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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Well, it's supposed to be 40% off, ya? ? Duh! ?
  2. That one keeps coming up on my recommended videos list... I guess I'll just have to watch it!
  3. I hear he's a 6th degree something-or-other! ?
  4. Yep! Had a guy in my high school have his Pinto destroyed in a similar (if less dramatic) fashion! Man it's been a LONG time since I saw that movie too!
  5. My prognosis: He's drinking cheap beer. My prescription: Take two Speckled Hen's and see how it goes!
  6. Careful! You're going to get him banned again! ?
  7. Some days you're the dog, some days the hydrant...
  8. Just remove the word "DON'T" from that sign and you've got Joe Biden! ?
  9. I'm surprised you didn't include the Dukes of Hazzard and the Beverly Hills Hillbillies Starise!
  10. Heh, my post is currently "hidden" - stupid censor! I'll just paste things here and remove the other.
  11. But, but... That's the kind they serve at Wimbledon! ? (It's way too hot for a coat... ? )
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