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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    New deal is https://8dio.com/instrument/advanced-drum-series-bundle-for-kontakt-vst-au-aax/ (they changed it) Advanced Drum Series Zeus Kit https://8dio.com/instrument/zeus-drummer/ $98 but only the banner has this price currently! Requiem is no longer at the sale price although it said it would revert to normal price at 11.59 PST on 12th so I missed it, darn! Will have to wait and see what the All Claire deal is on 13th.
  2. If you email them they will often swap one Sound Pack for another. At least they did for me and a few other folks here.
  3. Weird - Sonokinetic Installation Manager says it's installed but it's not showing up in Kontakt 6 and I cannot find it on my Kontakt SSD folder. Time to go on the hunt for it... Ah found it here C:\Users\{username]\Sonokinetic Sample Libraries Just need to move the Modal Runs folder to my Kontakt folder. NOTE: I also had to add the serial to Native Access and move the folder location in Sonokinetic Manager! Sounds nice and it's Kontakt player compatible. Thanks to Sonokinetic for the freebie!
  4. Cheers simon! Downloading now before the rush begins and it's only 622Mb anyway ??
  5. Cheers Larry - Instabuys er I mean Insta-use-of-serials!
  6. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Arghh indeed! I just think of it as getting stuff that I would want later in the year but would be too expensive. So buy it all now and spread the savings throughout the year! Of course I would then have to not buy anything else until next BF/Christmas. Yeah - that's gonna happen!
  7. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Some other cheap options to help move the total to $99 or more... $8 - Kokiriko https://8dio.com/instrument/kokiriko/ $12 - Slide Flute https://8dio.com/instrument/slide-flute/
  8. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    I bought it last year in their sales and it's good for that price. I'm also waiting to see what the All Claire offer will be as I believe the Oboe in that is superior (not to mention the other instruments).
  9. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Just checking @simon - I notice it says "free with any spend OVER $98" so does $98 qualify or do you have to spend $99 or more? Wouldn't want to miss out on the freebie for the sake of a dollar! Does it show you the freebie in your basket before you commit to buy the other bits? Thanks
  10. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    I am sooooo tempted by this too. I didn't think I would use the Harp freebie but the guitar is another matter and I only have their Instant Steel String Guitar library which looks/sounds a bit dated now. Requiem should come in handy for that choir remake of Mustang Sally I'm doing :- Mus-Sanc S-Ah-Lee ??
  11. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Advanced Steel Guitar is now the free gift with any spend over $98. https://8dio.com/instrument/advanced-guitar-series-steel-string-for-kontakt-instruments-vst-au-aax/
  12. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Nice idea Larry! $8 --- Road Trip or two of these $4 Try Packs. $2 --- Bottles
  13. Thanks for the detailed review Rob! I thought there must be some limitations as it only takes up around 7.8Gb of space (compressed).
  14. Cheers Larry! Sounds brilliant for 49 Euros. I'm tempted even though I don't need it. Kontakt Player compatible too.
  15. Yes that happened to me with Strummed Acoustic but I really like the additions to Picked Acoustic and I reckon I will get plenty of use from it before it's included in a future Komplete upgrade. I have both Strummed Acoustics and use them a lot but missed the ability to play them as solo instruments. Hopefully this will work well in that scenario as well as adding picking patterns to the regular pattern player. It does sound excellent too. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/guitar/session-guitarist-picked-acoustic/ I'll post an update once I have had a good play with it (might not be today as I'm looking after my 8yr old who is off school with a bug!)
  16. Just a heads-up - the Thanksgiving Sale ends today 9th December. https://www.native-instruments.com/ I got Picked Acoustic which is not in the sale and because of that I was able to use an e-voucher I had to get it for less. First time I have ever had a use for one!
  17. ZincT

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    Requiem Professional is now live at $88 (down from $598)! Sounds really nice (does anyone who owns it have a view?) https://8dio.com/instrument/requiem-professional/ They have also added "Free You!" -- https://8dio.com/instrument/free-you-cloud-collaborationfor-kontakt-vst-au-aax-samples/ which is 11.2GB (compressed to 4.5GB) of Textural Sounds by over 200 Sound Designers.
  18. Yes that's always been my biggest dislike of Riffendium. Also makes manual updating a bit of a pain.
  19. They have certainly added a lot more freebies since I was last there. Lots of good stuff there. I seem to recall Shortnoise being pretty good for free and also bought Shortnoise 2 for a few dollars. Thanks for the heads up Soundwise.
  20. Just heard back from Lukas... Quote It was a graphic glitch that has been repaired. If you wish to update the graphic so it says 1.02, pls download the file again.The link has been updated, sorry for the inconvenience. Lukas Unquote Now that's quick service!
  21. Yes hopefully so. I just had this reply from Audiofier... Quote Did you replace also the nkr and nkc files for Riffendium 3 DI ? It also might be your Kontakt strangely remembers the old graphic file. In any case if your nki is dated 18/10/2019 then you are up to date. The changes were in the script. Lukas Unquote I am on my phone so cannot put the above in quotes. Obviously I did replace the files he mentioned so I think it's just cosmetic as you say Matthew.
  22. Cheers Larry. Anyone else finding that after the update when running RIFFENDIUM 3 REV DI.nki within Riffendium 3_DI it still shows v1.0.1? All of the other eleven nki's show the correct version 1.02 (6 folders with 2 nki's per folder). I was careful to move the old versions to another folder and the date on the file with the incorrect version is the same as the one with the correct version (RIFFENDIUM 3 DI.nki) - 18 October 2019. I have emailed Audiofier about it.
  23. That's the second free expansion they've provided since I bought it. Seem like an excellent company. Also, it doesn't need full Kontakt!
  24. Thanks Vernon. The Korg one is on sale at present but still twice the price of this one and no demo version. So I think I will go with the GForce one.
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