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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. I find annoying that CbB has an option to recover from dropouts automatically and it never recovers from dropouts when they happen. Couldn't we have so the engine keeps running regardless of dropouts or not?
  2. Another thing that would help tremendously is plugin sandboxing. It seems to be semi present in the ProChannel, but not on the FX and Synth Racks. This prevents buggy plugins from taking the entire DAW with it when they crash.
  3. It's not a plugin. And you don't pay for it. The developer does. Have you noticed that Player compatible libraries are more expensive than ones that aren't Player compatible? That's because the developer pays a fixed percentage per license sold. I don't know what the deal is for NKS but starts with you and some sort of partnership deal with NI.
  4. I'm pretty sure NKS licensing would be fairly expensive, like having your Kontakt library Player compatible.
  5. Plugin sandboxing is becoming more commonplace. It makes no sense for a single plugin to have the ability to take your entire DAW with it when it crashes.
  6. Probably Not. Article-wise, Surge does support MPE and even comes with presets made by Roger Linn that are specifically made to make use of MPE via Linnstrument or other MPE controllers.
  7. I wonder how RX measures against SpectraLayers Pro, especially considering RX 8 Standard is 100 bucks more expensive.
  8. If you have V Vocal, it allows you to draw pitch envelopes on your clip.
  9. There's also Sonic Anomaly's TriLeverler2. It does exactly what Waves Vocal Rider does and it's free. I believe the term we're looking for here is "gain matching"
  10. I see. So it's essentially a proprietary version of Toneboosters' Isone Pro.
  11. I'm only using Kontakt if somehow I get Komplete.
  12. That sounds like a solution for a problem that doesn't exist, IMO. If I recall correctly, mixing with headphones was supposed to be a compromise, not a complete replacement for actual monitors.
  13. The last time Gibson was getting better, they promised affordable instruments and the first new model to come out was a guitar costing 9 grand.
  14. I know. For amps that have bright switches, make a separate models which is the exact same model except the bright switch is on. That should give you at least 50 more amp simulations.
  15. Safe mode is an immediate solution. Ideally, CbB should have plugin sandboxing implemented, as it doesn't currently. This is one of the few features that set Waveform and Bitwig apart from other DAWs. In case a plugin fails, only the plugin fails.
  16. Wouldn't Bandlab have to pay NI licensing to have that integrated? Also, how would that benefit people that don't use NI products?
  17. I feel like some of those requests would be easily fulfilled if Bandalab were willing to add some of the SONAR Plugins back into CbB. SONAR does have a soundfont player/loader, a sampler with looping functionality and so on....
  18. Even in a touchscreen centric setup that makes no sense. The buttons have no secondary function to them. Nobody is gonna benefit from having an extra step to activate a button and that screws with skeumorphism rules. No button in real life is activated like that.
  19. The time difference from version 4 is almost one order of magnitude more. You could probably mix an entire record by the time it takes Amplitube 5 to load a single instance.
  20. Another technique is recreating all the drum sounds using synths. If you know what you're doing, no one can tell the difference behind the walls of compression, gating and processing drums run into these days.
  21. Free as long as you have a 400 USD piece of software.
  22. The only massive difference I see is the library file size. SD3 is more than 10 times the size of SD2. BFD3 is not too far off SD3 either, except the former has more money invested in marketing, so it seems to be better than the latter.
  23. It would be a really tough sale, especially considering how small BBC SO Discovery is, proving that you don't need hundreds of GB in file size to make a convincing sounding orchestral plugin.
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