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Everything posted by scook

  1. When a VST3 acts up, try the VST2 if there is one. And do as the message suggests, send the dump to the plug-in developer.
  2. They are stored in the registry. The plug-in manager has export/import functions for these presets.
  3. The request to permanently float Region FX plug-ins has been around almost as long as the plug-ins themselves.
  4. Here is the dedicated area for feature request https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  5. I don't have Kontak but it is my understanding how CCs are handled in the plug-in depend on the library loaded. The plug-in also has extensive options for user mods.
  6. Look for a minidump, see Also there may be some info in the Windows Event log.
  7. It is up to the plug-in not Cakewalk. The MIDI standard uses 7 for volume. Some plug-ins follow the standard, some allow the user to make assignments, some do both, some ignore CC entirely.
  8. The message is a warning that saving the project as a MIDI file will not save the audio in the project. Continuing past the message will save a MIDI file. Rather than using the Save command, you may want to use "Save Copy As". It will still throw the same warning message which you may continue past but unlike Save, "Save Copy As" does load the saved file as the current open project. Make sure to select the track prior to Save or Export. To save one track using drag and drop, select the clips and bounce to clips to create one big clip then either drag the file onto the desktop, a windows folder or into the media browser. If running as administrator, the OS will not allow drag and drop to the desktop or Windows folders but dragging to the media browser still works.
  9. Please upload an image of the error message? Are you trying to save the file in the project folder? If not, try that.
  10. Try opening the project in safe mode. To open a project in safe mode, hold down the SHIFT key while opening the file. This will allow you to skip plug-ins. First try safe mode and allow all plug-ins. If that fails, try safe mode with no plug-ins. If that works, there is a problem with one or more plug-ins.
  11. AFAIK, the plug-ins bundled with the DAW are locked to the DAW. Plug-ins purchased separately and the free plug-is come with a VST shell that run in any DAW.
  12. If the problem persists after running the 2021.09 rollback installer, then the issue has nothing to do with the 2021.11 update. There may be a problem with the MS runtime libraries. See
  13. This is easy to test. Roll back to the previous version. In every new release announcement is an installer to revert to the previous release. See for the 2021.09 rollback installer.
  14. If bounce to clip does not re-enable the Region FX option, may want verify the Melodyne license is activated. The info is available on the help menu.
  15. If this is the version bundled with CbB, it sounds like the trial period has expired. When the trial expires, only monophonic audio to MIDI and tempo detection continue to function.
  16. CTRL+M opens selected clips in Melodyne as a Region FX. This requires the VST3 format of Melodyne. Verify the VST3 plug-in is installed. It does not work with the VST2 plug-in.
  17. From Preferences run a VST Reset with Scan in Sandbox and Generate Scan Log enabled If the log does not help may want to post an image of your scan path from preferences.
  18. This makes a difference. Looks like a bug to me. I'll report it.
  19. I checked before posting and had no trouble using quick groups on the output drop down in the track inspector. Of course, the tracks need to be selected first.
  20. Quick groups work in the track inspector and track headers in the track view just like the console view. Select the tracks then while holding down the CTRL key change the output dropdown. If the output drop down is not showing in the track headers, it is either: the workspace setting the track control manger dropdown setting
  21. This has nothing to do with plug-in UI. The buttons are in the standard header added by the DAW. Ignore the red box around the VST3 drop down, I lifted the first image of the standard header found in the documentation. The answer to the subject is there is no mute button in the standard header. It is a feature request. Feature request belong in https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/ Unlike mute, all the existing functions in the standard header have something to do with the open plug-in UI.
  22. Keep in mind the desktop may be powerful but that does not necessary translate into a good DAW solution. DAWs want a processer with a lot of cores and a fast clock. Xeon processors are not a great choice for DAWs. Audio dropouts always have an accompanying message displayed at the bottom of the screen. This message contains a drop out code and a link to the help. In 2021.06 an additional parameter to ignore certain drop out conditions was added to Aud.ini.
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