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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. If the Bluetooth pedal can be programed for a spacebar, then it can also be programed for the X key which is play on Win Amp. But you really need a minimum of 2 pedals to control Win Amp or Foobar. Play, and song advance. Do they make double bluetooth pedals? or better yet 3 for Stop. I use Stop more than I should when I quickly realize I forgot to advance the song. I can tell by the first note it's wrong. Whoops wrong song- STOP-ADVANCE-PLAY = 2seconds before anyone noticed. I love my footswitch! I had a footswitch for my Atari midi rig. It used the Atari's Joystick port. The fire button was start, I had to build my own using a metal box and some push buttons and the cable cut off a perfectly good joystick. I got tired of lugging around all that heavy gear so switched to using Sony Mini Disk players in late 90's. I really missed my footswitch. So it was the very first thing I looked for when I got my first laptop. But sounds to me like you should stick with Cakewalk if that's working. Especially if you are planning on playing keyboards. I was thinking of that myself. I used Cakewalk as a live Keyboard rig all last winter. A 2008 Laptop, Cakewalk and my Roland A49 controller, worked great. I used midi channels to swap instruments. I had 6 different VST in the project I used. I also figured out how to use Midi learn for the volume of each track. So I had control from the keyboard. That and effects. You could have it set up so each song has the VST instrument you want to play loaded up in it. How do you get midi out of a tablet?
  2. I have the Motu M4. Your issue might be the audio driver USB power and needing to get Latency monitor down in the Green as well. I see the Katina is a laptop. Laptops are often a issue with bios bloatware that is needed for battery management. I just built a new desktop and the MoBo is made by same company MSI. I literally had to do nothing after I fired it up and before I installed any software I ran latency monitor and it was barely showing anything. So I hope you can get that sorted. But then the Motu. On my last computer I first used a Scarlett 6i6 and it was getting old as well as I never liked certain things about it. I did a lot of research and the Motu was definitely the best features for the price point. But right away I had glitches and crackles. I had always ran the 6i6 at a 256 buffer. I had to go to 512 and even then it was on the edge. I contacted Motu and they told me I needed a more powerful USB port. So I installed a USB 3 PCI e card. This made it stable at 512. It had one more issue were after the computer had been running other apps it would record all distorted. I always had to restart computer to do any recording. I used it for 2 years just sucking it up because otherwise I liked it well enough to not be tempted to return to the Scarlett. I needed a small mixer for live gigs and bought a Zoom L8. I then found out it was a real good audio interface as well. It ran smoothly at 256. So I’ve been using that and shelved the M4 up there with the 6i6. I built the new computer and continued using the L8 at 256 buffer. Then about 3 weeks ago I set up the M4 and it’s been working perfectly at 256 buffer. It likes my new computer! So get that bios sorted out and make sure you have enough power form the USB port you are using. I have a feeling that was still my issue with the old computer.
  3. Do you have the snap turned on? I always turn off snap when things won’t go were I want them to go. But generally, especially drums, you want it to snap to the grid. the exception is songs that were not recorded to the clock. Then those projects need the snap turned off for sure. Songs recorded to the clock will sound sloppy if notes are out of time. Especially drums and bass.
  4. I sorry but I most certainly didn’t work for me. It might just be a fluke were it works under certain conditions. The dialogue I got was not the usual sign in box, it had no graphics. Just a plain white box. And it refused my username and password even though I had just signed into Bandlab using the web page with exactly the same info. Im not interested in installing older versions of CbB anyway it’s a huge waist of time. I installed Home Studio instead. Not bad for something I paid $35 for in 2014. A great DAW with just about all the features I need. Solid as a rock. only thing missing is the regional effects engine. But you can still drag and drop audio to midi and use Melodyne.
  5. I replied in that other thread I didn't see this one so I'll post the same link here too. It's on my web site and has the details of how I do my one man band. I haven't finished the web page yet. But I have the info about what playback apps I use. https://sites.google.com/view/cactus-studios/the-one-man-band And don't bother trying to re install any older versions. That guy claimed he did but I tried it a dozen different ways and all were dead ends because you can install the software and it opens, but you can't use it because it won't authorize. They seemed to have figured all this out back in September. They are totally screwing this transition up big time at this point. Sure they have a million people using Cakewalk but the minute it is no longer free. Poof. But I'm to old a dog to learn a new trick. And besides. I still have X3 and Home Studio that don't need the internet. It would suck but only a little bit for me. That's why I mentioned X3 or Home Studio as a viable option for you. No internet needed. If I ever used Sonar Live I'd use Home Studio because it would have everything I need and it's bulletproof.
  6. We have sort of gone off topic but I have all this topic covered on my web page. https://sites.google.com/view/cactus-studios/the-one-man-band
  7. As I’ve said the few times Cakewalk over the last long while has ever crashed was inserting the TTS-1 into a half finished project. This was random and I sent in the crash dumps. They always seem to reply with off the shelf answers like open the project in safe mode? The project opens just fine you just can’t insert the TTS-1. I have had other crashes. I have an extra computer for testing plug ins that I managed to crash with certain freebies… a lot. I didn’t bother with the crash dumps because those freebie’s are in the trash can now. A real weird one was when you drag a plug in from one track to another. This normally is something I do a lot. But there were certain freebies that froze Cakewalk when you did this. I seem to remember these were by all by Analog Obsession who have a lot of very cool looking plugins that are half baked and don’t have manuals. My most recent crash was Soundpaint while just previewing patches. Once again submitted dump and got reply’s right away telling me to open in safe mode??
  8. A few things. 2nd one first as this is one I’m certain of. You will always get that message the first time you open a project created on a newer version. It will go away from then on. It’s only warning you that things might have changed. It’s generally harmless. The INST definition warning is something you can look up. I’ve never seen that it applies to VST instruments but you said your only using a Audio track? The transient being generated is because at some point you used either a regional effect or Audio Snap in the project and it never got bounced or rendered. Possibly the project needs some housekeeping to clean up left over garbage. One way to do that is use Save As. Copy Audio box checked. Open the Track Manager and make sure there’s no hidden tracks. Question, why do you use Cakewalk if all you are using is a stereo audio track? Are you also running live Midi from a controller?
  9. I didn’t find the defrag toggle just that optimize dialogue I posted above. According to the article @David Baay posted they recommended you leave it on. I tend to not mess to much with Windows defaults unless I’m dead sure it’s going to make a difference. And I plan on replacing my Main Data drive every 2 years anyhow. Drives are not expensive anymore. If you look at my screen shot you see that my drive management is all activities are using the Main Data drive which is the 1 TB M2 drive. Then libraries and Exported files go to either the Audio Drive or the Video drive which also contain backups of important stuff. They are 500 GB and will also be upgraded with in the next 2 years. Extra Backup is both cloud and external but I could stick another SSD in there easily just haven’t gotten around to it.
  10. So after reading that I come to the conclusion that I should not have unchecked the box?
  11. @Glenn Stanton In you screenshot it doesn't show the whole pathway. So I couldn't find your location shown. This is W11 but I then opened my W10 computer and seems the same. So I typed Defrag into Search and it opens Optimize Drives and then the dialogue below and you can see it's been busy! I opened change settings and unchecked the box-Run on Schedule. Thanks for pointing this out. I'll use the Magician to manage the drives as needed. Now my C drive and D drive are both 1TB M2 drives. Not sure if they are majorly different than the original style of SSD other than being smaller and faster.
  12. Storage is relatively cheap now. SSD drive can act up after so many writes and deletes. Samsung has an app the Magician that can test your drives including their speed and health. I had a 3 year old drive acting up as between audio and video editing it was slowing down from all that use. It was less than half full. For $48 each I bought 2- 500 GB drives and used the Magician to clone both my C drive and the dying data drive. Super cheap and easy upgrade. I couldn’t believe how perky the computer became. The cloning process took under an hour for both. I am going to make this a routine every 2 years now for my “Working” data drive. The old drive I will leave the data on it will becomes a 3rd storage backup. The old 3rd drive goes in a shoebox. Much later after I determined the 2 new drives were good to go I took he old drives and formatted them using the slow method. When I tested them again they were now running at about 80 % of specs. So I used them as extra data drive for backups in another computer. I haven’t defragged a drive since W7. I wasn’t even aware you could do that in W10.
  13. I would tend to ask this question of Sibelius. I have exchanged midi files amongst dozens of midi apps, some for software from the 80’s and I’ve never seen a tempo that was wrong. So it’s not Cakewalk printing the wrong info to the exported file. You could check the tempo list in the inspector to confirm the tempo. And you can Import any midi between any midi sequencer and that data should always play at the tempo set in the original Software. When you open a midi file ( not import) then the tempo that was set in the software you export from is what the new software should use. These day you generally drag and drop individual midi tracks between apps. And if you drag a midi clip from a project that was 120 BPM into a project that is at 95 BPM that clip will play at 95 BPM. End of story. So Set Sibelius at 95 then drag the track from you export folder into the Sibelius project.
  14. I changed all the short cuts I actually need to be all one letter keystrokes. I still have a few spares. I even got tired of having to use Shift B to hide/show the bus pane and changed it to L. Not sure what L was but it was nothing I ever used.
  15. I always wondered if Mark is holding up a Cakewalk Coffee Mug or a pint of Guinness?
  16. Didn’t you read my second post? I found a full installer. I successfully installed it. You cannot activate it. Anyone claims otherwise needs to describe in detail how you managed to activate the older version. Myself I think you are just spreading miss information. And that’s enough said about that.The solution is in the hands of the developers. Not in having to hack Cakewalk.
  17. Sorry I wasn’t referring to the video as I haven’t watched it yet. I will but I’ve been too busy myth busting in an other thread. I was just making an observation about You Tube in general. I use You Tube for when I’m trying to figure something out. I renovated our kitchen building all my own cabinets that are 10 times the quality you get when you buy them made out of cheap materials. Mine are all solid wood and real lumber core plywood. I watched many videos and I found this one guy who was amazing as a teacher. I even watched dozens of reviews for table saws and stuff ( audio interfaces?) , even the saw blades have dozens of videos ( guitars strings?) Then I installed my own Mini split Heat Pump. Same thing lots of DIY You Tubes. I fell short on changing the heater core on my 1985 Chevy Van I found one in Spanish though. It didn’t take long to find out the whole dashboard completely comes out! Eye-Carumba! sp.
  18. The trouble is, they are all excellent plugins but have an outdated look. That’s all. They are bright and simple. Everything now has to be dark and look like it’s a vintage rack device. And we do have good reasons to be a bit nervous about the DX format and how much longer it will be OK now that it is no longer supported I sort of stopped using them only for that reason. You tube is getting worse and worse for the amount of unqualified presenters spreading misinformation. I just was watching a few Audio interface reviews and each one had totally different information about the same interfaces. It’s all one person’s opinion so hopefully the punters are smart enough to figure that out. But these people get 2k views so there’s money in spreading dribble. I sure hope Bandlab hires a professional video maker to produce the tutorials for Sonar like they did 10 years ago. Otherwise it will be a s—t show again like it is now.
  19. Thanks for reminding us about the topic, but it is the Coffee house and a derailed thread is a good thread! I just found it hard to believe that those real bad ones at 2:20 were missed by everyone involved! I've been aware of them since the album came out because I bought it back then.
  20. Seeing as how I had fired up the old computer I started looking to see if anything important should be copied from it for future. I found it had a 4th drive that was not connected so in that I found this. I'm on line now and the latest version is still installed and activated. I'm also logged into Bandlab. So the install ran normally and odd thing was the release notes opened and they are for the latest version. I will post that because this contains what we were told about offline activations as well as that older version cannot be activated. So I opened Cakewalk and got the warning about activation as well as proof that I had actually finally succeeded in installing an older version. But this is once again a dead end because it will not activate. I am totally logged into this forum and to Bandlab. I even opened Google password manager to double check my user name and password all attempts to use those failed. So more proof that the developers are not lying to us and older versions are now history. So if you are going to spread misinformation please supply proof !
  21. OK I was game. So last night I set up my retired Office computer which has been sitting since November. It has the last release of Cakewalk installed from October. It also has a Backup of the Download folder from November 2022 full of Cakewalk installers. There was also a few installers still in the regular Download folder. I didn't plug in the LAN cable so it is offline. I fired up Cakewalk and got the offending splash screen. You can see it says no internet and is counting down. But it opened as expected. Ok so lets try this revert to older version that a few are claiming will work. Here's the first attempt ( we are still off line remember) this is the message I got when I tried any of the bottom 3 installers. This is the message I got when I tried the top few. I searched the computer which has had Cakewalk installed since 2018 and found a few older installers. I found one that worked but only got so far- I got this screen another dead end. So I fished around for the LAN cable and plugged it in and tried again, Now I get this message. Then I got this screen--- read what it say's-- " This Wizard will download and install the latest version of Cakewalk" No option to not let it do this. So I am finding it hard to believe this Myth that you can install and activate older versions. I had at least 10 ranging over the last 5-6 years and none of them work. On line or Off line. My conclusion is if you are off line the installer stops working at a certain point. If you are on line it will install the newest version. I even tried totally uninstalling Cakewalk and starting over , both off line and on line. I followed the link Mr Mirando posted to the product release page but there is no installers posted there. Just the rollback, and when you try and use a rollback you get the same error messages as above. Another dead end. Please advise of your steps you took to re install older versions.
  22. The plan is he will be singing it Thanks everyone for you comments, much appreciated.
  23. John Vere

    Dropout code 11

    Dropouts are caused by your system choking on the data. Standard actions are to increase your audio interface buffers. Freeze tracks that have plug ins that are heavy hitters. Or avoid them. Run Resplendence Latency monitor and optimize your system for audio.
  24. @Colin Nicholls As a personal choice I don’t answer high jack questions on old threads. Apparently there’s a majority of regulars that agree with this practice. The main reason is people are not aware they are reading an old post so it’s a huge time waster. And what if the high jacker starts getting answers and questions and so on? The thread becomes very confusing because nobody knows who is talking to who. High jacking is frowned upon in all user forums for good reasons. And most times the high jacker never returns anyhow. We welcome Mr Andreas to the forum and I'm sure all will be more than happy to help if they start their own thread.
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