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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Well, (somewhere else) he did admit to doing things worse than Susan Boyle and Kylie... (My guess is the Queen might have been involved... ? )
  2. I like how Kenny's captured perfectly my journey from Southern California (where the ladies are all fake and plastic) to the Pacific Northwest (where the females tend to be overweight heifers). Good job!
  3. *Pfft...!* That's about what a decent pint costs out here and those don't take as much effort to make! (Plus those pints still aren't available and your music is!) ? Maybe, if you want to go back to six ten-minute long songs, your next album could be called "Quarks!" since there are six of those (Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Top and Bottom). ?
  4. I'm guessing that requires permission from the Lovely Lady, ya? ?
  5. To be fair, that was me saying it was you.
  6. I'm in it and have the app, but the app doesn't want to start for some reason... Guess I'll have to look into it later!
  7. So, when were you going to tell me about it??? ? Wow, AND, I just discovered that you released one at the end of February without telling me too???!! ? Well, the jokes on you Budsk! I just bought both, AND, because Beach said I could "Name My Price" I bought it for £-100! ?? Actually, upon thinking about it, I've got some gear I want, so I might just buy Beach again for £-10,000 this time! ?
  8. I hope that logo is meant for new album coming soon, ya? ? I've heard rumors that the name is tentatively called "Faffing in Isolation" ?
  9. Really? Should I upgrade then? ? (It's running SONAR Producer 4 still...)
  10. I just pulled out my old DAW server box. It still booted and worked... using XP! ?
  11. I know it makes me want to get all my synths back! ?
  12. It's always cracked me up that the "A hole" has been filled in. ?
  13. To heck with just one song, this one's a whole album! ?
  14. Alternatively, use the link in the first video, click on the guy's channel (his name in this case), then select the playlist from there.
  15. That was interesting! There's actually four videos; here's the playlist with all of them:
  16. Sorry Mesh, I'd love to help, but you haven't paid your last invoice yet I haven't run into this issue before and don't know the correct resolution. ?
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