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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Sometimes multiple reactions would be useful Larry (confused, lol and thanks) ! Hope you get it OK Mibby ?
  2. From memory I had to click on the person icon then the three horizontal lines on the left (menu) then it was under my upgrades and offers or something like that (typing this on my phone while cooking a roast dinner!
  3. What Larry said for the monofilter voucher. The survey voucher was automatically added to my basket. I did the survey logged into my account if that makes a difference.
  4. At these prices with both vouchers Fleer, why not both!
  5. I guess it must be. Thanks for the original post btw Larry and @mibby for the Holiday Voucher spot. It's also indirectly another brilliant deal from the gift that keeps on giving (Plugin Collective), without which I wouldn't have found out about this deal.
  6. Yes but that's no different to what teclark7 did but his cost $18. Not sure why there's a difference other than maybe he seems to have paid more for SEQ-ST? Either way this is almost at "MF Ouput Portal" levels of no-brainer territory
  7. Wow my total came to 6 GBP inc VAT for SEQ-ST and Monofilter (upgrade from Elements). Pricing error? I don't know but grab them at that price while you can!
  8. Great deal (even with VAT added), thanks! Where did you find the Monofilter Elements to Full version ($68) upgrade? I can only find the full version for $119. Thanks It's OK I found it under My Account then My Upgrades and Offers.
  9. Thanks Simon. Just checking through my plugins to see what else I have that's like this (I guess any mid-side plus EQ would do it). I have Waves Center and bx_stereomaker for starters which look like they can do this so will pass on the full version.
  10. True - I have removed the video as I cannot find a video of the lite version and wouldn't want to mislead. It looks OK on my 28 inch 1080p monitor.
  11. Thanks Wibbles! I have a few of their previous freebies which I have actually used on a couple of projects. This one has a Lo-Fi vibe so might be of interest to @Zo
  12. Nugen's website is still running S..L..O..W..L..Y this morning. Probably hosted on a ZX81. Managed to get the plugin though which looks pretty useful albeit the lite version (I'm sure I have something like this already).
  13. Yes, on my system it put them here by default... %localappdata%\Orchestral Tools <-- type this into your W10 search bar/Explorer or copy/paste it from here
  14. Thanks Larry and APD! Hey Freyja, I am also a bit tempted by the related deal. The Master looks like it allows you to mix and match any of the Modernist Instruments to create your own blend of them, or as they put it...
  15. Impressive for a freebie. Thanks for the heads-up @Hidden Symmetry!
  16. @paulo Funny you should say that as I tried to reload my project today. It loaded OK and looked as it should but... I had to dismiss the demo timeout message immediately after loading but the PhraseBox instances still looked non functional. Reselecting the patches on each instance brought the UI back to life but as soon as I hit play they greyed out again and nothing played! I'm sure the full version works OK but the demo seems to require too much effort so I am leaving it for now. I have emailed the developer so if he comes up with a solution I will let you know.
  17. I skipped 2019.11 and went from 2019.09 to 2019.12 and I'm pretty sure it was happening in 2019.09. So maybe it was temporarily fixed in 2019.11?
  18. I get that a lot with this and previous builds and when it happens I usually hit play then stop (assuming the now time is just before the clip). This action seems to make the notes display in melodyne.
  19. Not according to some others comments.... I'm still on the fence but the price is moving in the right direction!
  20. Cheers Larry. Even cheaper than last time! You can also knock 35% off that price with the code GIFT35.
  21. Yup that's usually what catches me out with this type of plugin. When I get it working I always save the project (however crappy) so that when I come back to it later I can figure out wtf I did before to get it working
  22. Yay, that's $1398 saved that I can put towards something else ?
  23. This might help -- the arrows show the pertinent points to check.
  24. Yes in CbB, but I think my setup may need some tweaking to get it as clean as possible. I like to work with instruments as separate Audio and MIDI tracks in CbB so I always split any instrument tracks or create them separately in the first place by dragging from the browser. Phrasebox appears as an instrument and you need as many instances of Phrasebox as there are instruments you want to control with it. e.g. one for chords, one for bass, one for melody etc So my my first test I had a Korg M1 track for piano and it's associated MIDI track plus DX7 track for bass and its MIDI track. I also had two copies of Phrasebox instruments and their associated MIDI tracks. Make sure the MIDI output of any Phrasebox instance is enabled (on the VST drop down menu). Then on the MIDI track associated with each instrument set the MIDI input to whichever Phrasebox is controlling that instrument and also enable MIDI input echo. Then use some chords from a MIDI file or record some yourself and put these on each of the Phrasebox MIDI tracks. In each copy of Phrasebox load a suitable preset e.g. one for chords or piano for the M1 Piano and one for Bass for the DX7. When you now play the chords they are filtered through each copy of Phrasebox which creates parts based on the chords but modified by the preset that is loaded. Hope this makes sense. I will post a screenshot when I get a moment.
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