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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Now that is one good-looking nut! Anyone would be proud to have a couple of those! ?
  2. My girlfriend kept riding my @$$ about going to the beach, so I finally let her go...
  3. *Scrambles off to get pizza and beer to see if I can lure this bass player into sleeping at my place...* ?
  4. Sorry S.L.I.P., but no political posts please. ?
  5. *Suddenly realizes that being a responsible person and being to blame could actually be the same thing!* ?
  6. My monitoring of Interpol tells me that today is Steve's birthday! 158 years old (though I may have read that incorrectly ? ). As tradition serves... Have a good one! ?? (I won't be THAT old until next year! ?)
  7. Only online. Getting Yeehaw's in person is currently discouraged. ?
  8. I resemble that remark! (Minus the couch...) ?
  9. From what I've read lately, that's not a problem since most people keep pushing "facts" that are almost exactly the opposite of reality (and obviously provided by mass media). In some ways, I can't help but admire the brilliance of how people have been programmed to aggressively fight for exactly what will either end or enslave them.
  10. Not too much different than how you just "reacted" to part of my post. I'd say let them make the videos and then people could choose not to watch. To me that's far preferable to having some ruling entity decide what's acceptable or not. In this particular case, those making the decisions are the only ones benefiting.
  11. *Oops!* He hit the rim (i.e., it wasn't a "swish"). Better reset everything AGAIN!!! ? I can't even imagine how much time it took to come up with all that and test each part! It also wasn't lost on me how flippin' huge his property is!
  12. Would that make a DJ a one piece band with no instruments or musicians?
  13. I had to stop watching. I could feel IQ points dropping off left and right!
  14. If you want to learn a lot about music, then both Rick Beato and Adam Neely are awesome resources. The whole point is that NOBODY should be getting censored. People should be allowed to disagree, but only after they've had a chance to see the subject matter (i.e., the agenda-approved opinion shouldn't be shoved down people's throats).
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