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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Nice mix as ever Steve works on the cans. Regarding you notes on the conflict, I thought the conflict went back little further to when that old chap Moses came over the hill and said hey guys this is the promised land, pointing down to the land occupied by the Palestine's, I may be wrong.
  2. Listing on my DT100's but this sounds like a very balanced mix, nice bit of bottom end, punch bass riff, cool distorted guitar. nice stuff the pair of you.
  3. It may be the DT100's I am listening on but the drums seem a bit far back and I ad i hear very little kick. Other than that sounds like and alright mix.
  4. Sounds like a nice groove, only listening on my DT 100's mix works on them.
  5. Wookiee

    Red Planet

    I like this I am only listen on my DT770's Pro playing back through my Realtek onboard. Mix sounds reasonable on them lots of punch and bass.
  6. @cclarry sorry but this has achieve the rabbit hole very quickly. Read rules people no politics, no religion, no nastiness, no stupidity thank you.
  7. Not really the platform for other suppliers to bring their woes to. This forum is for the benefit of Cakewalk software uses to bring legitimate deals to their attention.
  8. Who knows you may well be a marked man ? ?️ now. But if you want some amusement read Robert Heinlein's Book Job. It about a man who eventually meets the devil.
  9. It does indeed, because many of the recent spam has contained it, no not going to say as then the spammers would know.
  10. I should have said within a certain amount of time.
  11. All ready exists, not the blocking but if the number of posts exceeds a certain number they get blocked. Blocking is not the solution, reporting with a reason, rather than the empty reports of which so many are.
  12. Listening to the second mix, I like sounds fine to me, and I like it. My critical ears are currently taking a vacation so they just said hi RIk.
  13. Depends on your definition of fun. At least you are trying to make music, I have a new stupid spec PC that has latency issues that don't want to be resolved.
  14. @David Pollock do you FX in the tracks? You could try removing one at a time to see if that works. I can't remember but I think if you use mix recall it remembers FX so take a snapshot, remove an FX, I would save the FX settings as a preset so they are easily recalled. The other option is to use safe start and exculd a plugin at a time, lengthy I know.
  15. @David Pollock have you disabled USB power management?
  16. @cwiggins999 are you moving everything including the note data? If so then. 1. Place the play head at 1:01:000 2. Enable ripple edit all. 3. Under Project menu use insert time and measures as noted by @57Gregy 4. In the pop-up box make sure all tick boxes are selected, select ticks. 5. Assuming things start at 1:01:000, enter 6720 ticks. Click OK. 6. Disabled ripple edit all or despair If you just want to insert/move the data then. 1. Select the region in the time rule. 2. Ctrl X to cut it. 3. Enable ripple edit all 4. Put the play head at 2:04:000 5. From the edit menu select insert. All your existing data will slide over by however much the cut section is and the cut section will be inserted at 2:04:000. 6. Disable ripple edit all or despair.
  17. Their website says: Windows Intel or AMD Dual Core processor (Quad Core or better recommended), 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended), Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11, ASIO-compatible audio hardware. You might want to hang on until Black Friday for a deal
  18. @Edward Allen just a thought have you disabled power management on your USB ports?
  19. Looking in the Early Access forum, always the best place to check, this the latest EA release it's for CbB not Sonar. To the best of my knowledge there is no public BETA for that, well not that I can find in these forums.
  20. @jesse g have you enabled mono inputs? Then you will get three I/O for each pair. Input 1 L Input 1 R Input 1 S(tereo)
  21. @Rikkie as always nice to hear you noodling. How are the hands these day, my tremor seems to have got worse but that is life. Nice stuff as ever sir
  22. You feel that breaching a companies terms and conditions is not another form of theft?
  23. @eagerbrook eagerbrook there is an app that allows you to route multiple apps to an ASIO driver sorry I don't recall the name but try searching the interweb for "ASIO audio router"
  24. I suspect we would be allowing a mixed message.
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