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Posts posted by jude77

  1. 18 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    Peavey Revalver 4's ACT technology has been around for a while and already does this kind of thing (albeit without the tweakability of BC Re-Guitar).

    You play some notes in to model your guitar tone (the "input" model), then select the output model. They've a fair selection available:


    I've used it to match the tones of a real guitar and a VSTi guitar (Shreddage 2). In other words I model both using their own instances of Revalver, using the same output model. It sounds like the same guitar playing both parts.


    I've got Revalver 4 and love it, but I could never get decent results out of ACT.  I have a feeling, though, that's my fault and not the software's.

  2. If you still need a modeling mic.  $199 for mic/$50 for the plugin.   https://www.jrrshop.com/nos12

    NOS Audio NOS12 Modeling Tube Microphone

    How do you emulate a classic microphone? You start with a classic microphone.

    The NOS12 starts off as a re-creation of one of the most sought after large diaphragm tube microphones of all time: the venerable C12. Its sound is bright and clear while at the same time full-bodied and smooth, characteristics that make it especially desirable for recording vocals or any instruments you want to sound larger than life. These characteristics also make it an excellent base for emulating other classic tube microphones, such as the C12, Ela M 251, U47, U67, and C800G.

    Plugin Features

    The models


    Ela M 251





  3. I used SONAR beginning in 1997 when it was known as "Home Studio".   After the iceberg I first tried Magix Samplitude.  I couldn't bond with it.  I felt like I was doing a LOT of clicking and everything seems to tiny.  On the upside, it's fairly easy to get up and running with the basics quickly.  Then came Reaper.  I loved the customization of it.  I hated the customization of it.  I thought the ability to change the GUI so easily was a huge plus, and some of them are simply gorgeous. I mean "work of art" gorgeous.  In particular I loved the Abbey Road REDD desk.   Another thing I liked about it was "a track is a track".  There aren't midi tracks or audio tracks or train tracks.  Just tracks.  Add one and go.  Downside: At times I felt like I was working with Windoze 98.  It can have the tendency to look like it was designed by the Polit Bureau during the Cold War.  Lastly, I hit on PS Studio 1/4 which is where I'm staying.  Easy-peasy to use.  Drag it, drop it, record it.  I made my first recording with in about 15 minutes.  I can also run a jillion plugins and record at 98 samples without a hiccup.  Downside: it cost $400.   And it can have a tendency to look like a box of gummy bears when you start using colors.  I wish PS would take a tip from the Reaper people about GIUs.  Also, it just doesn't seem as deep as SONAR did.  In the end I stayed with PS just because of the plugins/low latency efficiency but, I still miss SONAR. 

  4. 14 hours ago, Iva Biggin said:

    I got them for somewhere around that price on release, if I had my time over again I  would pass (huge Waves fan by the way). They do nothing for me, and don't really sound good except for possibly clean sounds IMO, didn't think much at all of the overdriven/distortion tones. YMMV

    I have revisited them a couple of times since purchase, but unfortunately my opinion never changed. Some have high praise for them though.

    I'm with you.  I think Waves makes some extraordinary plugins, but the GTR3 stuff just isn't up to their usual standards.  Others, however, seem to love it, so power to them.

  5. When you draw from the Wilbury's you're starting in a great place.  The song itself is quite good and it definitely has a "Wilbury" thing going on.  I'm also really impressed with the recording itself: very clean and professional.  Ditto on your mix. 

    • Like 1
  6. Dawg gone, that's just excellent.  I thought the song was superb, and the video is icing on the cake.  You need to post a tut on how to do vids.  Very, very creative.  It's hard to believe you put it together in a day. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 15 hours ago, TerraSin said:

    They earn my vote for the most frustrating company. Not even a new ADPak this year. :(

    Isn't it so.  I think it's been years since they even added any new midi packs. 

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