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Posts posted by jude77

  1. 1 hour ago, Piotr said:

    Just played a while with it. To be honest not impressed at all with sound quality.  Maybe in 2013 it was cool comparing to something but today...

    It is a pity it is abandonware as idea is very cool... :(


    It has very annoying bug which causes some dialog window are invisible but getting focus. Can be see only in task list and closed. Tested on Win10Pro.


    I'm with you.  I tried jamvox and just couldn't get happy.  I thought it came in last among the major ampsims.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Leighton Cooper said:

    I like Peavey Revalver although I don't know if it is being updated any more (maybe BandLab should buy it.)  It might be the work of 1 person who is a genius.  But the thing I like about it is that the speakers are prepared showing you how to get different sounds off of them.   Amplitube gives you the same ability, but you have to have ideas about where speakers capture different frequencies.  In Peavey Revalver, this is pre-set for you and I think it makes things much easier.  Also the website describes the qualities that speakers share and so you learn how to listen and distinguish between  deep and broad, tight, vs jitter.  Stuff like that.   Peavey Revalver 4 amp store.  They also have a forum, but it's kind of dead because they haven't  improved it in 2 years or so.  (It doesn't mean it's a bad product,) just kind of abandoned.  Which is sad.  I found it less expensive at the time than Amplitube which you have to get the max to get everything otherwise you encounter nag signs at least that is what I've read.  Anyways there is also Guitar Rigg which is great.  But I think Revalver 4 is the most put together.  

    I like Revalver a lot.  I wish it would get some attention from Peavey, it certainly deserves it. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Christian Jones said:

    These are just my opinions of course, but I will only ever recommend what I deem to be the best of something because that's all I ever go after and what I want for my brothers.

    Wow!!  Great heart and soul!  People like you are why this forum is such a super place!  THANK YOU!!!!!

  4. There is a LOT of really good advice on this thread.  Here is what I would second that's already been said:

    1. Buy used.  You'll get a lot more bang for the buck

    2. Either learn a few basic chords (Em/D/A7) or better yet take a friend who can play.  If that's a "no-go" just ask one of the sales people to help you find the best sounding/playing guitar for $350. 

    3. "Price is not any guarantee of quality.  These days there are perfectly usable guitars available that are ridiculously inexpensive." True, true, true.

    Good luck with your search!

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  5. 14 hours ago, Zo said:

    Damm you Larry was about to get other stuff ...i was totally ignoring ik stuff ...now i'm chekcing gtr amps !!


    And i don't play GTR !!!


    Welcome to Larryland.  We've all thought, "I don't need a thing".  Then we visit the deals section . . . . .

  6. 13 hours ago, jesse g said:


    Which DAW do you prefer using more, Studio One or Sonar Plati,  AHEMM, or Cakewalk By Bandlab?

    Can you tell us why?  

    I have Studio One Artist, but honestly, I'm so use to doing everything in Cakewalk; I didn't want to even try a new DAW.

    I jumped ship to PS1 when CW crashed and PS1 is now my main DAW.  There are things I really like about PS. most notably is how intuitive it is (but then I had  been working with DAWs for 20 years so PS1 should have been "intuitive").  To me PS is much more lean and efficient feeling than SBB, and I can run a ton of tracks and plugins at low latency with no issues whatsoever.  I noticed that with SBB I was getting dropouts like crazy with a 7-8 tracks and 2-3 plugins per track.  On the other hand, I deeply miss the elegance of SBB.  That thing is simply beautiful.   Also, I found it was laid out in a way that facilitated my work-flow, that's not always the case with PS1.  I liked the Pro-channel, fx bin and track view all right there.  Anyway, I delighted that SBB lives on. 

  7. I just bought a pair of Beyerdynamic Soul Byrd earbuds.  If you like their headphones, you'll like these.  They're plugins rather than wireless (which was important to me).   I shopped around and was able to get them for $80.  There are quite a few reviews online:




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  8. On 8/28/2019 at 5:07 PM, jesse g said:

    Nothing New from XLN.  Although I like AD2,  it is time for AD3.   Also, I am getting tired of their stale website and drums.

    Don't don't even mention the over priced OX

    I'm a bit baffled by XLN.  Other than OX there's been nothing new for years, not even a midi pack.  It makes me wonder if all is well with them.  I hope so because I really love AD2.

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