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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. I’ve had Dim Pro since Sonar 8.5 but I will now install it from CCC with no issues. I definitely depend on it for the acoustic bass which is on 60 or so of my backing tracks for our Folk/Bluegrass band. It is also in many of my original songs. I also use Dim pro for all sorts of different sounds either it or xpand2. I really don’t bother looking anywhere else than those 2.
  2. If the tracks are audio not midi drag a percussion track to the timeline and that creates a tempo map. There is also a tap tempo icon in the tempo inspector. ( the tool mentioned above)
  3. Hi Robert good to hear from you. There’s lots of options to avoid this. My normal workflow is to use the Add Track method ( the big plus symbol at the top of the tracks. In the advanced section it gives me the option of choosing the correct bus. It also lets me insert multiple tracks which is handy for guitars and vocals. I also use this to insert soft synths. It’s faster than the old way. Second is to use track templates to build projects. The only issue with track templates is if the desired bus is spelt different then it inserts a new bus spelt the way it was when the template was created. It thinks master is not Master. What Greg said above is also important and something to check right away. I think most of Cakewalk templates set the Master as default bus. Were I run into issues is when a project started as a midi file. There’s no Master bus when you open a midi file. The TTS-1 outputs to your hardware bus. This is when I’ll use track templates to upgrade the instruments. Example: I’ll insert SI drums using my template and that populates the project with a Master bus, a drum bus and a reverb bus. If I keep the TRS-1 I always have to remember to change its output. I often forget. Track templates save the entire routing of the track you are saving. If I next insert The SI Bass it will only add the Bass buss because the master is already there. The trick is to create these templates using the exact same project with all the busses spelt the same.
  4. Exactly. Takes 3 seconds this way. Tip - You can use Alt mouse scroll wheel to zoom.
  5. Many plug ins need to be de-authorized on the original system first. I had the problem when the OS drive died . But all the vendors are very good about this if you contact them with the explanation. If they are on iLok you can manage that there. And yes I used X3 as an example because it is an offline system of activation. I used Home Studio as example because it is still using CCC but way more stable than SPLAT because it is simple. Splat in those days crashed a lot for me I would never go back. But HS was solid. I’ll have to check later and see if it has the playlists though. I don’t think so. Edit: yes it has Playlist. My plan was to not use the playlist anyhow. I was experimenting with using groupings of 5-6 songs in one project. That’s sort of how I play anyhow. That’s what I didn’t like about the playlist, to slow between songs. Bang off 6 songs and people don’t mind if you take a 1 minute break. But even 10 seconds between each song is enough to clear the dance floor.
  6. Your experience is why I would avoid using CbB as a DAW for live performance. I would use an older version like Sonar Home Studio. Stable as a rock. It doesn’t need the internet. Or even X3. For full 2-3 hour gigs I have redundant equipment for everything involved. including backing track playback. 2 laptops and a cell phone. Anything breaks I have a disaster plan to fix issues in very short order. Even my mixer could blow up. And another reason I chose stereo backing tracks instead of multi track. Bulletproof. And can be played on a zillion different devices or music apps. I even have a mini disk Walkman. The second laptop is fully ready to go before the gig starts. Just like my second guitar. Now my Zoom L8 can store my tracks on a SD card so even my mixer is a backup player. Oh and it can play multi track. I forgot about that part. Anyhow my take is only use software that is 100% bulletproof. Like Foobar or WinAmp. Or Sonar Home Studio. X3
  7. That’s a good point. One way is to go to regional effect and Melodyne/ open editor will be available if there’s something still there
  8. All sample rates are set the same in Behringer control panel, cakewalk and windows sound settings? Cakewalk set to use ASIO?
  9. Thanks folks. I guess some things don’t change after 20 years because what you guys are saying was sort of my first impression even back then. I can even spot BiaB created midi tracks off the internet because of the misplaced drum fills and bass lines that sound like auto generated from a Casio keyboard. But these new real tracks seems promising. I would never use the bass parts. The drums I’m still on the fence and was disappointed that real tracks can’t export as midi fully. I will see what develops and I’ve only made it to page 50 of the PDF manual. On paper it all looks promising.
  10. My 14 year old Grandson has taken up the guitar and songwriting and I realized that he would need some sort of tools to help him get his ideas started. So I bought Band in A Box based on my limited knowledge of what it can do. I had a copy of it back in 200? . He is a total beginner so his skill at creating chord progressions is zero. But we worked it out because his song was based on very traditional Allen Jackson style country. I soon managed to enter the chords for his song and we found a suitable style that instantly brought his song to life. He was hooked. So I’ll leave him on his own because a 14 year old should actually learn how to use the software faster than me. But the difference will really be he will have to heavily rely on BiaB to write the music until his chops get better. I’m hoping it will also introduce him to 3 chord music theory. Anyhow myself I have been monkeying around with it and slowly learning more about it. I’ll admit that I was not expecting what I’ve been discovering as I learn more about it. The developers seems to have been putting a lot of work into improvements and adding features. The interface is super old school but who cares if it gets the job done. What I really discovered is how this software is 100 % dedicated to creating good old fashioned real music and is totally not for making any form of modern styles like EDM. It’s made for old school bar band musicians, as well as singer songwriters like me. Not mention lots of other live music like for Church, dances, Jazz trios, Cowboys, bluegrass you name it. This is totally the opposite of Cakewalks Next. I’m thinking I might end up with a totally new workflow based on BiaB for both getting down song ideas as well as creating backing tracks. It seems you can actually finish a song down to fine details in it. Yet to be discovered by me is how much midi editing is possible. Anyhow share your thoughts as I realize we have a lot of Band in the Box users here. And what better time than now to discuss using alternative software while we all fall asleep waiting for Sonar.
  11. Ya I abandoned Sound Cloud a few years ago as it seems to be declining. I like that on Sound Click you can easily update a song. Only reason I put this song on Sound cloud for now is it’s a work in progress and I seem to have a lot of followers on Sound Click now so didn’t want to contaminate that playlist just yet. I sort of use Sound Cloud for music that I do for fun. I forgot about the Uncle Stuff that was our band 12 or more years ago. It was a lot of fun but the Drummer moved away and we never found a suitable replacement.
  12. If Cakewalk crashes you should always submit the dump file. Just posting here is not going to result in the developers knowing what happened. To me a crash is not really a bug. It’s when something conflicted with the running of the software forcing shut down. The good news is this does generate a record so it can be analyzed. A-bug is a repeatable problem where something either doesn’t do what it should do or just doesn’t work at all. Bugs normally don’t crash the software. So there’s no reports generated.
  13. I’m on the road until Thursday so can’t check. It was on the manual I think. And possibly only for the drums. But you place a little icon by clicking above the measure and I think a menu opens with options like stops and fills. If your familiar with Margaritaville I easily put in the stops for — There’s a Woman to blame… I think the style was called Village.
  14. You should start your own thread your issue is different than the OP and it’s confusing
  15. Edit: Feb 9. Below was wrong info as I was not looking in the correct folder. Mine had 340 MB. When ever I look in there it’s always empty. I use Melodyne a lot but I always render immediately before moving on. My Z key opens Melodyne and my X key Renders.
  16. Probably why it’s free. I do believe this will be solved when Sonar comes out. I have Cakewalk Next and it includes both a Sample player and a Sample matrix like a Octa Pad tracks you can insert. Both with simple drag and drop of any type of samples. To make your own you just record to an audio track and drag that to either track. This is possibly Next’s biggest asset. Seems to me that this will also be part of Sonar.
  17. His post brings up the question of are the pops showing as spikes in the audio tracks and are always heard in the same place? Or are you only randomly hearing them? Sorry I’m on my cell phone so can’t check, but there’s a setting that by default sets crossfades at zero crossing which generally eliminates the problem. If a clip gets cut in the middle of a audio signal you will hear a click or pop. So the desire is to split right when the signal is at zero db or as close as possible. One solution is to slip edit the crossing point to find a place at which it doesn’t glitch. Sustained guitar is hard as it might never have a zero crossing point. You almost have make sure when tracking to avoid punching in during sustaining parts. Vocals are not a problem because we have to breath and there plenty of places to use as breaks between clips. So not sure why you are hearing glitches there. If these glitches are not as a result of editing points and are being recorded to tracks then you have an audio dropping out issue. Increase your interface drivers buffer or better yet bypass effects when tracking. Check your system with the resplendent latency monitor too. https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon
  18. Yes that’s the first thing to check after setting up a new audio interface. Check all the audio settings and make sure only the interface is the device showing. FL is what we call an invasive driver which is installed with software. magix and Steinberg also do this. You remove them in the RegEdit app under software ASIO.
  19. Generally if you open Console view you can see everything including which Pro channels are being used. You might have to narrow the channel strips.
  20. Good suggestion. Chord track has been requested by many. An inexpensive option that I’m now playing with is called Chord Pulse http://www.chordpulse.com/ Its only $30. I created a backing track for a song in about 15 minutes with out reading the manual. I then read the manual to learn how to enhance the song with fills etc. The free version you can’t export midi so I bought it. You export the midi and open in Cakewalk and you have a real good start to your song. The chords are super basic but if you are an ace at PRV it’s easy to move stuff around and make it work. I also bought Band in a Box but having issues with exporting the midi.It uses real tracks now so they are not midi. But it’s possible when you get better at the software. Myself I prefer the No BS of Chordpulse. BiaB was $135. So a bit pricey. It does have a zillion styles and Chordpulse I think there’s only 140 styles but I still found what I wanted. 2. It seems doubtful as the trend in software is using on line activation product managers. I didn’t get the opportunity to try Sonar but I have Next and it seems identical to CbB to activate. I think the main reason they choose this system is piracy. Serial numbers are easy to generate or bypass from the code. I can’t think of one bit of upto date software I own that doesn’t involve on line activation now.
  21. The first like you posted is a dead end and might be because they changed servers last fall. The like Outrageous posted works and I just used it a few weeks ago and they got right back to me. They never explained what was wrong and my crash’s suddenly stopped so end of story. It was the TTS-1 crashed a project 6 times. Then it stopped crashing. I frost the ***** anyway.
  22. John Vere


    Yes. My other electric is a custom built Strat. It needs better Pups because it’s to clean an quiet. I take it to gigs as a spare and on some recordings when I need the Quack. I sold off a lot of my guitar collection a few years ago. Most were pretty worn out. I mostly want them for recording and G&L covers all my favourite sounds.
  23. Mix recall is a easy way to compare mixes. I’m not sure many people are even aware of it. I use it also to confirm I’m working with the right version of a project. When I export a mix I will save the mix scene with the date. So a year later you listen to a song and want to open the project and make changes. So you open the project and make sure the dates match between mix recall and the time stamp on the wave file. If they don’t you might have op-ed a back up version.
  24. John Vere


    The guy who I traded said he didn’t like the sound of the G&L. I think it’s called a Astat. Made in Korea? I’m not at home so forget. It had 2 soap bar giant single coils. They are super noisy around my computer. So I found some soap bar humbuckers but I had to router the holes a little bigger. They were quiet but I didn’t like the sound I got. Not a Tele and not even close to a Gibson. Then I noticed the string spacing was wrong. Turns out why I like this guitar is it was designed with finger picking in mind and it is wider at the bridge but about 1/4”. So those replacements were wrong spacing. So I put the original back in at the bridge and a Jeff Beck Seymour Duncan at the neck. Sort of the opposite of your Strat. I coil tapped the Humbucker. So this gives me 5 sounds all good ones now. Oh and thanks for the PM
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