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Posts posted by jude77

  1. 13 hours ago, Tom1 said:

    Norm MacDonald Joke:  (I think)

    Yoko Ono wanted to do something special for a friend.   Yoko's friend not only survived the Hiroshima atomic bomb but also survived the 9/11 bombing of the twin towers. In addition this woman survived a brutal auto accident and spent 12 months in traction. 

    So, Yoko gave the friend free front row seats to one of Ono's Central Park singing concerts.

    After the concert the friend said Yoko's concert was the worst experience of her life.


  2. BF: it's good to see you back here.  I hope you're well.

    I have the FreqAnalyst Multi.  I used it more when I first got it (now it's been supplanted by Izotope Neoutron EQ).  I thought graphically it was beautiful, but I did find it a tad bit confusing.  Not overwhlemingly so, but just enough to frustrate me a bit.

  3. 1 hour ago, Piotr said:

    Yay, so we have another compressor, or even better,  many compressors in one compressor ;)

    What next, what next? ;)


    One compressor to rule them all, one compressor to find them, One compressor to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. I'm truly sorry to hear that.   About 15 years ago a friend of mine was diagnosed (she was about 40 at the time), and she still leads a pretty normal life.  If I could offer any advice it would be to stay CLOSE to your medical people.  If you aren't near a big city it might be worth it to see a specialist.  The good thing about medical care with things like MS is because of the internet massive amounts of information is shared among doctors.  One last thing: if you need information, ask your doctor and NOT Google.  Your doctor knows your wife's case Google doesn't.  I wish you both the very best.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 hours ago, mettelus said:


    Has a nice list and descriptions/sizes of the more popular ones. Post-processing is needed to tweak the character of most since they are free.


    This is a very good list.  Here's a description of one piano.  I wonder if the developer used Google translate?

    "Keyzone Classic is another straightforward and free piano VST that is likewise exceptionally appraised. Included in a straightforward manner, you’ll alter assault, rot, maintain, and a predetermined number of different settings. This assists with keeping the interface basic while as yet holding some measure of sound molding capacity.

    Notwithstanding having an incredible interface and astounding sounds, Keyzone Classic will likewise keep running on both macOS and Windows."

    After that description I HAD to download it!

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