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Posts posted by jude77

  1. Any effect can be added to a track after it's recorded.  After you record your track just drag the reverb from the effects list (on the right side of the screen) into the FX bin of your track (the FX bin is the large square box on your track).  Here's the "official" explanation from CW:


  2. Hello Guys,

    I've been a member of this forum for a long time (I think about 15 years), and I just wanted to commend, and thank you guys, for making this such a great place.  I drop in most everyday, and always find people trying to solve problems and offer helpful advice.  It's really refreshing compared to other internet forums I've visited.  All of the others should come here and take a lesson.  Anyway, thanks guys for your spirit, I appreciate you.

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  3. 1 hour ago, simon said:

    agreed - it's another I'm more than happy to pay full price for - small time operation - the GUI could probably do with the attention for a graphic designer but the product is great - and he's very active on his forum and very helpful with support tickets

    Very true.  I recently ran into an issue and he worked with me over two days to resolve it.  Great guy.

  4. 15 hours ago, Grem said:

    Great program. Really nice to work a song out with.  Once you learn what it's features are and do, you can get a song structure in just a few minutes. 

    At first I felt totally overwhelmed, but the more I worked with the more sense it made.  A really remarkable product.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Soundwise said:

    Sad but true. They have to (re)conquer their users back and start promoting this excellent sound engine using modern methods.

    Totally agree.  Revalver is quite good.  I'm surprised they haven't marketed it harder.

  6. 6 hours ago, simon said:

    I'm honestly not trying to be provocative, and I know it's a touchy subject, but in my view the best policy with WUP is don't buy it you don't feel it's worth it  - old plugins continue to work just the same.    I've never bothered with WUP and I've loads of really great plugins that were really cheap. 

    That's the theory I work under.  WUP used to tick me off bad until I realized I had never WUPPED and everything still ran great.  If I ever run into a snag I'll WUP that particular one. 

    And, like you said later, this is a chance to grab some great plugins for $13!

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  7. I found that Ozone does everything MTM does, plus some.  It's an amazing package.  On the other hand I did like the a la carte thinking of MTM.  It seems to me Ozone is a bit more "idiot proof", (which greatly appeals to me) and it's also deeply integrated.  I would think that somebody that knew what they were doing could get great results from either.   Sadly, I don't always know what I'm doing so Ozone is very helpful there.

  8. I think the leader in Samplers right now is Kontakt.  It works fine with CW, and there are a TON of third party people developing sounds for it.  There's a paid version (called Kontakt 6) on sale right now for $199 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/samplers/kontakt-6/ It comes loaded with some good sounds.  There's also a free version (Kontakt Player https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/samplers/kontakt-6-player/) that is limited but still worth checking out.

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