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Creative Sauce: How to export CbB songs for use in other DAWs

User 905133

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Among the many things that we should be thankful for is the new Export module dialog.
I remember well the days when you had to make sure that each and every audio track was extended to Bar 1 Beat 1, bounced, and then saved as Broadcast Wave files in order for Pro Tools and Nuendo to be able to import them in the correct timing.

Whew... so much easier now.

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Well done Sir!
I was going to test it myself, but you have done the job for us.

I thoroughly ask Cakewalk by Bandlab to ADD a 'possible' ... Export whole project as...  - if ever possible!!

PS I actually asked BitWig if can import CW, they said no, but said thanks for the suggestion - maybe there is a hope to save time (I am kind of getting pulled in with BitWig - very nice application - at least, for a nerdy point of view)

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3 hours ago, jfrommichigan said:

...seems like each video inches closer and closer to "Exit Strategy" status...

I don't think viewers need to guess about what Mike is saying; he has come right out and said it in his recent publicly available (YouTube) videos.  Based on his workflow needs, he prefers Studio One.  My guess is that if either of the new products meets his objections he would probably do a "pleased to see it" video.   No guesses if he will be doing any "I'm sorry to say" videos if the new products disappoint him.

As for exporting from Cakewalk, I've only used it a few times, so I would defer to others in this thread who have commented based on their use of the Export Feature.

Several years ago, I tested for my own potential needs the improvements in the Cakewalk <==> Bandlab integration.  I have many musical ideas that I have started over the years using SONAR/Cakewalk, and over the past few years I have thought about making them available to others to use as building blocks for possible collaborations.  So if I follow through on this, my personal "Exit Strategy" might make use of one of the new products in addition to CbB.

As I wrote in another thread (maybe a few threads), my favorite feature is Workspaces and I know how to do what I want with them in Cakewalk.  Since Bandlab is not abandoning Workspaces, I have no plans to switch to another DAW.  Within the past 5-8 years I have tried a couple of others, but have found that I lose time and efficiency over what I already know how to do. If there is a free version of Studio One with a counterpart to Workspaces and if Mike does does a tutorial on how to use it, I will certainly be interested in watching it. 

Edited by User 905133
to add some comments; fixed typo
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