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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. The only sort of decent offering as of late was MODO Drum, even thought the cymbals were still sampled. I feel like drum VST's are only getting bigger in size with zero important features or things that matter. None of them can realistically simulate cymbals, we still have machine gunning issues, dated sounds....We'll eventually evolve to those plugins being Terabytes in size per drum and still sounding the same as the earlier models which were only hundreds of Gigabytes per drum. I don't see much difference in quality from Superior Drummer 2 (which was 22 GB in size) to 3 (which is over 300 GB in size).
  2. So, more expensive and not as reliable as DT100's...Question still stands.
  3. Imagine if IK did the same. Then they could claim to have over 200 amp simulations!
  4. No. The difference is that Slate only has a single offering with three payment options: 24.99 you pay every month with no commitment, 14.99 per month on a 1 year plan with the first 6 months for 9.99 and 149.99 yearly. All plans give you access to all the Slate plugins without restrictions, loops, sample packs, workshops and courses and so on. The Waves stuff gives you different stuff on every plan and the most expensive one doesn't even give you access to all of their plugins, making it not worth it. Not only that, their annual top plan is 50 bucks more expensive than the Slate one. Even SSL has a better subscription plan, with all their plugins for 14.99/mo or just the channel strip and bus compressor for 4.99/mo. On all cases, you can buy the plugins as well.
  5. You don't need to tear down the foam completely. The Auralex stuff does something, but only on higher frequencies.
  6. Cakewalk is very stable on my machine with these setting changes. I rarely have crashes. They only happen when a plugin does something that causes it and even that could be solved by having plugin sandboxing.
  7. Preferences set to advanced then go into configuration and change the following settings: - UseHardwareSamplePosition set to false - ThreadSchedulingModel set to either 2 or 3 - Disable auto-saving
  8. I write all my drum parts by hand, even having a midi keyboard on hand. Once that's done, I go back and adjust velocities on things, then timing. I avoid those ready to go patterns in drum software. They never sound right, they're too static and you end up sounding like everyone, because they're all using the same patterns.
  9. I would've played the drums myself, but I don't have the resources to do so.
  10. All "timing issues" are result of the plugin (DrumGizmo) simulating a drummer whose time is not very accurate.
  11. Another way of doing it is pressing "Windows + R" then typing "regedit" and pressing enter.
  12. The thing is, since your issue is a generic one, it could be several things that cause it, from drivers to a faulty cable or jack making the input detection think a cable had been disconnected.
  13. This works for a string of notes quickly. There's no pattern selection though, so if you want to, say, only select every other note, you have to manually select them.
  14. Steven Slate also has a free version of his drum plugin. It's a single full kit and you can load your own samples of you want.
  15. We don't know which Blue mic it is, but none of them are stereo afaik.
  16. I find the whole sub categorization of certain portions of the forum unnecessary. Certain specialized categories, like a section for "veterans", do nothing but alienate members apart. Then you end up with a small group here, another there, no communication between those, could create issues with new users, etc. Takes away the feeling of a welcoming place, especially if the over categorization leads to confused users or new users being micro modded by older users.
  17. Maybe so. Not Omni Channel levels of popular but I see.
  18. Uh... Why do you need a pair of headphones that emulates other headphones?
  19. If you're having a sale, either nobody is buying or too many are buying. Guess which is the one in this case.
  20. Are these updates to make sure the plugins work on M1 Macs...I wonder.
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