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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. It still is a one trick pony and I don't retract any of the statements on the issues I had with it. You can't get a sparkly clean sound, only that usual clean with the amp starting to break up, which is not clean. Also, the Clean and Rust amps use more resouces than the Hot one for some reason. And it's not because of the effects or running two impulse responses either. The video is a metal video. I thought about doing something else trying to get different sounds that are out of the usual metal stuff but...There's no point in doing so. This plugin was made to people that want the Archetype artists "signature" sound with some tweakability.
  2. I wonder if this works in a cluster setting so you can spread the load across something like a chain of Compute Stick or Latte Panda Alpha.
  3. I think I'll stay with Sonic Anomaly's Bass Professor Mk I and II
  4. How does it measure against Clonezilla?
  5. No effects on the guitars except for some EQ and compression. And no, the lead sound is not Silvera Solo.
  6. That piece of stuff is tied to the display stuff from DirectX. Which process is causing it though?
  7. You also have the VBAN protocol used by Voicemeeter.
  8. Alright... Here I go installing Windows 10 LTSC again.... It's only the 7th time this month...
  9. By default you can only have one plugin window open. If you want to keep the window up, you have to pin it.
  10. I'm saying that based on the two Mario Duplantier drum solos I saw. I've never heard any actual song from them. I decided to find a way of using them in my Summer With Ola Riff Challenge. It's a bit time consuming, since I have to pick a preset, freeze the track, then repeat if the sound is not right. I downloaded the trial after all...
  11. I doubt any developer will test. Reminds me of a post from a surprised game dev looking at the Steam hardware survey and being confused that the vast majority of people don't use the latest and greatest graphics cards or 4K displays. And there's this Gearslutz anecdote in regards to Steinberg:
  12. I beg to differ. Demos and trials should never be tied to any registration process at all. The purpose of a demo is allowing you to test a product to see if you're gonna buy or not, no strings attached. Who knows how easy is to delete and remove the accounts you had to create just to try that plugin afterwards? And what do they do with your data? In some instances, that can lead to enough bad publicity that a team or company can abandon the project altogether. That happened with Natron, a free/open source compositor similar to Nuke. It didn't cost nothing to use the software, but you had to register to download it. That caused many people to look somewhere for a solution that didn't require jumping through those hoops. The project is currently in search of a maintainer and has removed their registration requirements for download, perhaps a little too late. I wouldn't call 14 days "a generous demo policy" personally. Ableton gives you 90 days and many other companies offer you 30. I tend to have issues with heavy sounds thanks to using 12s tuned down one step. Everything sounds bassy and the high fizz in modern high gain sounds is fatiguing to my ears.
  13. Isn't that how every single professional recording studio does it? Reliability over bleeding edge? The sad state of affairs that many people, including myself, cannot simply throw money at the problem and the device they have is also their daily driver, so you'd be putting yourself under risk of security vulnerabilities as a tradeoff for audio reliability. I know that's a #2 problem, but still. Software optimization is still important. Take Cakewalk's Linear Phase EQ and measure it against FabFilter's latest version of Pro Q 3, for example. While they both perform the same function and have very similar functionality, one of them is slow, unresponsive and can lead to instabilities while the other just works. And the one that works is Pro Q 3.
  14. I thought about some ways of doing submixes in CbB without much success. Maybe you could do it using multiple projects, but then the logistics would be annoying to maintain and I don't know if keeping track of all audio files couldn't lead to confusion and fatal mistakes because of one step done wrong.
  15. People with AMD cpus seem to have issues with CbB constantly.
  16. Yet you bother responding to it, on top of going to personal attacks right before calling me out for allegedly doing so. Once again, no matter how much you show videos of people using analog gear or some processing done in modern setups, it won't make digital sound harsh, because digital does not sound harsh. And if it did earlier, it was already fixed. All the stuff we still use in digital sound today has been determined since the 1930s.
  17. Strangely, none of the other DAWS seem to have this problem, except for ProTools and CbB.
  18. I finally downloaded it and...It's kinda meh, really, IMO. First of all, you have the annoyance of having to create an account to download it and forced to either login into an iLok account or create one to try it. I know several people that would give up at the first step already and the second one adds more salt to the wound. If I were to gauge the plugin based solely on that, I wouldn't even consider buying it if it was on sale. Now for the sounds. The amps sound more or less the same with the current generation of amp sims. Nothing extraordinary that sets it apart in that aspect. At least on my machine, it's impossible to use any of the effects. They are extremely expensive computation wise for reasons I'm not sure. None of these effects should tax your system at all. Since there's no way to change oversampling settings on the plugin or any quality settings, you're not gonna have much of a time playing with sounds. Or at least I didn't. Since I've never heard anything by Gojira and now almost nothing about the band, the "fan factor" doesn't engage me and I'm only looking at the plugin from a sound perspective. I suspect the other archetypes will go more or less the same way, but at least you can change the oversampling settings on them.
  19. I've been trying Samplitude Pro X5 Suite for a few days and they do what I described. When you set tracks to be AUX or Submix and freeze them, it mixdowns the audio and presents it as a stereo track in the AUX or Submix track. The difference is that the Submix tracks ignore sends, while the Aux one take them into consideration.
  20. I'd also like sub-categories as well. I try and use several plugins and the plugin menu can get large to the point you have to manually scroll it, as it doesn't expand sideways. Also: - You can't search plugins by category when you order them by manufacturer. - You can't search plugins by manufacturer when they're ordered by category.
  21. Music rarely sounds exactly like the actual thing, even down to the early recording setups where you had a horn picking up the entire band as it was registered by a disc cutting lathe when the signal entered it. You could theoretically do it but you'd run into the acoustic advantage thing. Some instruments are naturally louder than others and there's nothing you can do about it. This is the primary reason orchestas have that particular arrangement. Even then, scores have to exercise caution with dynamics as percussion can still be louder than the rest of the orchesta.
  22. Wrong again. This is been done and dusted several times. All the pleasing characteristics of analog sound are either harmonic distortion or lack of high frequencies. As Ethan Winer from RealTraps puts it: And so on. Yet again a repeat of "digital sounds harsh because I prefer the sound of analog". Wrong again, as explained in the quote from Ethan Winer I put before. Those recordings sound great because they were made by people who knew what they were doing, ironically, using the best technology they could afford back then. Not because it was done with analog gear. These people would still give you a great sound recording no matter what. This reminds me of that Chet Atkins anecdote, where someone saw him playing and said his guitar sounded great, to which Chet stopped playing, placed the guitar by itself on the stool he was sitting, then asked how great the guitar sounded now.
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