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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @Jim Fogle thank you for having a listen to my ramble, glad you enjoyed it and my instrumentation choice, your ears, time and comment are appreciated.
  2. There is one thing that those Politicians are good at Nigel, spin, which in truth means lies.
  3. Not a big one for country songs but this worked here the mix sounded reasonable on the Adam's.
  4. Just for a change I am using my Event 20/20's which are passive and this mix still sounds as good as I am sure it would on my Adam's. Nice stuff Nigel. Lock down PITA for many, costly for a lot more, but I suspect it is better to be safe than dead ? Personally I have been out of the Falcon only 4 times since March 16th and they have all been since August the 1st.
  5. Thank you and it definitely fits the piece. What EP do you use? Unfortunately I can hear you got caught by a classic EP trap. EP's need some careful EQ to tame the way the top of the key board can become very bright and the bass can get its growl on easily. The Bass can really fill out and overpower the rest if you are not careful.
  6. You are a brave man playing with the wife's new toys before her ?Nice playing too.
  7. I had no need of a PC then, all my programming was being done on HP and IBM mini's running Unix and using terminals. I started using computer MIDI sequencing in 1988 on an Amiga.
  8. That is definitely gentler on the furry ears, though I would still like to hear an EP version, just my furry ears, this is a pleasant tune that makes my furry ears smile.
  9. @Bajan Blue my thanks Nigel glad you stopped by and enjoyed my little ditty.
  10. @David Sprouse thank you sir you are most kind, your Long Down the road is cool. Korg's ARP Odyssey took the lead.
  11. Furry paw taping groove which is always a good thing. It sits easy on the furry ears I like nice one @Douglas Kirby. You might want to add a tiny little bit more reverb on the vocal just to get ti to sit in the mix a little more, that is just this old Wookiee's furry opinion though.
  12. Wookiee

    Track 12

    It all works for me it has a good sound balance and I doubt many would actually notice that the trumpet is faux. Nice job @Hidden Symmetry Re the grave yard there are planes there that have never even flown, how wasteful is that?
  13. I like this, nice sparseness to the mix, allowing each voice to be clearly heard, I can hear John Bradley's reference to Mr. Belew. Suitably discordant in places. Definitely a cool piece @David Sprouse.
  14. @AndyB01 Thank you sir you are most kind.
  15. Thanks for your ears and kind words Bjorn. If you have the M1 I am not sure what you would gain I downloaded the trial and it seems to have a plethora of Piano's and not a lot else.
  16. You probably need a licence to use it I would think I do not know as I do not do covers. Have you considered using Cakewalk by Bandlab the PC application, rather then the Bandlab Phone/Web app?
  17. Welcome to the songs forum always a tricky band to cover, did you use a MIDI file for the backing or did you program it in yourself?
  18. As I said Steve my personal preference, is one not allowed to have a personal preference? Just because something can be done one way it does not mean it can not be done another way that will still work. In this case we are talking Cakewalk.ini which cna not be reloaded whilst the program is running.
  19. @freddy j Thank you sir you are most generous, good to hear you enjoyed the entire night.
  20. Because that would be my preference simples. My personal experience has shown that changes to files like .ini's are often done better with the application closed. There may be provision the file still has to be reloaded as it is read once on opening CbB. Each persons experiences vary neither one is right nor wrong, another reason to your answer why.
  21. They most certainly do and with their new sizeable GUI's they are even more usable. Thanks for the ears, comment and time it is appreciated.
  22. First I would do it with CbB closed.
  23. @E-Woof Music some VSTi's do not have MIDI out but as you can see from the attached you enable it from within the VSTi's GUI
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