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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Solutio. Rondo

    Sounds quite good, here, could be interesting to know what instruments you used?
  2. To these furry ears, the overall kit balance if off, to much overheads. Did you program the drums? If so did you make use of velocity to control dynamics? A question though, is this a tune with just a drummer and bass guitar? Even so the drums are a little to busy.
  3. Good to hear Nigel, you do do excellent work
  4. @Marcello Here is the message from your Google Drive Unable to play back as it requires access permissions You need access Request access, or switch to an account with access.
  5. Personally it would have to be Sonar, I see Next as an introductory DAW, possibly even competition, but with more function, with a certain fruit based computers supplied DAW.
  6. Wookiee


    Thank you, most kind, glad you had an enjoyable Sunday moment ?
  7. Wookiee


    Thanks, I suppose it does have that sense. Appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.
  8. Works here mix wise.
  9. Interesting project, with interesting results.
  10. Nicely done track mix works nicely here.
  11. Works well here, there is something very personal about the whole song.
  12. Wookiee

    Off My Mind

    I suspect we all are a little Jack, mixes are definitely improving.
  13. Wookiee


    Yep if you saw the lyrics you might even cry, thanks for the ears and comments.
  14. Sounds good here Bob, perhaps the vocal is a little stretch in the opening, ut when the band kicks in it works fine. Solid dums. Nice job
  15. Wookiee

    Night Shadows

    Pleasantly different
  16. Enough said, mix is OK.
  17. I could be wrong, but I believe it has something to with plugins that support GUI resizing. Some plugins, particularly old ones don't resize. Probably the man to ask would be @Ben Staton.
  18. Not bad (I did leave an expanded comment on YouTube.)
  19. Wookiee


    Thanks t, strangely I can't find your comments on Soundcloud, it's say there is a comment but it is not visible to me. There are lyrics, but the DCO-106 seemed to fill that gap.
  20. In correct much earlier when it was announced as a public BETA, in effect he breached the NDA. I am also most certainly not your dude. I have no need to lighten or lossen up, you however need to accept my opinion is not yours. I have no intention of forcing mine on you, then I ask you don't force yours on me. As you say lighten up with your unnecessary attacks. Your previous name stunt has not been forgotten.
  21. It works in CbB but not Cakewalk Sonar, it has been reported.
  22. @T Boog it happens in Studio as well it has been reported to both companies.
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