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"Tin Foil Hat"


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Huge applause here!
The little bits of dissonance in the piano here and there; brilliant!
Each chorus unique; gotta love that.
No crits here, even the page turning: perfect. ?
And the outro, ah man, so very well done...


heading off to SoundCloud to drop a "like"

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So fun . . . can't even come close to a crit for this, looking forward to the video ! (Now that will be tricky for this theatre of the mind type piece)

The lyrics are a marvel of poetry. So well done (yet not overcooked)

So glad I stopped by the song forum this Saturday morning, always a great place to come for inspiration such as this.

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@bjornpdx - ah yes now you see why I do a lot of instrumentals! I actually wrote and recorded most of this in 2014, and it took me six years to get the guts to do three little background vocal parts!!! Many thanks for the listen . . .


@AndyB01 - thanks, you are too kind, so glad you enjoyed it. It's a quirky little song so not to everyone's tastes perhaps! You are very  musically open minded and beyond considerate! Thanks again!


@DeeringAmps - thanks man!!! It was really fun to stew on this for six years. Total back burner. You know how it is. And the "page turning" is recorded tin foil ripping, believe it or not! Thanks for the comments, much obliged . . .


@daryl1968-  Thanks! I think I found the key to a successful mix - only have piano and voice! Two inputs, so easy to manage! And it still took me a while! Glad you dug it.



Edited by emeraldsoul
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@noynekker - boy you hit the nail on the head about the video! I've started it, and I agree "theatre of the mind" is difficulto translate visually, especially with a budget of near zero! But I like my chances, we'll see. Thanks so very much for the comments!


@vechung - make mine a gin and tonic, thanks! And thanks for the listen!


@Lynn - hopefully face masks and tin foil hats have differing levels of efficacy! Maybe not! Thanks for the comments . . .


@Douglas Kirby - yeah, original is important, like your stuff is! I dunno I just can't get fired up about covering another's song, maybe because I was in a cover band for 15 years. Yeah, that's it. thanks very much!


@Bajan Blue - thanks Nigel very much for giving this weird little song a listen!

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