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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. You have pretty decent monitors already. You just need to improve your room.
  2. I'd go so far to say that I've never seen any of those people that talk about ARC, Sonarworks and such demonstrate the product in a completely untreated room. I wonder why? Is it because it wouldn't solve the problem? I remember when KRK came up with a similar product and was heavily criticized for it. Maybe because they were honest about it. Here's the best video that demonstrates the difference acoustic treatment can make.
  3. Either Monark or go for the modular blocks in Reaktor. Modular might seem a word choice at first, but it's the same thing as the others. The difference is that the others are pre connected or "normalized".
  4. In that case, check your cables and connections. Something could be causing the device to be disconnected. Maybe try a different port.
  5. If you already plugged the mic, you have to uninstall the microphone and its drivers via Device Manager, install the Blue drivers, then plug the mic in. Windows will always default to its own signed drivers, even if you install another driver for the thing.
  6. The plugin has to be manually set as a Synth on the plugin manager in CbB as Cakewalk thinks it's just an effect plugin. The plugin does effects as well, but it's still a synth.
  7. But that was the problem with B4 specifically. People that wanted a Hammond emulation only. And what NI did? They made it a Kontakt library. So, not only people who owned B4 were left in the dust, now their organ emulation would cost them 400 extra. I do have some Kontakt stuff myself, but it's such a pain that I'm only using NI if I'm given Komplete or something like that.
  8. Do you happen to have a AMD cpu by any chance? I had similar issues with my H1n and the support people told me the drivers are not compatible with AMD CPUs.
  9. Windows has the nasty habit of setting every new audio interface it finds as the default device. This can cause the error you are experiencing.
  10. Well, remember that you have to open preferences to change your project settings and many other options land you there as well. CbB is full of several buttons that lead you to the preferences menu.
  11. Without trying it myself, it's hard to say. Since I don't own any UAD device, it's not going to happen. That's a very expensive dongle.
  12. Platinum came with the Roland Groove Synth, which is sort of similar.
  13. That happens even if you have the settings saved as a Cakewalk preset?
  14. I see. If I'm not mistaken, schematics cannot be patented. That leaves Mike Fuller a bit annoyed, since he's been trying to patent the OCD for years without success.
  15. Thanks for the offer, but I was PMed a link to the iso by a Steinberg forum mod already. If I'm not mistaken, there are no NI forums anymore. I presume because NI is tired of dealing with criticism after the limitations they imposed on certain products, discontinuing popular products like B4, Kore and so on.
  16. I play the bass parts on guitar then transpose them 1 octave down. That has served well until I can buy a bass guitar for myself.
  17. That's for Cubase 4, not LE 4. They're not the same installer like you have on the new AI/LE/Elements versions. The LE installter they give you is a 1.2 GB ISO for version 4.1.2.
  18. The CC64 issue is not related to the random note problem, which I also had. The CC64 issue is a deal breaker for me and I won't use MODO Bass until they fix it.
  19. The stuff that's on their website in regards to Cubase LE 4 and other older versions are just updates. I looked at those places before. I installed it just for fun. I have LE 10.5, which records less tracks than LE 4 (ironically).
  20. Adding to that. - The current browser needs to be more flexible. You can't type search by manufacturer, plugin type, plugin category, etc.
  21. Surge. Does subtractive, FM, Wavetable, well documented....And it costs nothing. If you're talking about paid ones...ZynFusion. Once you learn it, it becomes this extremely powerful synth that you can do almost anything with...On top of costing 45 bucks.
  22. I find ironic that you have to ask for download links to thinks like old versions of Cubase LE (I have version 4 registered, but don't have the disc anymore). They did send me a link but having to ask is a bit of a wall, especially considering they give you full downloads for things like Sequel 3, VST Classics and so on.
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