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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. Even funnier is how they put plugins that were always free on their page as free deals to make you think they have more free deals than they actually do.
  2. Those terms simply means they applied for a patent and that a patent is being considered or analyzed by the patent office. Welp, since they have a patent, now everyone can copy their technology, as you have to describe exactly what the thing does in the patent.
  3. I will consider it when they give all the plugins, like Slate Digital does. That small selection is not enough to do it, especially considering there are free plugins that are better than Waves ones these days, on top of not adding extra latency you didn't request.
  4. Yes. Even though Mixbus is just Ardour with proprietary Harrison stuff on top. Edit- The installer installs all AVA plugins btw. They are all fully functional with the unregistered ones popping a nag screen every few minutes or so that you have to click to continue demoing it. Sound doesn't stop or anything like that.
  5. They did a sort of free string library before Spitfire did their BBC Discovery product. Let's hope that it is more stable. I remember being unable to use the string library, as the plugin would crash and take the DAW with it second after being opened.
  6. Of course the Cab Clone IR is great. It was licensed and built by Two Notes (the guys that make the Torpedo stuff). The first Cab Clone was almost unanimously disliked for sounding like crap.
  7. In no particular order: - Uli Roth's Sky Overture. - Devin Townsend's Why. - The '96 G3 version of Steve Vai's For The Love of God. - Faith No More's cover of This Guy is In Love With You. - The final solo on Dream Theater's Octavarium. - Tommy Emmanuel's Old Photographs. - Jon Gomm's Passionflower. - Racer X's Viking Kong. - Symphony X's Charon - Joe Satriani's Premonition - Camel's Dust and Dreams, Harbour of Tears and Rajaz. - Gentle Giant's Three Friends. - Genesis' Cinema Show. That's what comes to mind.
  8. Your listening position has to be treated symmetrically, otherwise you risk introducing different problems rather than solving them. As per foam, it's good if your space is only intended for voice over. They do nothing for low mid and lower frequencies, which are the problem in small rooms 99.9% of the time. If you are a crafty individual, you can make your own bass traps and they will perform about the same as most commercial offerings out there. You should pay extra attention to the room, as that is the only effect in your toolbox you can't bypass.
  9. Mesa has been in a hard spot recently did to their aggressive stance on criticism and overall lack of innovation in face of an ever increasing amount of amp manufacturers offering what they make for less and at equivalent quality. As a side note, they shouldn't have released their 3 channel Mark IIC+ as a John Petrucci signature model. That limited the scope of the product and made many people go somewhere else when what they were looking was the product the JP2C is. There's also the Cab Clone inside mentioned earlier and their overall stance on criticism mentioned earlier. You could also argue that discontinuing certain affordable products left them striped for cash. The vast majority of working musicians can't afford to maintain and ship those huge heavy amps and are either going smaller or digital, two things Mesa stopped offering. Sure, there was the Badlander, but the timing was a bit miscalculated, considering the amp is essentially a EVH copy and was released shortly after Eddie's passing. You can't sustain that model forever. Look what happened to Dean trying to live off Dimebag Darrell, his legacy and death.
  10. All the guitars were recorded and played by me.
  11. Good riddance. They've been in a steady decline in face of new market offerings and their aggressive behavior of blocking and going after anyone that criticizes them, rather then dealing with it in a professional manner has left a bad taste in the mouths of salespeople and consumers.
  12. I wouldn't put money on Luna in the near or far future. It wasn't made with intent of being a new competitor in the market, but rather a very basic tool made for UAD owners by UAD owners and hopefully will drag new users into their ecosystem.
  13. Didn't your ears tell that it sounded gorgeous before you spotted the phase issue in the meter?
  14. I wouldn't count much on boost clocks. The advertised boost is only for a single core out of the 8 you have. The 4770S boosts lower, but his base frequency is higher. 1 GHz higher.
  15. Good riddance, I say. Mesa had gotten a really bad reputation in the recent years for blocking and going after anyone that criticized their products. If some of you are not aware, there has the infamous Cab Clone incident where Anderton's (who is an authorized Mesa dealer) did a video about the Cab Clone and were honest about it saying they didn't like the product and that it wasn't very good (because it was a piece of crap). What followed was Mesa demanding Anderton's to take the video out and redo it displaying the product in a positive view with a Mesa demonstrator under the threat of removing the store from their list of authorized dealers. Not agreeing with that (Lee never hid the fact that Mesa did this and even posted comments on the new video explaining the situation), they did make the new video with the demonstrator. After that and many criticisms, they released the second version of the Cab Clone which, surprisingly, was made by Two Notes, not Mesa.
  16. I heard a similar argument about harmonics a few years ago on Gearslutz. Sure, some frequencies outside the hearing spectrum can be perceived in other ways. Music is something that was invented and developed as a product to be heard. Not watched, not perceived some other way. So, anything that goes beyond the audible spectrum either way is unnecessary, IMO.
  17. Only issue I am aware with MODO Bass other than the one described by the OP is that the plugin doesn't honor CC 64 properly. Even if you're holding the key or have the note held in the clip, letting go of the sustain pedal or turning CC 64 to 0 will immediately make the note stop ringing.
  18. That's a bit of an oddity. They should. I'd complain to IK about it, considering their statement that all purchases carry over across versions and they were even eager to give people that bought 4 MAX a version 5 with everything during the pre-release period.
  19. Ideally, you should be shooting for a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 as determined here https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#visual-audio-contrast-contrast
  20. I feel like this is is the equivalent to "eating a 1 pound steak versus 100 pieces of shoe leather." The feeling of accomplishment is much greater after eating the shoe leather.
  21. There's a lot of things I'd buy from PA even without the voucher, just discounted but...No money. Can look, but not touch.
  22. Maybe the humanizer settings are a bit too extreme on DrumGizmo.
  23. My mistake. Vintage Channel is on X2. X3 is for Perfect Space, LP 64 EQ and MB as well as Pentagon I.
  24. Oh yes. There are quality differences between speakers, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the notion that all it takes to tell MP3 from WAV is a sufficiently high end playback system. Should I remind you that nobody gave two tosses about Yamaha NS10's until Quincy Jones made a Platinum record using them? Gear quality is not solely tied to how much it costs. You'd be surprised to find boutique hifi speaker systems costing over half a million dollars with up to 25% THD and IM Distortion. That what believing in audio gets you.
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