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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Agreed, pretty poor marketing from the new company. Then again it's the first sale on ReValver I can recall in a while. TBH I am tempted to go for it as PG keep offering me the wrong Bias upgrade package and way too costly.
  2. Some great prices there Larry. Especially bargain MODO bass and Groove3 for someone! I have both otherwise would be biting your hand off
  3. Thanks Fleer and Larry! I'm surprised how expressive Xaxaphone is for a freebie. Must check out the other stuff. Lots still to download!
  4. ZincT

    PA Vouchers!

    Paid the same around BF and it's well worth that much. Pigments is a different beast and well worth the extra. At these prices just get both!
  5. Thanks jesse, much appreciated.
  6. Snap! Great minds think alike or words to that effect. Anyway, I really love your version. Great job all round from the Forum Monkeys!
  7. Back just in time to see a real GAS plugin! Looks like I have a bit of catching up to do! ? You have been busy Larry!
  8. Thanks Martin and Tom and a Merry Christmas to you both! ??
  9. I made a backing track a couple of years ago (for me to sing and play guitar to at a party). So I thought I might as well add vocals/guitar and make a track out of it to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! https://soundclick.com/r/s8bbo4
  10. Merry Christmas @Piotr and everyone else on the forum! ??? Special mention to the King of course and thanks for another year of great deals!
  11. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Yes, I checked it twice thinking I had misread the price! Let's hope they go out with a bang on the last few deals.
  12. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    BTW I am away from today visiting family over Christmas so won't be around to update this thread. Hopefully Larry or someone will update it though for the final three deals (although my first post should still be pretty close). I will still keep an eye out for any last minute deals on my phone Happy Christmas to all!
  13. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Yes see my post above. All cage is now Christmas Eve. (Unless they change it again!)
  14. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    New deal is up ... The New Acoustic Grand Ensembles Bundle https://8dio.com/instrument/the-new-acoustic-grand-ensembles-bundle-for-kontakt-vst-au-axx/ $198 They swapped it around again! First post updated.
  15. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Also pulled the plug! Went for Lacrimosa ... in the final minutes!
  16. Now that's an original idea and very clever. Great tune and lyrics. Really enjoyed this. Looking at the last bit of video you are definitely getting there! Well done Bjorn.
  17. Thanks for the information. To be honest, even if I can't resell it easily, 34 pounds is not exactly a big risk to gain access to some of those instruments.
  18. Works out at 34.15 GBP inc VAT in the UK. Tempting (to use as a plugin in other DAWs). This page is useful for comparing editions... https://www.reasonstudios.com/en/reason/buy Another consideration is that it can be resold if you decide it's not for you. I found this video which says something about the instruments and effects included in Reason Intro (I don't necessarily advocate his view of it being the best DAW for beginners by the way)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3SFABVoais
  19. Boy Kenny you sure got the funk on this one! Great guitar playing ?? Loved all of the neat little fusion elements spread liberally throughout the track. The change at 2:27 made me sit up and listen! This is gonna be on repeat in the car.
  20. As I mentioned over on the Deals forum the word Epic springs to mind. I love the variety of dynamics and how it changes over time from full orchestras belting out to solo instruments. You mentioned that you "wanted to attempt an epic and emotional score worthy of a matching hypothetical movie scene" and I think you have 100% achieved it. I can just hypothetically imagine you writing this while painstakingly watching scenes from a scoreless film, bit by bit piecing together the music to match the scene. Clearly a lot of work has gone into this and I think you should be proud of it!
  21. Serial has now arrived from JRR (not bad about 1. 5 hours).
  22. Lol! Apologies I just checked the email which was titled "Your serial number" but the content says "This license needs to be manually generated. You will be contacted immediately when it becomes available." So I'm gonna nudge them too!
  23. That's my most used phrase Seriously if you can get your head around some of that Fripptastic guitar I will be very impressed. That's also what I did and I got the serial instantly from JRR just now. I actually still have some serials left but I usually use those on full price packs and buy these deals with money instead. Thanks man ??
  24. Thanks Larry. Reminds me; I must download all those vfx assets from the Humble Bundle Filmmakers deal (about 50Gb in total ?). I used HitFilm Pro yesterday for the first time in earnest and I have to say it was a pretty good experience. Slick and fast and I didn't have to read any manuals.
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