefarious reasons.
  3. Rain: Yeah, that's take #382 Bapu: Am I ever going to get my tracks 😡 😊
  4. Wow Danny, that's a lot going on there mate. On the teaching gig - having personally benefitted innumerable times from your advice, knowledge and (endless!) patience, all I can say is your students are in very good hands 😊 As Craig says, it's so sad under the circumstances of this thread, but it is nice to see you around.
  5. Absolutely Krist - my favourite Maiden LP too. I always feel Steve Harris penned the perfect long-ish prog/metal song with Phantom Of The Opera, and he's been trying to write it again on nearly every album. With various levels of success. I may be unpopular amongst the Maiden aficionados, but I rank Bruce #3 as far as singers go. Di'Anno #1 for sure, but I love the down-to-earth no-nonsense singing of Blaze Bayley (at #2). Having said that, he was never going to be a perfect fit in Maiden, his style didn't really match their back catalogue. Mind you, I saw him a few years ago fronting Wolfsbane and he was absolutely top notch. If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend giving his latest solo album Circle of Stone a listen - it's very good.
  6. Saw Maiden in 1980 and they were incredible. Even now, I kind of still prefer the two albums they did with Paul Di'Anno over the Dickinson/Bayley output - his vocal style just worked so well for their early material. Sad new - RIP Paul.
  7. Such a nice gesture Dave. Janet changed her Soundclick handle to Prairie Breeze a while back - her page is HERE.
  8. Such sad news indeed, Janet was a truly wonderful human being. Rest in peace Mamabear.
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