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Ghost On The Glass


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@David Sprouse I am no lyricist and definitely not a singer, the whole lyric was inspired by a completely random chance statement I said to our dog as she studied the reflections in our conservatory door.  As she looked at the reflection I said it is OK girl they are just "Ghost on the Glass".  The tempestuous jump with the introduction of the percussion was to reflect her comprehension as she realised what she was seeing and how she could almost manipulate the reflected image.  She just looked so happy as she bounced around.  Thanks for your ears David and your comments, rest assured there is unlikely to be another tune with a vocal anytime soon.

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Nice one @Wookiee as you are someone who has listened to my many crimes against singing (and even said polite things) I felt duty-bound to listen. ? I think the vox processing fits the mood of the track and the back story helps bring it to life - I agree with David about the panning and I liked the change ups as well. Good work. Andy

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Hey, Wook,

How are you, my friend?  Hope you're doing well!?

This is a very cool piece of modern Electronica with lots of really interesting and fun twists and turns!?

I really enjoyed the sound effects, the chanting type vocals were cool, and the energetic change up at around the 2:20 mark was really great.  You always have a knack for choosing exactly the perfect synths to use for your compositions, and the mix is right on the money, as always.

Isn't it amazing how certain everyday events can instantly inspire musical creativity?

Great stuff, John, really well done!?

Best wishes,

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