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Everything posted by scook

  1. An instrument track is not an audio track. How does an audio track record MIDI data? An instrument track is a presentation layer above an audio+MIDI track pair. IOW, an instrument track is not a basic track type. It is neither an audio nor a MIDI track. It is a term used to describe a wrapper around a pair of tracks. Splitting an instrument track removes the instrument track wrapper to reveal the audio and MIDI tracks that make up the instrument track.
  2. Yes Test it for yourself using Save As or Save Copy As with "Copy all audio with project" enabled.
  3. I am not sure bundles corrupt at a rate higher than any other large riff files however, when they get corrupted the project is lost. One can recover the audio, but it is a real PITA. The bundling process does not compress the data. It just concatenates the project file with the audio clips. I have not used bundles much since per-project audio folders were introduced 17 years ago.
  4. The Legal button should show this
  5. It would not be in Program Files. It starts out in C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\XSRoboto-Regular.ttf and is copied to the CbB user folder. So, yes there should be a copy of the file in
  6. Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Setup_27.11.0.018.exe is a ~560MB full installer. Try running this installer as administrator.
  7. yes Are you using BandLab Assistant or the Cakewalk Web Installer?
  8. Is the 177KB C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\XSRoboto-Regular.ttf installed?
  9. Seems the audio image files got corrupted. Select the clips Right click in the track pane Select Associated Audio Files... at the bottom of the menu In the Associated Audio Files dialog, click Recompute Picture(s)
  10. Only Noel can answer this definitively, but my assumption would be that from the engine's perspective a frozen track appears identical to any other audio track. The only difference is that the original track is preserved and linked to in the frozen track. That linkage should not impact performance, as it's only referenced when you un-freeze. Freezing makes the track work just like an audio track. Freezing a synth track, unlike bounce+archive, disconnects the synth, unloading it from memory. Of course, it is possible to manually disconnect synths using the synth rack menu or the power buttons next to each synth in the synth rack view when the view is in the multi-dock or undocked.
  11. An image of the large Snap Module may provide a clue. The medium Snap Module does not show the Snap To/By switch setting
  12. Those are not filters, they are layouts just like user created layouts except they are automatically created and maintained by the DAW.
  13. Sure, install the current version using either the Cakewalk Web Installer or BandLab Assistant.
  14. Old Cakewalk product activation and user account servers are running courtesy of BandLab.
  15. Changing the OS may have invalidated the activation. Manual activation or re-installing the plug-in with Cakewalk Command Center should re-activate the plug-in.
  16. In the Bounce to Track(s) dialog use a time selection and add some time to the end for the tail.
  17. Edit the project templates. File > Open Set the Go to Folder drop down to Template Files Select a template Modify the Note browser data Save If using the templates supplied by BandLab to prevent them from being overwritten with an update make sure to either Save the templates with new names or Use a custom template location
  18. When the transport stops plug-ins and instruments continue to play what is in their buffers as long as Always Stream Audio Through FX is enabled.
  19. Feature requests go here MIDI clips stop when there is no more data. it is possible artificially extend a MIDI clip by placing a MIDI instruction that will not be interpreted into sound by whatever is receiving the MIDI data. This could be a note with 0 velocity, or some CC not used by whatever is receiving the data. A note is probably the easiest. During recording hit any key to mark the end of the clip then edit the note setting its velocity to 0. Or after recording drag the clip out to where it should end and add a 0 velocity note.
  20. Here are the default tools shortcuts
  21. Not knowledge...serendipity. Found by accident while playing with solutions for this thread.
  22. Try holding down the SHIFT while drawing controllers with the smart tool.
  23. Around this time last year SSL was selling it for 19.99, the price I see when clicking the link above.
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