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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. The gamelan is very much supposed to be an aid to meditation. I like this, the continued but evolving bell patterns are a nice bed for the rest, good job Bjorn
  2. Wookiee


    Got some funk on with this, cool bass, nice horns, sweet hammond. nicely done drums and guitar? Is this a band or are you using some libraries? I see it it is an internet collaboration. Cool funky grooving sir/madam/it and others
  3. I grew up listening to Roger on young human ankle snappers and young Wookiee ankle rippers TV. Can't say I remember this one but it sounds well done Gary. Very much in his style.
  4. Wookiee


    Thank you, glad you enjoyed this I appreciate your time and ears.
  5. Wookiee


    Thank you Bjorn, nice to know it appealed to another synth peep.
  6. Wookiee


    Hope it made the journey bearable, thanks for the ears and kind words.
  7. Wookiee


    There are drums all the way through, mainly kick and ride. I did try it with a more normal kick, snare, cymbal pattern but I prefer what is there now. Thanks for the ears and the comments.
  8. Thumping little banger her, mix is quite effective on the DT 990's can see the DJ's having fun in the clubs with this once the final vocal is added. Will keep a furry eye out for the remix with her vocal.
  9. Wookiee


    Enjoyable tune, listening on my new PC and new DT 990's mix sounds well balanced.
  10. Sounds like a good start, will keep the furry ears on the look for the finished product.
  11. Wookiee


    A Bit of parallel Arp fun. Three instruments playing three different ARP patterns 1. a 24 note pattern 2. a 16 note pattern 3. an 8 note pattern. Parp Toys Instruments Arturia Modual Playign a 24 note patern Arturia ARP2600 playing a 16 note patern Cherry Audio Eight Voice playing an 8 note patern. Roland Cloud JD-800 a noodling lead Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 NY-Avatar Default Kit plus one hanging tom postion 3. FX Moogafooger MF-1035 Phaser x 3 on the Sqencer paterens All other FX stock Cakewalk or old School S-Plat Composed, recorded mixed and finalized in Cakewalk Music Software.
  12. @mark skinner what a beautiful song. Some excellent playing. If I was going to offer anything personally where it picks up at the 0:51 spot needs just a bit of finessing. That is just the opinion of my furry lugs.
  13. Came back for another dose to test my new DT 990 Pro's nice . Have to agree with Bat's you nailed A National Acrobat.
  14. Nice @Bajan Blue, very bouncy almost pop, mix works on my DT 100's, will listen again on YouTube later. PS first audio test on my new PC thought I should test with something proper ya know. Sounds nice on proper speakers too.
  15. Well if I have an issue with a plugin I always report the problem both the plugin writers and Cakewalk support. That way they both have an opportunity to examine and respond. Frequently Cakewalk support will help identify the issues and report back. If unfortunately the OEM response is we don't support Cakewalk but Cakewalk support has identified the issue is in the plugin I will supply them with Cakewalks findings. In some cases it is true that Cakewalk have helped resolve an issue but that is normally by working with the OEM to resolve it. Like when they highlighted a Bug in Steinberg's VST 3 SDK, then helped Steinberg correct it. Personally I always look to the third party before blaming the host, and I am not referring to CbB as I do use other software that uses plugins. Some work fine in CbB but not I other software. As to the implementation chart it looked quite comprehensive to me.
  16. @pulsewalk is this a pure audio project or is there some VST/MIDI as well. I would be tempted to create a new project import the audio a track at a time. You can put any MIDI in the Media Browser as clips to bring back into the new project. Just a thought.
  17. @pulsewalk the only thing that comes to mind is that the plugin corrupted the project in much deeper ways than is obvious, PITA I realise but unfortunately it happens.
  18. Why not talk to the suppliers, they have a contact page ask them to implement it. P.S. apparently they only talk German and English.
  19. @pulsewalk does the track have FX plugins? If so I would disabled one at a time and try bouncing. If it dissappears you have your answer. People always blame the host before checking the alternatives.
  20. @Leadfoot could YouTube have been having a hissy fit seen that sometimes.
  21. Listening properly now on my TV but audio playback through my HiFi with subwoofer. Mix sounds reasonable, kick is solid, guitars are clear, bass line is defined, vocal balanced. Not sure this site was killing off your post can't find any sign of a deleted post from you in the bin.
  22. It plays back here and on YouTube on my tablet.
  23. Well it's playing back here on my tablet, I try a little later on both my YouTube options my PC and TV. I will comeback and let you know what I find.
  24. Can't say I have seen any issues with staff view. Are your graphic drivers up-to-date?
  25. Trying to be cautious, for many years prior to the formation of a certain organisation, there were no real countries in Europe and the Middle East. There were tribes that controlled areas of land but borders and definitions were extreamly flexible. When the Romans conquered a tribe their area became another part of Rome. Consequently your thought on "before that" is far more accurate than most probably realise. That certain organisation has caused more trouble, war and death than many tyrants.
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