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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. That would also boil with the fact that people make music with their ears and not eyes so if it sounds good, in phase or not, it's what matters.
  2. For Platinum, the installation is automated and you have no control over what gets installed other than knowing which gets installed in each of the 10+ packages in Command Center.
  3. You are forgetting the 180 day expiration date for sound downloads. Expired? You have to pay 10 bucks to have the download again for 180 more days. Not only that's dodgy as heck, but you can also have sounds for free products expire as well.
  4. Not really. Lab works like a workstation pretty much. If you have the full version of the synts used, you can edit the synth parameters and also build presets using multiple synths and such. Think of it like Kontakt or Mainstage.
  5. As a side note, if you happen to save your track setup as a track preset with a drum map to go with it, that drum map is not loaded when you load your track preset. It just adds a new empty DM entry that you have to reload your preset.
  6. - Ability to replace FX Rack plugins like you can to with Virtual Instruments and ProChannel modules. - Either the ability of loading ProChannel as a sort of Channel Strip plugin with the same functionality of the standard or load ProChannel modules as plugins. - Allow us to hide some, if not all, track meters. - Ability to bounce audio coming into aux tracks without having to manually record it. - Move some of the settings to more localized places instead of having everything crammed up into the Preferences menu. - A more flexible and modern version of ACT. The current version is complicated for the wrong reasons, unintuitive and clumsy to set up and use. If you want a good example, look at how Studio One does it. - A more flexible and modern version of Drum Map Manager. The current version is complicated, unintuitive and clumsy to set up and use. - Improvements to the PRV with things such as ability to do pattern selection (selecting every other note, etc.), proportional editing and so on. - More flexbile audio routing. - LFO an an option for automation envelopes. - Some sort of Listen Bus or Monitoring track. - Improvements on the Metronome. - Improvements on latency handling.
  7. If you're using Amp Simulation, it's a better idea to gain stage at the plugin's master volume, as hitting the plugin at a lower volume will change the sound that comes out. Also, your clipping might not be caused by volume, but frequency buildup. Grab a good spectrum analyzer, like Voxengo SPAN and check it. Or use Dan Worral's method:
  8. I've disabled auto-save since it crashed the DAW the first time it happened. That is a bit more strain on you, as you have to manually save, but no more issues and I can even save with the project running.
  9. Another alternative to consider would be ValhallaDSP Supermassive and Dragonfly Reverb, both free.
  10. Bitwig, not Surge. My bad. On another note, a lot of people are hoping the guy releases the source code of Shortcircuit so people can continue working on it.
  11. Thankfully, you can only register the machine and that registration is tied to your account, so no surprises will happen. Avoid as much iLok stuff as you can. If your PC fails and you can't remove those licenses, you lose them.
  12. According to IK, all your AT4 purchases carry over to AT5. If you want to stay safe, you can install AT5 alongside AT4.
  13. It's not the same sound though. BREVERB is a convolution reverb, while Sonitus is an algorithmic reverb. Sometimes, you need that sound.
  14. I can vow by LTSC, but it's not for everyone and acquiring it is not easy. It has no Cortana, no Windows Store and only receives security and critical updates. You still have to turn off the rest of the telemetry at every update with ShutUp10, but it's much more lighter than regular Windows 10, since it doesn't steal your resources phoning home every single second.
  15. And no other DAW does it this way anymore. A similar argument can be made by things like metronome and snap settings. This is similar to the horrible UX that Sibelius uses, where multiple options from the UI simply take you to different sections from the preferences menu, with you having some instances where you have two different options that bring you to the same place.
  16. "Increased response" usually comes to phones that have more mids and high mids, as the human ear is more sensitive in that region. People often prefer those phones for monitoring while they record, but will use something else when listening to music. One of those phones is the Beyerdynamic DT100.
  17. If only Google could invest all that technology in VST plugins instead of YouTube algorithms...
  18. As someone who has been banned from the same forum three times...It's strange how sensitive people can get to words. We're going the PMRC route and that only gives fuel to people to find ways of saying the same thing using regular words and....What will you do in that instance?
  19. Joke's on you. Our house doesn't have a chimney!
  20. SONAR did have deep controller integration in the Roland days.
  21. I feel like the Drum Map Manager could benefit from ta similar level of abstraction you see on the Articulation Maps. We're in 2020 moving towards 2021. Nobody should be required to know MIDI Note Numbers. Also, why is something you apply to projects on a case by case basis in the preferences?
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