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Posts posted by jude77

  1. 2 hours ago, Ryan99 said:

    It's not the best price. When at 50% off, I think I saw it near 30$ at resellers.

    Dead gum it!!  At $40 I could say "no", but $30?  I'm in.

    It's also good to XLN do something.  Other than "XO" they've been quiet for a long time.  I wish they'd get something going with AD again.

    • Like 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, e-cue said:

    I hate the term "Up to"....  


    Still, some great deals here.  I love the A Designs stuff.

    Good point.  I just got one and it was only 33%.  Nice, but still not 50%

  3. 12 hours ago, Tiger The Frog said:

    If you're looking for free photos, there are a lot of sites, and you can find lists on Google like this one

    My favorites are UnsplashGratisography,  and the amazing Pixabay

    But there is a particularly cool site called LibreStock , which is a search engine through most of the top sites. 
    I don't think it's comprehensive, it's more of a "best of," but it is a real time-saver

    This is all great.  I can't thank you enough.

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/20/2019 at 10:48 AM, Tiger The Frog said:

    There are tens of thousands of first-rate freebies available for graphic design--fonts, photos, videos, backgrounds, web layouts, mockups,  vectors, Photoshop brushes and actions,  etc.    One of the best examples is Creative Market.  If you register there, they send you six great products every Monday.  Expensive stuff.   In some cases you will need products like Photoshop and Illustrator to use them, but not all.

    If people are interested in this I can dig around and look for some of my old links.  I don't do much graphic design these days.

    Definitely post the links.  I'm still doing some graphic design.

  5. On 4/26/2019 at 7:38 PM, kitekrazy said:

     I wonder if it would get along with the other 40 delays I have.

    Only 40?  Then you definitely need this one.  Then when you hit an even 100 you can start working on reverbs.  Or compressors.  Or tape saturators. Or preamps.  Or limiters.

    I don't care what those doctors say, it's not a problem.

    • Like 1
  6. 22 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    I struggled to find it too - it ended up in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\VST3, so I just added this to my VST search path, re-scanned and it found it.

    Thanks for that, I don't think I would have ever found it.

  7. I found GFX to good for a freebie.  Not great, but good.  As Sidney Earl above said, just don't expect it to go head to head with the big boys.  I tried different speaker irs than the ones it came with and thought it sounded better.  FWIW I couldn't get VST3 to install (actually it claimed it was installed, but darned if I could find it).  VST2 installed fine.

  8. You always post great reviews and this one is no exception.  Excellent playing as always.

    On 4/15/2019 at 1:35 PM, synkrotron said:

    pulled the plug on NOIRE a couple of weeks ago. I was looking for a piano VST, although I am far from an accomplished player (just one finger and I don't use the black notes at all).

    The black notes are just for the bass players.  We guitarist don't need them.

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    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Monomox said:

    This is not "a bunch", this is all of them (just two or three exceptions), even VSTis and plugins I thought I'd ever see at this price (e.g. NX). This is pretty aggressive... They're trying to kill someone 

    Interesting theory.  They certainly have gotten aggressive with pricing.

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

    For the sounds, there's a video here that focuses on the sounds (unless you know the language, then you get some bonus information :) )



    This really is an excellent demo.  Thanks for posting.  Fortunately, I am also fluent in the Hachijō dialect of Japanese, so I also enjoyed the comments.

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