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Everything posted by craigb

  1. The pug was trying to find a lighter to light. ?
  2. Ever wonder what Mt. Rushmore looks like from North Dakota?
  3. I started programming computers! Still can't believe it... ? (Technically I started the week between Christmas and New Years, but it's getting close!)
  4. Ah... The sounds of the neighborhood I grew up in! There were several neighbors that had either drag race cars or just muscle cars. I loved the sounds, parents hated it. ? (To explain my car would take way longer than I currently have, but let's just say I could scratch three gears and it did an 11.2 on the El Cajon drag race strip! ? )
  5. Me pork you long time?
  6. (I chose not to go where I think you were headed Ken! ?)
  7. Not sure why you care if he still has one, I'm just a little annoyed that she still has one! ??
  8. After listening to Rush, I wanted one of those sooooo much!
  9. Sorry, I'd reply, but you appear to be a robot. ?
  10. Might have to be a big dream for her. ?
  11. You obviously are missing some input processing gear...
  12. Maybe if you aimed better or practiced?
  13. Even though I've never smoked, I can still recognize that comparing the two is kind of ridiculous (though I also know exactly where that programming came from!). I'm certainly not saying it's harmless, but what is if it's abused? Note where "my" favorite falls on this list! ?
  14. WHY didn't someone explain this to me years ago??!!! ?
  15. Ai! I can't find the rest of that album... Even on his website he only talks about it, but doesn't have it up for sale either. Any idea where it might be downloaded from? I definitely have no use for vinyl...
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