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A flat Funk Boogie

mark skinner

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Hello , backing up files and removing them from my projects folder,  I found this one I put on hold. I remixed it and used some better plugins. I added a synth track and had to stop half way thru to replace the usb port on my controller. (Fun Job)

I'm pretty heavy on the  guitars and harmonica. Three different acoustics and 3 tracks from my G&L. It's a pretty short simple instrumental for now.   Been playing with some vox.. Hear anything that gets your attention needing work , don't be shy , let me have it !         Thanks ..  mark                   -Remix-  3    


Edited by mark skinner
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3 hours ago, Old Joad said:

Nice, is the key G#?

Thanks for the reply. Yes it's G#.  Before I got very far into recording playing with some vocals , I just tuned down a 1/2 step as I normally do. Didn't bother to rename the track..

@KSband Appreciate it. I actually did enjoy doing the different (for me) electric stuff. I Really enjoyed doing the harmonica . I had to wait for one to arrive in the offset key.

I remember when good blues harps were cheap !

So .. I had to buy a new soldering station , a pack of usb connectors and a harp just to get this one done.  The party never ends ..    mark


Edited by mark skinner
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Hi Mark . . . Great energetic piece ! . . . liking this one a lot . . . you move between acoustic and electric guitar so smoothly here.

You mentioned "Been playing with some vox", so, what about a theme of Country vs. City ? (acoustic is the country, electric is the city)

Also, super harmonica playing, really enjoyed that. (sounds like you and FedEx totally delivered)


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@noynekker Thanks my friend . Higher energy songs are a lot more satisfying while tracking. Good idea about a lyrical path. I'll play with it ..

@Bajan Blue Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen and comment. Means a lot ..

@freddy j I Appreciate the listen and wonderful comment. This one has been fun indeed.

@DeeringAmps Thank You for the comment(s). 

6 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

did I mention more harp?

I actually wanted to do more harp work. It turns out I really didn't get the right keyed harp to be able to cut loose on the higher notes. My pile of harps is so old  , most are unplayable ..      

@daryl1968 Thanks , I was surprised finding this one myself and wondered why I never finished it. Must have gotten distracted with another project. I ended up removing 58 of them from my projects folder. Sure gained some hard drive space.           

The link now reflects a Very mild remix. Put a little bottom end in the Twangy Tele sections.    I also renamed it , per @Old Joad catching it's actually a G# funk song.   Nice catch.              mark


Edited by mark skinner
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@jack c. Thanks mate.      The link now reflects a Final mix.

I'm calling this instrumental version "done" .          I did a basic cleanup removing a few unneeded short parts. Did some work on the kick and bass and put a little more snap in the snare. I also added some percussion to help drive the beat. Cowbell for one ..   (mixed back).   Thank's for the listens and comments !                 mark

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You've long since mastered the art of the mix, so I'll just say what a cool song this is.  Having listened to Steely Dan and Jeff Beck so many times, this is right up my alley.  One of your great strengths is your versatility!  I never know what to expect from you, and I'm never disappointed.

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